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Oh that's really awesome that the condition kicked in and worked! Wow, that is good to know that the system is more prepared for these fast market conditions now. 

And, yes, perfect exit on the first two system trades! 

Any chance the SPY reversion

Posted by cozz101 on 17th of Sep 2020 at 11:59 am

Any chance the SPY reversion to mean system takes another trade today? 

Looking forward to being able

SPX 60 min etc

Posted by cozz101 on 17th of Sep 2020 at 10:19 am

Looking forward to being able to see this in real time! Keep us posted on the leasing  :)

Thanks for these charts Matt;

KISS charts

Posted by cozz101 on 16th of Sep 2020 at 03:43 pm

Thanks for these charts Matt; very helpful! 

You nailed it!!

They don't bother me; like you said it's a reminder that the system is not long.  And even though you haven't developed the short system; if one were to go short it may provide a nice stop level. 

Good info Matt. Would definitely appreciate your input on cycles and the KISS stuff for QQQ, SPX. Will watch for resistance at those levels as well. 

Interesting; I think I understand what you are saying. So sell at DVT stop and then have an order in to buyback when crosses that threshold again? 

I do use TOS but was considering setting alerts and using my mobile to wait 15 mins and take action if still below. Only thing, in a very fast moving market this may burn me. 

Would you suggest waiting like 15 mins once a stop is hit then? (to see if it rebounds?)

How would you play this if you were not monitoring it and had to set a hard stop? Possibly set an alert on a mobile device or something? 

That means it was hit today? Today's low was 405.

Matt or Steve, has TSLA

Posted by cozz101 on 2nd of Sep 2020 at 01:57 pm

Matt or Steve, has TSLA broken the DVT stop on the KISS charts? Could you post a KISS group of charts on TSLA since it's a crowd favorite here? 

Great observation Matt! 

Congratulations...this is so clear. I wish I had the benefit of these charts in real time. Do you plan to lease the system or anything in the near future?

Wondering about IWM and MDY;

Posted by cozz101 on 26th of Aug 2020 at 01:08 pm

Wondering about IWM and MDY; does the overall market follow the generals and participate? Do the KISS charts show anything? 

Thanks Matt, nice to see what it looks like on the KISS charts; I get in last week too but thought it looked like an ABC pullback on the 2 hr today. 

Wondering if PFE qualifies as

Posted by cozz101 on 24th of Aug 2020 at 03:36 pm

Wondering if PFE qualifies as an ABC pullback on the 2 hr? Is this a good entry point? Also, does the KISS system show anything on this? 

I agree, this is the

some preliminary daily SPX DVT stats

Posted by cozz101 on 13th of Aug 2020 at 07:36 pm

I agree, this is the kind of thing I am a member for. I just don't have consistenttime to trade during the day on the trade ideas and watch the position once entered. I much prefer staying 100% invested during uptrends...simply SPY, SSO &/or QQQ, QLD, knowing I won't give it all back when the market turns. One caveat; many 401ks have lockout rules and limit "round trips" so I have been known to get nastygrams from places like Fidelity when trying to trade systems like this.  I much prefer rolling 401k money over into IRAs with freedom to trade during the day if necessary, set stops and trade them in the form of ETFs as often as necessary. 

Breakout on ADSK

Posted by cozz101 on 5th of Aug 2020 at 11:56 am

Breakout on ADSK

Your making me jealous...please consider

ES nice bounce

Posted by cozz101 on 3rd of Aug 2020 at 12:04 pm

Your making me jealous...please consider leasing this out!

Do you mind me asking what is your strike price and expiration?


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