This year has been amazing for the systems. Although I haven't
taken them all, mostly due to work obligations; I have taken at
least a third of them and been extremely happy!
I look forward to when there is a separate page on the blog for
the trades and also any comments on them, etc. Sometimes,
it's difficult to sift through the blog to find whether the
systems have taken a trade; makes it a little chaotic near the
close of a day with price movement and possible spy-mes trade.
I noticed that and said something during the day on the blog.
But wow, that is a high number. Wonder if this means any rebound is
going to be swift? Market is extremely resilient here and I'm
wondering if this is a B wave now with C to come; possibly after
the election a quick move up?
I like the leveraged ETFs and MES futures for simplicity. It
just works for me. BTW, I trade around the signals too, which has
been making the signals more profitable for me. I think you can do
either and it works!
I hear you on the options trades; it does make it much more
cumbersome and complicated. To me that excitement a quick big
profit and the advantage of cash leverage can be gained by the
futures trades. Couldn't a trader opt to double or triple the
futures purchase and gain the same?
I'm looking forward to when the SPY/ES systems have their own
section on this blog so as not to have to sift through or put in
search parameters to quickly see the signals.
Just posting to see if there are any opinions on the
fairly new ETFs (not funds) that trade managed futures and follow
trends in the market. A friend of mine suggested an ETF and I found
another one similar to it: DBMF and KMLM. Supposedly
this is a new thing to have an ETF in a space that used to be just
hedge funds. DBMF is a little older, since 2019 and has done a
return of 35% this year along with a 4%+ dividend. The fee is .95,
which is low for this type of ETF. KMLM is newer with similar fees
but had done 46% this year and div is over 4.5%.
The thing is; how do these ETFs do in a normal market; not just
a bear market. Theoretically, they should do well since they can go
short or long and trade futures on an unlimited variety of
contracts. But there has to be a catch, right?
Thanks, I don't understand the "mark to market" concept or
reality related to futures trading. I would be upset if I thought I
got the listed trade price but was filled much lower. (on a
short position).
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Maybe a head fake break?
SPX 60 min
Posted by cozz101 on 21st of Nov 2022 at 12:17 pm
Maybe a head fake break? Hoping for a TG rally !
Same...cache is clear, still didn't
Thursday NewsletterSee ES Levels In Opening Comments
Posted by cozz101 on 18th of Nov 2022 at 08:27 am
Same...cache is clear, still didn't receive the newsletter email.
Do you think with the
$CPC (Total Put Call Ratio) Friday was the lowest reading ...
Posted by cozz101 on 13th of Nov 2022 at 08:53 am
Do you think with the low $CPC, we may have a pullback or backfill and consolidation next week and maybe another push up into the TG holiday?
Nice, congrats...price is extended here...way
Posted by cozz101 on 11th of Nov 2022 at 04:02 pm
Nice, congrats...price is extended here...way to take advantage of it!
You can roll them out
Posted by cozz101 on 11th of Nov 2022 at 02:44 pm
You can roll them out a day or two; can't you? That is if they look to be in the money near the close.
Haha, so true, I've just
Guessing there is going to be one Hell of a ...
Posted by cozz101 on 10th of Nov 2022 at 03:31 pm
Haha, so true, I've just always noticed some wait to fold until the last 5 mins...
Guessing there is going to
Posted by cozz101 on 10th of Nov 2022 at 03:26 pm
Guessing there is going to be one Hell of a short squeeze going into the close today. I realize already started!
Ha, sold half, watching for
CPI maybe comes in better than expected?
Posted by cozz101 on 10th of Nov 2022 at 09:28 am
Ha, sold half, watching for a gap and go day; hope we get one.
Timely chart, that was fun!
CPI maybe comes in better than expected?
Posted by cozz101 on 10th of Nov 2022 at 08:52 am
Timely chart, that was fun!
This year has been amazing
SPY and ES systems spreadsheet
Posted by cozz101 on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 02:51 pm
This year has been amazing for the systems. Although I haven't taken them all, mostly due to work obligations; I have taken at least a third of them and been extremely happy!
I look forward to when there is a separate page on the blog for the trades and also any comments on them, etc. Sometimes, it's difficult to sift through the blog to find whether the systems have taken a trade; makes it a little chaotic near the close of a day with price movement and possible spy-mes trade.
Grateful that you share these systems!
I noticed that and said
$CPCE was REALLY high yesterday and way above its upper ...
Posted by cozz101 on 3rd of Nov 2022 at 02:32 pm
I noticed that and said something during the day on the blog. But wow, that is a high number. Wonder if this means any rebound is going to be swift? Market is extremely resilient here and I'm wondering if this is a B wave now with C to come; possibly after the election a quick move up?
FWIW... put/call ratio started the
Posted by cozz101 on 2nd of Nov 2022 at 11:04 am
FWIW... put/call ratio started the day out a bit high at 1.08
I like the leveraged ETFs
I would be interested in a tally of how many ...
Posted by cozz101 on 31st of Oct 2022 at 02:37 pm
I like the leveraged ETFs and MES futures for simplicity. It just works for me. BTW, I trade around the signals too, which has been making the signals more profitable for me. I think you can do either and it works!
First time I've ever heard
Jim Cramer cries on air over Facebook
Posted by cozz101 on 28th of Oct 2022 at 01:33 pm
First time I've ever heard that man admit he was wrong...
I hear you on the
System update final tally
Posted by cozz101 on 28th of Oct 2022 at 09:54 am
I hear you on the options trades; it does make it much more cumbersome and complicated. To me that excitement a quick big profit and the advantage of cash leverage can be gained by the futures trades. Couldn't a trader opt to double or triple the futures purchase and gain the same?
I'm looking forward to when the SPY/ES systems have their own section on this blog so as not to have to sift through or put in search parameters to quickly see the signals.
Did we ever get a
Posted by cozz101 on 26th of Oct 2022 at 05:07 pm
Did we ever get a confirmation on the MES systems trade?
Is this based on options
Implied Moves
Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Oct 2022 at 03:10 pm
Is this based on options trading? Does it skew one way or the other?
Just posting to see if
Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Oct 2022 at 01:48 pm
Just posting to see if there are any opinions on the fairly new ETFs (not funds) that trade managed futures and follow trends in the market. A friend of mine suggested an ETF and I found another one similar to it: DBMF and KMLM. Supposedly this is a new thing to have an ETF in a space that used to be just hedge funds. DBMF is a little older, since 2019 and has done a return of 35% this year along with a 4%+ dividend. The fee is .95, which is low for this type of ETF. KMLM is newer with similar fees but had done 46% this year and div is over 4.5%.
The thing is; how do these ETFs do in a normal market; not just a bear market. Theoretically, they should do well since they can go short or long and trade futures on an unlimited variety of contracts. But there has to be a catch, right?
Any information or opinions would be helpful!
TOS also has 3772 as
I don’t see the mes short from Friday @ 3764 ...
Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Oct 2022 at 09:30 am
TOS also has 3772 as closing bar on Friday.
Thanks, I don't understand the
I don’t see the mes short from Friday @ 3764 ...
Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Oct 2022 at 09:29 am
Thanks, I don't understand the "mark to market" concept or reality related to futures trading. I would be upset if I thought I got the listed trade price but was filled much lower. (on a short position).