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You also told me back in March at $5,200 SPX "going long here would be like picking up pennies in front of a bulldozer". Looks like there has been plenty of free pennies to pick up and I actually have negative pennies while short LOL

WTF is going on today!?!?!

Posted by icecoldjones on 12th of Jul 2024 at 01:46 pm

WTF is going on today!?!?! +1, -1, now +1.2%

Matt, you called it perfectly!

Posted by icecoldjones on 11th of Jul 2024 at 11:42 am

Matt, you called it perfectly! Not sure if anyone has mentioned that but he said the CPI would come in soft, the market would initially pop on the news and then sell off after. Kudos!

Yup, and the Russell is up over 3%...

Hard to do when there

Sage advice

Posted by icecoldjones on 10th of Jul 2024 at 12:16 pm

Hard to do when there never is a dip...

And my future is getting completely squeezed out of me...     back to the salt mines...

well we're back up 45 bps on SPX so it's back. Everyone has literally been saying for months"now is not the time to go long" and it just keeps going up and up and up...

Hey Steve, is Matt ok?

Posted by icecoldjones on 20th of Jun 2024 at 02:34 pm

Hey Steve, is Matt ok? Thought he was returning Tuesday and just wanted to check. Sorry if you guys already said something on here about him.

SPYI, does anyone know how

Posted by icecoldjones on 20th of Jun 2024 at 09:24 am

SPYI, does anyone know how this ETF works as it claims it gives almost a 12% dividend with only an expense ratio of 0.68%? Is the yield variable and will change over time and it's too good to be true? Otherwise, you could still follow the S&P to a degree and get a dividend over 10% and it seems like the only ETF you'd ever need but I have to be missing something. The composition seems pretty similar to VOO as well. Let me know your thoughts if you've looked into this one.

It'll rally into the 4th but I don't know about rallying into the 19th...

Thanks mastermind! I have them set and I think JP is gonna cause enough gyrations to make them hit and then hopefully we don't fade hard into the close. It's a crap shoot! I regret so much since November...

Thanks for the response and good advice Mastermind! I actually am in SPXS and I just need to swallow my pride and sell, probably before JP takes this to the moon this afternoon.

I'm definitely the one Steve called out in the newsletter as being short, I'm such an idiot!. I've blown up my account like I know better than all the experienced traders here. 

I've lost so much that I'm frozen on what to do, I've been saying for months that I'm too late now to go long and it keeps getting worse.

If I go long now, should I just set my stops at the current STS and move on with my life?

You aren't lying, I wake up everyday at 5AM and see the market red, that's the time to buy. It slowly rallies back throughout the day and ends green. I'm the only idiot in the world that isn't long.

From -.6% to +.2%, can't make this stuff up anymore. EVERY DAY!

Hey Matt and Steve, my

Posted by icecoldjones on 11th of Jun 2024 at 08:44 am

Hey Matt and Steve, my account renews in 4 days. Should I just let it renew or will there be a separate subscription to purchase for the new KISS systems?

You're telling me! I just need to swallow all my losses and jump on the bandwagon before it runs me over.

That would be pretty wild for another 340 pts and would make this year another YUGE year like last. I can't downplay your example of the market going parabolic if we role into a recession because I don't think anything is going to slow down this freight train and/or the money printer.

Could we be at a

Posted by icecoldjones on 5th of Jun 2024 at 03:14 pm

Could we be at a blowoff top on the SPY? The action is wild as the economy is weakening but this 8 month rally has shown me that I really don't know anything. I have learned that the economy and the market aren't correlated the least bit.

Yeah, I think you're right. Everyone that has graduated since let's say 2010 has really only seen the market go up. I guess every scenario is a possibility, anything can happen, but most likely we'll just keep going up and up and everyone has diamond hands now.


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