Posted by jonesy85 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 06:11 pm

Interesting Specs got longer nasdaq

Posted by jonesy85 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 06:13 pm

Interesting Specs got longer nasdaq and shorter Russell 

They're following passive flows. Nasdaq

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 06:32 pm

They're following passive flows. Nasdaq will outperform just because of flow structure, except for short periods of time (because markets don't move in a straight line)

Wishing everyone a nice weekend

Posted by steve on 26th of Jul 2024 at 04:03 pm

Wishing everyone a nice weekend - have to run to an appointment 

NOVA Daily

Posted by steve on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:51 pm

NOVA - Chart Link- my interpretation of NOVA.  Battle around 200 day MA

I took a long on

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:37 pm

I took a long on this amazing triangle, tight stop below, do you know NOVA?

Yes, the triangle at the

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:49 pm

Yes, the triangle at the end of the wedge.   Promising if I dont get stopped out, only .15 below purchase, could be too tight.

I see large short interest.

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:48 pm

I see large short interest. Horrible fundamentals and a sector that is rallying based on the media telling us Kamala is awesome and winning the election. I was born and raised in Kali, so color me skeptical on this one. 

I actually detest Sunrun as

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 03:05 pm

I actually detest Sunrun as a company, but I would be happy to make money off their ticker, short squeeze anyone?

I would rather bet on

Posted by mastermind on 26th of Jul 2024 at 03:07 pm

I would rather bet on a recovery in FSLR or bottom fish in SPWR, but I'm in neither right now.

how would you specifically look

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:50 pm

how would you specifically look at the Gamma on this one, trying to learn something

Steveo - I'm not good

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 03:14 pm

Steveo - I'm not good at it the actual measurement...the theory mostly gets me done...but there are a few good sources on X you should check out.

The thing that works for me is simply looking at an options chain and putting myself in the position of the dealer. If I'm selling a crap ton of out of the money calls, I might think the buyers are morons, but I have to buy the stock to hedge in case they just happen to be right. If I'm selling them 10 delta calls, I have to buy 10 shares to neutralize and just pocket fee...and then I have to buy more as price / delta rises. 

The calls far outweigh the

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 03:16 pm

The calls far outweigh the aug options....but very few on the OTM options,  which is what one looks at to anticipate Gamma Squeeze?   Why would the market makers let themselves get played like that?

They get paid to make

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 03:17 pm

They get paid to make markets. They are fine with neutral.  Lots of transaction fees.

But yes, the degens figured out how to play them...and now the big boys have joined in on the larger names.  I'm sure there are super computers keeping the dealers neutral. 

It's the same question people

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 03:29 pm

It's the same question people should ask themselves about real estate. If it's such a great investment, why do the banks loan me the money for a measly APR when they could just buy it themselves and get in on the good stuff?   There's nothing preventing them and they have a duty to shareholders.  Well, it's because they are typically on the right side of the real estate trade over the long term.  In other words, RE is not the panacea investment it's cracked up to be...not by a long shot. If I was wrong about that, I promise the banks would be in on the buy side of the trade. 

I agree with you -

Posted by tmladucky on 26th of Jul 2024 at 04:01 pm

I agree with you - banks don’t want to pay the taxes, do maintenance, pay utilities or special assessments, insurance, HOA fees, etc. over time.  All those expenses don’t reduce capital gains for the homeowner, but impact any real gains.  Although, We have to live somewhere and for the most part, real estate does go up with inflation 

Yes. I was in a

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 04:12 pm

Yes. I was in a 1 year / 2 semester, 2 hours per class, 5 days a week CFP study group back in the day and we debated this topic hotly on quite a few occasions.  The consensus was mostly that residential RE is not a great investment...probably break even or worse given all the data. However, we also decided that it was probably better for Americans be in it anyway because it's a form of forced savings, even if the return profile is slightly negative, on average.  Americans are notoriously bad at saving, so this form of forced savings has benefited them greatly. Nothing wrong with knowing your weaknesses and using a gimmick to get around it instead of actually addressing the root typically works out.

The pain to reach "consensus" was no joke though. People tend to lose their minds when you first suggest that RE is not a great investment. 

