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 Hi Matt, do you have an SPX chart showing the 30 month moving average on  your stockcharts  link pls. if you can post here, that would be great.  TIA, Also one for QQQ  and NDX and IWM or RUT and DJIA/DIA pls

Steve, much appreciated with those

Volatility systems

Posted by imelhoe on 7th of May 2023 at 10:37 pm

Steve, much appreciated with those levels on SPX ; is there any way you can correlate the levels to the ES as well cos i follow the ES more but trade spy options,; i also pay very close attention to your ES upside and downside levels that you have listed above.  When I get better, i would like to trade SPX options, but they are much more expensive.  Thanks for all you do to help us.

Spot on te22!  agree with

Volatility systems

Posted by imelhoe on 7th of May 2023 at 10:30 pm

Spot on te22!  agree with this valuable piece where it is a trend day and  where pullbacks can be bought, ex. beautiful bull flag pull back to es 4130 , example.  Yes, the masters' opinions are most appreciated by members , before the occurence, especially 


agree with what you said

Volatility systems

Posted by imelhoe on 7th of May 2023 at 08:23 pm

agree with what you said te22; i was not very clear on where the ES would be going as a fairly new person to this system and like Arun said, we could have gotten a clear signal from them to go long if that's what they were going to do, and give members heads up too to go long withthem.


Hi Matt, could you pls

SPY clean levels Trading View

Posted by imelhoe on 27th of Apr 2023 at 12:29 pm

Hi Matt, could you pls post the tradingview charts for the QQQ s pls and where resistance and support may come in pls. That would also be very helpful. Thanks

HI Matt and Steve, where

NVDA still looks fine

Posted by imelhoe on 13th of Apr 2023 at 09:51 pm

HI Matt and Steve, where would the minimum target of the mini HNS target be at 260 or 255? over next week if short

Hi Matt , I replied

SPX weekly MACD KISS/Stoch setup

Posted by imelhoe on 6th of Apr 2023 at 08:51 pm

Hi Matt , I replied to your  email regarding  times to best contact me by phone , either tonight or tomorrow before you leave for your Easter break . Thanks !

Will be listening to newsletter

Posted by imelhoe on 2nd of Apr 2023 at 07:18 pm

Will be listening to newsletter shortly, thanks i understand its been nutty,  All star charts seems to think bottom was put in in october 2022 just another pundits opinion

HI Matt, i am putting

SPX weekly MACD KISS/Stoch setup

Posted by imelhoe on 2nd of Apr 2023 at 06:55 pm

HI Matt, i am putting in a rerquest to speak with you when you have some time available .  I have also put in the request under contact  and given my contact number so we can set up an agreed upon time for a phone call .  TIA  as i would like to understand more how your system works.  

Hi Matt, thanks for your comments,  Was there an alert of post from the mechanical system to go long on spy or ES, cos i check the newsletters and the blog but don't see anything unless I did miss something.  I am also confused by the KISS system cos you said not to follow it as we are in a bear market.  I  would like a refresher so i know how to best use this newsletter and signals.  something you had suggested to a newer member today.  could you maybe make and post  a recording sometime on how to use the signals ? TIA

I agree with you Arun, too .  The PMO is curling up and advance decline line is improving and higher % stocks over the 50 sma.  I think theres been some improvement in breath and mclellan oscillators as well.   I think we have higher to go after some more pullbacks, and wish Matt's mechanical system  had given us some kind of trigger to go long

so that is an entry

FYI Bear long looking to trigger on SPY

Posted by imelhoe on 13th of Mar 2023 at 04:06 pm

so that is an entry to go long on spy right?  I searched on blog for bear long and it says to go long spy

thanks for your posts, i

NVDA Updated View

Posted by imelhoe on 6th of Mar 2023 at 01:45 pm

thanks for your posts, i may hold on to my spy puts till tomorrow

Hi Matt and Steve, where

ES nice triggers

Posted by imelhoe on 6th of Mar 2023 at 12:54 pm

Hi Matt and Steve, where would you take profits on spy puts pls?  would support on ES be 4025

HI Matt, i am not

SPX 5 min

Posted by imelhoe on 17th of Jan 2023 at 01:10 pm

HI Matt, i am not getting any emails and ive sent request for customer support. who do I call  pls

Also, have you issued any alerts on the trade set ups you discussed last night?

Thanks Matt

SPY systems - what I'm planning

Posted by imelhoe on 16th of Jan 2023 at 08:07 pm

Thanks Matt

Hi Matt, can you plspost

SPY systems - what I'm planning

Posted by imelhoe on 16th of Jan 2023 at 07:54 pm

Hi Matt, can you plspost where I can find the explanations for QE 3.2  and Bear Long  :  are those supposed to be long entries or short entries.  Sorry, my head can't keep up with these abbreviated systems.. I'm sure you've posted it someplace before.  Thanks if anyone can help by posting in blog.

long spy puts into jan 13

yes, i;ve been playing next day expiration, spy long calls and long spy puts .  profitable on spy calls today for 285 bucks

what is your first target on ES ? 3855 to 3850 if 3815 holds on ES?


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