Wouldn't a high put/call normally indicate low current price and
possible rally (with so many buying puts)? Lately with the wild
swings, not sure if I trust it.
I've been wondering if this indicator has lost it's mojo...
Don't mean the tabs for the trades/stats...I mean a separate
section under the community where we can go to see if there is any
discussion on the systems. Just called it a tab but I'm talking
about the separate section for discussion you guys talked about
Thanks for the stats on this. Looks like a good
I think once we get a separate tab or area of the website for
the SPY/ES stuff, it's going to be a lot easier to follow. I like
the heads up on the blog but sometimes I miss the post due to need
to filter through messages. Hope we can get this in the new year.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Wondering how much of this selling is last ditch tax loss
selling effort? I know the bigger fish have already done this but
thinking some of the retail investors are doing so. They used to
call this the "free lunch" on wall street for buyers but not sure
how that applies in this bear market.
REALLY appreciate the candor and I think a trader can't grow
without analyzing like this. To me it's not about who made the best
call when, it's about how to use the past to make the future more
successful. The systems are pretty cool and probably should
be left alone but the emotion it must take to do this (especially
when you have subscribers that rely on it) has to be over the
We are lucky to have you willing to share these systems and your
thinking on how to trade them (in real time)!
On another note, I was totally ready to take a decent short
position yesterday on some big divergences on the indicators but
held back due to the put/call being so high. It confused me so I
just decided to do nothing....haha, kicking myself today.
I have a friend with a hedge fund who sells naked puts and calls
everyday, all day but has to set close stops so there are a lot of
buys and sells happening around that. I'm wondering if that has
become more of a trend now. They would be ODTE and create a
lot of transactions. Maybe that is skewing the
I like the Newly Long feature a lot and also your advice to
possibly buy on first pullback. I guess that depends on what you
are trading but it fits my style more. Thanks for keeping these
systems front and center.
I'm much more inclined to buy on the backtest; just have trouble
buying so late. That's one reason I asked if this system can be
applied to a shorter term time frame, say hourly or two hour?
I did not get a response to my post before but this reminds me to
ask again.
I'm glad you brought up the put/call ratios because I am
confused as well. I agree there are lots of options trades going on
but hasn't there been 0DTE trading all year? I'm just not sure and
It seems like a neutral game.
I'm invested in a 0DTE hedge fund and it's up about 10% this
year so I understand the concept; naked calls and puts sold for
premium with religious stops, cash out at end of day.
This work by Matt and James on the KISS chart and tables is
really great as many have already indicated.
My thoughts on the KISS charts is that the daily entry signals
are too late for me (my trading psyche possibly). On the mechanics
of the trade, there are times when the stops (STS) trigger and then
price closes back above that trigger. I'm thinking that it may be
difficult to get stopped out on an ETF or stock and check again
later to see if it went back above to get back in on the same day
(I think the KISS charts appeal to those who want to set the stop
and forget it). I can see getting an alert or checking the website
table and taking 401K type action at the close though (although
distance between stop and close could be pretty wide in a fast
moving market).
Matt has indicated in the past that the reversion to mean
systems could be a way to get into a position early and then get a
confirmation from the daily KISS chart eventually then use the
stops? I'm wondering if the KISS system can be applied to an hourly
chart or some other smaller timeframe in order to get in and then
get daily confirmation. Could the shorter term timeframe be added
to the table along with the daily KISS chart?
Matt, is this the higher trade number, lower stats system or the
other, lesser trades, more profitable, version of Hi, Mid Low? That
would be helpful to know. Thanks!
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Wouldn't a high put/call normally
HUGE bump up in put calls to 1.60 this last ...
Posted by cozz101 on 21st of Dec 2022 at 03:17 pm
Wouldn't a high put/call normally indicate low current price and possible rally (with so many buying puts)? Lately with the wild swings, not sure if I trust it.
I've been wondering if this indicator has lost it's mojo...
Don't mean the tabs for
CCI long system stats for SPY
Posted by cozz101 on 20th of Dec 2022 at 03:54 pm
Don't mean the tabs for the trades/stats...I mean a separate section under the community where we can go to see if there is any discussion on the systems. Just called it a tab but I'm talking about the separate section for discussion you guys talked about recently.
Thanks for the stats on
CCI long system stats for SPY
Posted by cozz101 on 20th of Dec 2022 at 02:03 pm
Thanks for the stats on this. Looks like a good system.
I think once we get a separate tab or area of the website for the SPY/ES stuff, it's going to be a lot easier to follow. I like the heads up on the blog but sometimes I miss the post due to need to filter through messages. Hope we can get this in the new year. Happy Holidays everyone!
Thanks for posting that; pretty
$BP Info outside the BB. Maybe needs to drop a ...
Posted by cozz101 on 20th of Dec 2022 at 08:57 am
Thanks for posting that; pretty short term oversold.
Wondering how much of this
Posted by cozz101 on 16th of Dec 2022 at 09:39 am
Wondering how much of this selling is last ditch tax loss selling effort? I know the bigger fish have already done this but thinking some of the retail investors are doing so. They used to call this the "free lunch" on wall street for buyers but not sure how that applies in this bear market.