NNE -  crazy nano nuclear

Posted by dragonfly28 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:36 pm

NNE -  crazy nano nuclear - seems like it is coming out of the basement after being cut in half from the 38 nosebleed runup

Matt, Will any Reversion systems

Posted by dzurek2 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:36 pm

Matt, Will any Reversion systems close out today ? 

I dont think he is

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:37 pm

I dont think he is back yet

A more upright flag than

Posted by mastermind on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:54 pm

A more upright flag than those mentioned previously is GRPN. I know, don't laugh.

Not laughing. Potentially beautiful flag

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:08 pm

Not laughing. Potentially beautiful flag forming.  One of the degen YT live trading channels I follow was pimping it yesterday. 35% short interest. 

Took a flyer

Posted by shellson2 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:17 pm

Took a flyer

Me too, but very very

Posted by DigiNomad on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:22 pm

Me too, but very very small. For one, it hasn't triggered yet. But the tell tale sign of degens really getting involved and do the whole collusive gamma squeeze thing is when the tail end of the call side option chain has a ton of volume - they always go for the last strike, no matter how ridiculous it seems (it forces the dealers to buy). Not seeing that in GRPN yet. 

More recessionary chatter will help

Posted by shellson2 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 02:24 pm

More recessionary chatter will help this puppy

Next Week

Posted by steve on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:31 pm

Busy week for news next week:

Tuesday:    AMD and MSFT  

Wednesday: FOMC META and several Chip Names

Thursday:  AMZN and AAPL 

Friday:  Monthly Payroll 

BPGDM back at 89...matching highs

Posted by shellson2 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:21 pm

BPGDM back at 89...matching highs mid-June.

Where can I get a

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:35 pm

Where can I get a look at that Indicator?

It is $BPGDM  on Stockcharts 

Posted by rbreese on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:45 pm

It is $BPGDM  on Stockcharts  for example. . Also the two worst months seasonally are August and September. 

IYR Daily

Posted by steve on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:19 pm

IYR - Chart Link - flagging

Are we on the verge

Posted by Ed_M on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:57 pm

Are we on the verge of another late day selloff? If so, NVDA looks like it will go down with it.

Are we on the verge

Posted by Ed_M on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:57 pm

Are we on the verge of another late day selloff? If so, NVDA looks like it will go down with it.

5508 broke, need more levels

Posted by ruidoso on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:07 pm

5508 broke, need more levels please


Posted by ruidoso on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:10 pm


Well as ridiculous as this

Posted by profmel on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:01 pm

Well as ridiculous as this move up is (MMM+20%...really?) great second entry trades! Again, 5 stocks account for 600 of the 700 pts. Geezsh

Of stocks that haven't moved

Posted by mastermind on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:48 am

Of stocks that haven't moved too much yet, SWKS has a pretty classic bull flag formed after its breakout. OUST has a similar pattern. 

How about GLW master?

Posted by shellson2 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 01:00 pm

How about GLW master?

NAIIM exposure dropped to 76.70. 

Posted by rbreese on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:45 am

NAIIM exposure dropped to 76.70. 

I don't think that really

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:06 pm

I don't think that really means too much, look at chart

Good day so far. AEYE

Posted by mastermind on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:43 am

Good day so far. AEYE and SSNC blasting off. INOD also strong. Would be better if they crypto miners were keeping up with the coins, but they've been lagging lately. 

$IRX ... Ready to get

Posted by mla127 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:37 am

$IRX ... Ready to get pushed off that shelf again ?  or it will "Flag" out of this ?  

F (Ford) 

Posted by mla127 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:22 am

F (Ford) 

mla - so much for

Posted by steve on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:30 am

mla - so much for Built Ford Tough   

It's the owners (of the

Posted by mla127 on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:34 am

It's the owners (of the vehicles and stocks) that has to be tough ....     

My 64.5 stang convertible, changing

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 12:22 pm

My 64.5 stang convertible, changing the main frame rails, oh joy, it needs it.    Braced all over the place

I got a wicked set

Posted by steveo on 26th of Jul 2024 at 11:26 am

I got a wicked set of tools, but I can't fix that.  HEAVY volume too


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