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I'm having issues with Etrade. Orders not picking up. 

Thanks will stay alert near the close! 

Does this mean 3 possible first entries? It's been awhile, need to refresh on the rules! 

Oh thank you; looks like a daily buy cycle too. Hope it holds! 

Can you post the cycle chart when you get a chance on AMD? I've been trading in and out of it and just bought back at 88. 

Thanks for posting this; I'm

SPX 15 min with Fibs

Posted by cozz101 on 28th of Jan 2021 at 12:03 pm

Thanks for posting this; I'm still surprised the SPY system didn't take a trade yesterday.  These charts really help us make our own decisions on that though! 

I'm seeing 5 mini waves

SPX 120 min update

Posted by cozz101 on 27th of Jan 2021 at 04:47 pm

I'm seeing 5 mini waves down on that chart and wondering if we may bounce here in an ABC to test the lower line on the wedge.  If so, might be a good opportunity to short or get out of longs.

Thanks Matt, wow surprising! 

Wondering the same. Are the SPY system reversion to mean systems still in play?

Thanks for this update, if

SPX 5 min

Posted by cozz101 on 15th of Jan 2021 at 01:29 pm

Thanks for this update, if you see anything else before days end please let us know. 

Nice chart, I guess I will hold onto my hedges....thanks! 

Good point, the hefty dividend would make it easier to stay in while it lingers. I just looked it up and it goes ex on Jan 28th I think. Makes it even a better conservative trade! 

Does anyone have any opinion

Posted by cozz101 on 7th of Jan 2021 at 03:05 pm

Does anyone have any opinion on PFE? I know it's been a dog lately but I feel like it's gaining momentum again for another move.  Maybe with a pickup in vaccine availability? 

How about DTS- Dynamic Trailing

PTON example

Posted by cozz101 on 7th of Jan 2021 at 03:03 pm

How about DTS- Dynamic Trailing Stop    OR    MTS- Matt's Trailing Stop?

These DVTs are so helpful;

PTON example

Posted by cozz101 on 7th of Jan 2021 at 02:46 pm

These DVTs are so helpful; kept me in AMD the other day with a larger stop than I was giving it. Glad I followed it! AMD looking good today and to me looks like it wants to break out of a small consolidation. 

I made some money on

TLT and cycles

Posted by cozz101 on 6th of Jan 2021 at 04:39 pm

I made some money on daytrades on TLT last couple weeks but definitely realized it does not seem to be one to hold overnight...too many gaps! 

Watching that on TV right

SPX 5 min

Posted by cozz101 on 6th of Jan 2021 at 02:53 pm

Watching that on TV right now...unbelievable!

Wow, good catch; sudden sell-off,

SPX 5 min

Posted by cozz101 on 6th of Jan 2021 at 02:28 pm

Wow, good catch; sudden sell-off, is there news or just technical?

Thanks, not an exact science and that makes sense. Appreciate the KISS chart on AMD... 87 is just below the 50 dma and also top of wave 1 if you count waves a certain way. 

Thank you!  Just curious, do you normally use a hard stop or a mental stop on these DVTs? I've seen little fishtails go below and right back up in the past. 


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