I am really suffering from

    Posted by jroger on 10th of Sep 2024 at 02:06 pm

    I am really suffering from this Think or Swim forced conversion at Schwab. StreetSmart was good in one respect. The overlapping panels in SS allowed use on smaller and medium screens. ToS panels are fixed and eat up a lot of real estate.  Not to mention that the information density of the layouts is much lower. I assume the developers are using 60 inch monitors.

    Which broker has the best trading platform?

    I recommend what I have

    Posted by steveo on 11th of Sep 2024 at 12:32 am

    I recommend what I have been using in various formats for 15 years....a Quad monitor, currently have 4 curved 4k 32" and ....IT IS NICE.   Also a good size laptop on the left side which is controlled via "input director" which lets me use the same keyboard and mouse to just slide over to the laptop and control it seemlessly....you can put whatever you want on their to monitor, like BPT community, or a ticker you are following "too much" or weather radar.    If you are running more than 50,000 bucks I would say this setup is financially justified.    

    Nice set up What I

    Posted by srusso1 on 11th of Sep 2024 at 09:16 am

    Nice set up What I find on my set up is if I but the same chart on all monitors set on 1min time I will see a lag good to know what that is if any on your set?

    Very cool. But how can

    Posted by brophy on 11th of Sep 2024 at 08:17 am

    Very cool. But how can you find anything on that desk? (:

    I think you are suffering

    Posted by brophy on 10th of Sep 2024 at 05:54 pm

    I think you are suffering because you are just not used to it. I have been using Think or Swim for years and there is certainly a lot to explore because the configuration is endless. The multitude of proprietary trading strategies alone is mind blowing. I believe there is still a way to use the Street Smart screen on TOS  because it came up on my systems screen one day, and I got rid of it! ha! I did not find the format useful. But it is there somewhere....

    Are you operating with one

    Posted by Glad on 10th of Sep 2024 at 04:01 pm

    Are you operating with one screen?

    I have 2 screens. My

    Posted by keyhole7 on 10th of Sep 2024 at 04:05 pm

    I have 2 screens. My main screen is where I do my trade executions. It is the one that has my watchlist, Active Trader Tree,  Monitor, Trade, Analyze, MarketWatch, etc. tabs.  My other screen just has charts.

    Are you operating with one

    Posted by Glad on 10th of Sep 2024 at 04:01 pm

    Are you operating with one screen?

    Have you used Flex Grid

    Posted by craigm on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:48 pm

    Have you used Flex Grid in ToS?    You can vary the size of your chart windows there. 

    I am not familiar with

    Posted by keyhole7 on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:59 pm

    I am not familiar with the Flex Grid. I have 6 charts in a grid. While in the grid, if you hit the drop down, click Maximize Cell, It will lay the charts on top of one another and put 2 arrows next to the grid symbol in the top right of the chart. You can toggle between all 6 charts and each chart is full size. Each chart can be a separate time frame, separate indicators, etx. 

    I know what it is,

    Posted by Glad on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:53 pm

    I know what it is, but I have not used it. I do have multiple charts and multiple windows.

    Does none of the community

    Posted by jroger on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:43 pm

    Does none of the community use  Schwab?

    Yep, I use TOS as

    Posted by keyhole7 on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:50 pm

    Yep, I use TOS as my trading platform. I have been with TOS since 2013. I really like the platform, when it was with TDAmeritrade. Schwab has changed something about the platform. I have issues now that I never had with TDA. Plus, TDAmeritrade use to offer DRIP which is a Dividend Reinvest Program that if you elected to reinvest your dividend in lieu of taking the money, they would buy the stock at a discount. Schwab does not offer that. My Fidelity account does offer DRIP. I get anywhere from $0.40 to about $0.90 off the closing price of the stock on dividend payout day. I have called Schwab more for assistance since they took over from TDAmeritrade then I think I called TDAmeritrade for 10 years.

    That’s interesting —they give you

    Posted by Glad on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:55 pm

    That’s interesting —they give you the opportunity on payout date not Ex date 

    Payout dates are when DRIP

    Posted by bthefnd on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:58 pm

    Payout dates are when DRIP programs execute so you know there's going to be at least some passive bid incoming at the beginning of that day

    I use Schwab but I

    Posted by bhst024 on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:46 pm

    I use Schwab but I access my accounts through ToS, at least for trading.

    I use TOS and TS.

    Posted by Glad on 10th of Sep 2024 at 03:44 pm

    I use TOS and TS.  
    what’s the issue 


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