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Live Nation Entertainment (LYV) is currently experiencing an upward Zig-Zag pattern within a Wave 3 impulse, signaling a strong potential for continued growth. AI analysis supports this outlook, assigning a high probability that the stock will continue its upward trajectory. Notably, both the Zig-Zag pattern and AI target prices converge around the $106 level, reinforcing this bullish expectation. Additionally, the Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicator reflects the current trend's strength, further suggesting that LYV is likely to continue moving higher.

Adjusting TP1 to 106 after reading this nugget   

Would you buy Amtrak or USPS if they were publicly traded? I mean, once the Gov is the only reason a company survives, it becomes a Gov company. Gov companies don't typically perform well relative to peers. Boeing is another good example of this, but almost all the defense contractors with the possible exception of SpaceX (yes, SpaceX is a major Gov Contractor and the largest unicorn in unicorn land) should have done much better than they have given their proximity the the Gov trough and price insensitive contracting officers that send purchase orders and contracts with very few strings attached and/or oversight year after year after year.  And yet, they all tend to underperform once they get in the pole position for Gov funding.  Have you ever seen a vehicle that was produced in Russia? They have them. Google it. The song remains the same. 


LUNR higher after hours on NASA deal

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 05:01 pm


SPX - if you think

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 04:42 pm

SPX - if you think the Fed wouldn't do something that would spike the market higher at all time highs and that they don't realize where the market is and know that tons of algos would kick in to buy the market if we clear resistance, maybe you weren't around last year during late October.  If they really believe the economy is weak (50 would be STRONG confirmation), they know that the wealth effect from equity markets is a huge driver and wouldn't want to screw themselves by pushing it the wrong direction....even as they know it only benefits the wealthy.  They are stuck in a box, but when faced with somewhat binary decisions like this they always resort to financial repression to bail out the wealthy (wealthy corps and individuals) at the expense of the rest. 

SPY wave 5 into the

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 03:57 pm

SPY wave 5 into the meeting. Perfect. Get your popcorn ready. 

IBIT and other BTC ETF's

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 03:36 pm

IBIT and other BTC ETF's probably asked Gensler and the SEC for permission to have options and got told that they could take their options on BTC requests and stick them where the sun don't shine. They didn't want to approve the ETF's in the 1st place   

BTC reversed on touch of

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 03:30 pm

BTC reversed on touch of longer term channel line.  IBIT has a channel break. Tempted to set a buy order for a retest of the channel break, but given the fact that IBIT is an imperfect derivative of a product that trades 24/7, I'm not inclined to trust that channel break as much as the rejection of the channel line in the actual product. 

How the hell would you have any idea? This comment x2 considering the posts that weren't seen by anyone but me. If you look back, I hadn't made up my mind. I appreciated the supportive comments both through other channels and via direct posts here (and let your standard derogatory comments about my posts go by without response). I was intrigued by the new systems that got released and that complicated the decision.  Anyway, maybe just leave it alone.  Post a chart. Thanks. 

Probably best not to share details on sources and lose my posting privileges again. Pretty sure I got shadow banned recently. It could be seen as a BPT competitor so it also wouldn't be very nice of me to post it here. I don't think that's why I got banned (don't know because I didn't get any notification from BPT when it happened) but it does seem reasonable not to post competitor links. 

Definitely a swing trade. I'm going based on wave counts and the embedded zig zag. Unlike a straight wave 3 with no pullbacks (e.g. the recent SPY wave 3), waves with zig zags in them often allow for a measured move to predict where that wave will complete (with varying accuracy that I wouldn't count on going into a day like tomorrow). The 1st leg is the measuring leg. 

LYV - long. 1st target

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 02:27 pm

LYV - long. 1st target = 106.75 

SPY 15 update - wave

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 02:07 pm

SPY 15 update - wave 4 hasn't turned purple yet, which means the algo thinks it might have more room to go. Only 21.5% so far. 

Hard not to picture some great scenes in Wolf of Wall St when reading this   

I think even XBI components are surprised. This is probably the 1st election cycle in the last 30 years where biotechs and pharma weren't the brunt of withering political attacks that drove their stock prices down until after the election. Both candidates and all the congressional peeps now just engage in spending promise competitions. Both presidential candidates are lifelong members of the same party - one still there, the other is now a "populist"...which is a whole lot like how we described the democrat platform 15 years ago. Have to rethink market dynamics in election years...probably to include buying XBI. 

Market acting like kids when

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 01:09 pm

Market acting like kids when parents pull into the driveway - "Hide the candy and toys! Look sad. Daddy's going to be in here soon and we want a raise in our allowances!"  Meanwhile, the kids, being kids, don't realize they've got chocolate smeared all over their faces and Daddy is going to see sad faces and tears, know it's complete nonsense, and give them an allowance raise anyway.  The Fed week in a nutshell. 

IBIT - this chart is

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 12:58 pm

IBIT - this chart is interesting but needs some more research and/or time - the ribbon and the MACD aren't ideal yet, but everything is getting close to an all signals go look. If the Fed goes 50 tomorrow, this should fly (open market committee traders will need the printer to go BRRR so they can buy however many bonds it takes to lower the rate that much). 

Interesting. I like MSTR for a potential catch up...I think. To be honest, I don't know diddly about the fundamentals relative to their BTC holdings (does it trade at a discount or premium to its BTC holdings?, etc)...but it sounds interesting. 

IBIT / BTC - crypto

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 12:46 pm

IBIT / BTC - crypto doing the banana dance today!

I fat fingered a trade on Coinbase saturday night and bought 10 times as much as I wanted to...but then thought twice about reversing the trade because the coinbase fees are crazy and the trade bumped me to a new fee structure (after raping me on that trade) but hadn't been counted yet (they charge 1.2% per side now at the base level....2.4% round trip!! Madness). Anyway, I'm cheap and I have been wanting to go big and put some coins in cold storage so I just said F it on reversing the trade...even though I didn't like the chart where I bought. Working out so far. LONG term hold.

I recently decided that BTC in a hardware wallet is going to be my equivalent to holding physical gold.  

SPX is only at the

SPX and QQQ wave v

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 12:38 pm

SPX is only at the 7th green daily candle in a row. Feels like 20 for some reason   

Here's a slightly different take

SPX and QQQ wave v

Posted by bthefnd on 17th of Sep 2024 at 12:28 pm

Here's a slightly different take on the 15 min timeframe (1st chart). Second chart is 2 hour.  

Don't shoot the messenger - I'm just passing on someone else's info / algo results. 


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