His posts would give him away, regardless of what name he gives himself! I wish him well.

    ha ha yeah Digi couldn't

    Posted by matt on 20th of Aug 2024 at 03:28 pm

    ha ha yeah Digi couldn't post anonymously without you guys knowing, he has a certain way about this posts LOL

    Yeah it's been quite - for me, I tend to work in the background, on systems, emails, admin stuff. What you guys don't know is Steve has a lot more time to post than I do; he doesn't have to do with admin questions, support emails, systems, backend stuff, marketing - all he has to do is post some things here and the newsletters.  I run BPT on my own so I'm always slammed

    also regarding DigiNomad and if

    Posted by matt on 20th of Aug 2024 at 03:41 pm

    also regarding DigiNomad and if he's still a subscriber not. I would normally not address that, however he's posted about that dozens of times here making it everyones buiness for some reason so let me through my 2 cents in. 

    At least from what he's posted I don't agree with this logic about leaving.  First off yes I have a bias because this is a business and it helps us to have more subscribers. 

    that said - When DigiNomad would post that he's leaving most of the time his reasoning was that he's already learned everything here, or he's got some free Twitter sources where he gets trade ideas from, or the fact that some people get offended by his posts. What you can't find one idea here to make more than the $50 subscription cost? some trade idea, some system trade? some intermediate swing trade I may post such as on precious metals earlier this year in Feb/Mar?

    Where I don't agree with this reasoning for leaving is his comments about having learned everything here or that he has free sources to get this trade ideas from . For me, I have numerous subscribers to other services that I've had for years. Some of them I rarely if ever look at, and I never look at them daily maybe at most once a week here and there. The thing is, even though I don't use those sources that much - it's still overall worth it for me to keep subscriptions - if I get get 3 or 6 ideas in a year that make me good money, more than I'm spending on those subscriptions, then it's worth it for me! Just because I'm not actively using all their data and ideas and market analysis, I don't have to in order to justify the cost. 

    I'd argue the same thing here: You don't need to listen and watch every newsletter or look at every trade idea, or every blog post, or even do all the systems trades-  if you are able to get even just a handful of actionable ideas over a year that make you more money than the subscription, why not keep it?  If all you did was take the mean reversion system trades and nothing else, you pay for the subscription 10 or 30 times over. If all you did was position trading where you are trying to position into bigger trends, such as my bullish call on gold and silver back in March - or Uranium back in early 2020 - I'll typically point out secular trends that I see developing a handful of times a year - if all you did was that it's worth keeping  a subscription. 

    I get simplifying one's life - for but for most people, the small cost of subscription is pretty meaningless to their accounts. Most should be focused on formulating a trading plan and trading style that fits them - that will benefit you 100 fold more than cutting some cheap $50 a month subscription. Unless you are tight on budget, which then you probably shouldn't be trading anyway

    again I'm biased because it benefits me if you stay - I just don't agree with the argument of there's nothing here that would justify keeping the subscription  and thinking you have to use it all the time to make it worth keeping

    Matt knows that I was

    Posted by skwan1940 on 21st of Aug 2024 at 09:54 am

    Matt knows that I was a member more than a decade ago.  I left for a few years because I stopped trading and then came back last year.  I can say that I have subscribed to many different services and there is nothing like BPT in terms of its uniqueness and the hands-on approach of Matt, who also takes us along his own trading journey (as I have seen Matt learn and get better at what does over the years).  Putting all that aside, if one were just to think about what benefits one were to get out of the BPT service in the immediate future...with the advent of the HP KISS systems, I would argue that right now is the worst time to leave based on that alone.

    I have also tried many

    Posted by jonesy85 on 21st of Aug 2024 at 10:25 am

    I have also tried many services over the past 3 years trying to learn different approaches to market.  BPT  by far is my favorite, and I love love the evolution of the kiss and high performance. Here are the top services I still use and are a nice compliment to BPT.

    Vestmo- institutional service for RIA, hedge funds and retail. They provide a weekly signal on spx, qqq, IWM, bonds, bitcoin.

    Joe fahmy- great for market outlook, trend and he is great at providing a nice list of 10-15 of the best of the best stocks.

    fundamental growth investor on seeking alpha. Great stock picker he ran institutional money and has a list of 20 high growth names 

    That's an excellent post, Matt.

    Posted by brophy on 20th of Aug 2024 at 05:33 pm

    That's an excellent post, Matt. Well said and I couldn't agree more. An excellent idea to have several subscriptions to get ideas from. And just because I don't trade the systems myself does not mean I don't use them as a great guide to the general market direction. About that guy, I have my own opinions and will keep them to myself. Just keep up the great work!

    Matt you have been a

    Posted by lamb on 20th of Aug 2024 at 04:09 pm

    Matt you have been a brilliant source for trading and trading ideas. I listen and  use the newsletter every day and have for years. Digi needs humility- his attitude will get him burned- seems like a know it all! 

    Matt you have been a

    Posted by lamb on 20th of Aug 2024 at 04:09 pm

    Matt you have been a brilliant source for trading and trading ideas. I listen and  use the newsletter every day and have for years. Digi needs humility- his attitude will get him in trouble,if it hasn’t already! 

    I'm not going anywhere for

    Posted by tradeit007 on 20th of Aug 2024 at 04:05 pm

    I'm not going anywhere for a long time. Matt, you not only give excellent trade recommendations but you teach and share knowledge as well. I appreciate all that you do including the stuff we don't see. 

    I agree with you Matt.

    Posted by patellee on 20th of Aug 2024 at 03:55 pm

    I agree with you Matt.  If anything, assuming I know everything (which I don't), I enjoy getting triangulation here and then also getting a broader lens.  You saw my poston how I've put my learnings into action.  If anything, it's just good to be here for shits and giggles to hang out with a bunch of ppl who want to nerd out on technical analysis. I plan on sticking around for a very long time.  Really grateful for everything you do.  I am even one day we all do a meet up or something.

    Thanks Matt appreciate all you

    Posted by morton7 on 20th of Aug 2024 at 03:39 pm

    Thanks Matt appreciate all you do!

    I enjoy everything here as

    Posted by icecoldjones on 20th of Aug 2024 at 04:37 pm

    I enjoy everything here as well and don't plan on going anywhere! The high-performance systems are now just a cherry on top to the value you get here! I just hope Matt and Steve don't retire before me and shut this down LOL!

    thanks morton - I appreciate

    Posted by matt on 20th of Aug 2024 at 03:46 pm

    thanks morton - I appreciate all you guys as well


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