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he he he....funny!!!


Posted by keyhole7 on 19th of Jul 2024 at 04:02 pm

he he he....funny!!!

Thanks Digi for the explanation !

I took the MSTR trade

crypto stocks, Bitcoin

Posted by keyhole7 on 15th of Jul 2024 at 09:59 am

I took the MSTR trade last Friday. Still holding. Hope it makes new highs before the KISS table closes it out. Plus 10:1 split on Aug 8th

Hey Digi, TV indicator please. Thanks!

A vertical dashed line shows the day the stock went long. The vertical line does not show on the chart till the end of the day that the stock goes long. The first STS lines up under the day the stock goes long and is painted green. The second STS is painted blue. All other STS are painted white. Take a look at CE and FROG. The KISS system trigged yesterday for them to go long today.  The green STS are on the charts but the vertical dashed line has not appeared yet.

Industrial Production coming up in

Posted by keyhole7 on 18th of Jun 2024 at 09:08 am

Industrial Production coming up in less than 10 minutes at 9:15...(medium impact)

Guilty all 34 counts

Liquidity resides below swing lows and above swing highs. It is where traders place their stops and buy / sell orders.  Stock price moves low or high and eventually it will reverse back in the other direction. Traders will have orders and stops  sitting under the swing low and above the swing high. On YouTube look up "liquidity in stock market charts explained".  Visuals always work best for me. A run on Liquidity is when the market moves to where the liquidity is sitting. Once the market takes the liquidity, price moves in the opposite direction.

Your synopsis sounds good to me Digi. I hope the first option plays out.

Hope to see 10 out of 11 this year!

If only it was this

Posted by keyhole7 on 1st of May 2024 at 10:27 am

If only it was this easy...

“Sell in May and go away, and come back on St. Leger’s Day.”

TSLA Close today - Yahoo

Posted by keyhole7 on 29th of Apr 2024 at 06:19 pm

TSLA Close today - Yahoo shows 194.05 and the KISS table shows 189.81 ???

ES went down to the

Posted by keyhole7 on 11th of Apr 2024 at 10:29 am

ES went down to the demand zone it made this morning.  Looks like it is going back for a second helping.

Steve, was a new demand zone just formed on the ES around 5187.5 to 5178?

Did the $NYSI trigger yesterday?

Posted by keyhole7 on 10th of Apr 2024 at 02:38 pm

Did the $NYSI trigger yesterday?

The way I understand it, the banks have to have a certain percentage held in reserves. Example, if you deposit $100 into the bank, and the bank has to keep a 10% reserve, then they can take $90 of your money and loan it out. This works, as long as everyone who has deposited money in the bank, do not come on the same day to withdraw their money. The Fed came out last year and told banks they could loan 100% of the money. No reserve needed. As of today, March 11, Basel III raises the reserve from 0% to 20%. If you're a Billion-dollar bank, now you have to come up with $200 million dollars in reserve. If you can't then you could get bought out by another bank. This is what happened to New York Community bank. New Your Community bank bought Signature Bank who was in FDIC receivership and failed when Silicon Valley Bank went down.

From Investopedia: Basel III likewise introduced new leverage and liquidity requirements aimed at safeguarding against excessive and risky lending, while ensuring that banks have sufficient liquidity during periods of financial stress.

The next level I am looking for is 5138.50 ... if it breaks that then I will look for 5150

I do covered CALLS and cash secured PUTS, so I own stock that I keep for different periods of time. I only day trade /ES futures

Gezz, I hope not. It's hard enough trying to outsmart the Algo's as it is...


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