On ES do you mean
SPY and ES systems early trade notification
Posted by cozz101 on 16th of Dec 2022 at 09:36 am
On ES do you mean 1st entry long? Maybe a set up for a Christmas rally?
REALLY appreciate the candor and
Comment about systems
Posted by cozz101 on 15th of Dec 2022 at 10:11 am
REALLY appreciate the candor and I think a trader can't grow without analyzing like this. To me it's not about who made the best call when, it's about how to use the past to make the future more successful. The systems are pretty cool and probably should be left alone but the emotion it must take to do this (especially when you have subscribers that rely on it) has to be over the top.
We are lucky to have you willing to share these systems and your thinking on how to trade them (in real time)!
On another note, I was totally ready to take a decent short position yesterday on some big divergences on the indicators but held back due to the put/call being so high. It confused me so I just decided to do nothing....haha, kicking myself today.
I have a friend with
What's going on with this put/call ratio?
Posted by cozz101 on 14th of Dec 2022 at 09:03 pm
I have a friend with a hedge fund who sells naked puts and calls everyday, all day but has to set close stops so there are a lot of buys and sells happening around that. I'm wondering if that has become more of a trend now. They would be ODTE and create a lot of transactions. Maybe that is skewing the ratios?
What's going on with this
Posted by cozz101 on 14th of Dec 2022 at 08:00 pm
What's going on with this put/call ratio?
I like the Newly Long
MRNAThe march continuesI mentioned few weeks ago this base looks ...
Posted by cozz101 on 14th of Dec 2022 at 11:40 am
I like the Newly Long feature a lot and also your advice to possibly buy on first pullback. I guess that depends on what you are trading but it fits my style more. Thanks for keeping these systems front and center.
This may not be your
Posted by cozz101 on 8th of Dec 2022 at 10:58 am
This may not be your typical "gap and go" trend day but I'm wondering if it may be forming?
Guessing rebound target for SPY will be the bottom of the broken wedge TL around 400?
I'm confused, did QE BTS,
Open system trades
Posted by cozz101 on 7th of Dec 2022 at 07:42 pm
I'm confused, did QE BTS, lower left also go long? And on the Strap ES trade, it looks like two bars, so did it go long yesterday?
I'm probably not reading this right but just curious. And are you thinking to take the ES trade 1/2 here now and 1/2 tomorrow then?
May be good for a
Put/call ratios are up today. As of 2:00 p.m., $CPC ...
Posted by cozz101 on 7th of Dec 2022 at 03:54 pm
May be good for a pop tomorrow?
Thanks for the heads up,
Bear long may trigger on SPY today, early heads up
Posted by cozz101 on 7th of Dec 2022 at 12:14 pm
Thanks for the heads up, will tune in later.
I'm much more inclined to
It really shouldn't matter if you follow the KISS systems ...
Posted by cozz101 on 5th of Dec 2022 at 08:23 am
I'm much more inclined to buy on the backtest; just have trouble buying so late. That's one reason I asked if this system can be applied to a shorter term time frame, say hourly or two hour? I did not get a response to my post before but this reminds me to ask again.
I'm glad you brought up
Heads up: $CPCE and $CPC closed at pretty low levels ...
Posted by cozz101 on 4th of Dec 2022 at 10:16 am
I'm glad you brought up the put/call ratios because I am confused as well. I agree there are lots of options trades going on but hasn't there been 0DTE trading all year? I'm just not sure and It seems like a neutral game.
I'm invested in a 0DTE hedge fund and it's up about 10% this year so I understand the concept; naked calls and puts sold for premium with religious stops, cash out at end of day.
Market climbs "a wall of
Heads up: $CPCE and $CPC closed at pretty low levels ...
Posted by cozz101 on 4th of Dec 2022 at 10:10 am
Market climbs "a wall of worry"!
Thanks Matt, just so I
SPY and ES systems early warning
Posted by cozz101 on 28th of Nov 2022 at 09:51 am
Thanks Matt, just so I can track things, is this the higher trade number version of hi mid lo?
This work by Matt and
Posted by cozz101 on 27th of Nov 2022 at 09:45 am
This work by Matt and James on the KISS chart and tables is really great as many have already indicated.
My thoughts on the KISS charts is that the daily entry signals are too late for me (my trading psyche possibly). On the mechanics of the trade, there are times when the stops (STS) trigger and then price closes back above that trigger. I'm thinking that it may be difficult to get stopped out on an ETF or stock and check again later to see if it went back above to get back in on the same day (I think the KISS charts appeal to those who want to set the stop and forget it). I can see getting an alert or checking the website table and taking 401K type action at the close though (although distance between stop and close could be pretty wide in a fast moving market).
Matt has indicated in the past that the reversion to mean systems could be a way to get into a position early and then get a confirmation from the daily KISS chart eventually then use the stops? I'm wondering if the KISS system can be applied to an hourly chart or some other smaller timeframe in order to get in and then get daily confirmation. Could the shorter term timeframe be added to the table along with the daily KISS chart?
Thanks again for all that you guys do!
Matt, is this the higher
SPY and ES systems early heads up on a possible short
Posted by cozz101 on 25th of Nov 2022 at 12:02 pm
Matt, is this the higher trade number, lower stats system or the other, lesser trades, more profitable, version of Hi, Mid Low? That would be helpful to know. Thanks!