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    Yellen 1:15 EST Friday May 27th

    Posted by stevieb294 on 27th of May 2016 at 11:54 am imitation of a Hobbit

    Can you imagine having to

    Posted by sbaxman111 on 27th of May 2016 at 03:39 pm

    Can you imagine having to be in meetings with this woman and enduring her accent and somewhat "breathless" stop & start speech patterns?  Fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

    How about imagining celebrating your

    Posted by bearcat4 on 27th of May 2016 at 03:50 pm

    How about imagining celebrating your 25th with her.........OMG.....a good case for Kevorkian !!!

    Enough with the cheap shots

    Posted by hamvestor on 27th of May 2016 at 05:18 pm

    Enough with the cheap shots already. They usually say more about the speaker than the target of the comment. jmho.

    In my humble opinion (and

    Posted by sbaxman111 on 30th of May 2016 at 12:52 am

    In my humble opinion (and I realize that I only possess a bachelor's degree from a small liberal arts school that is not part of the Ivy League), it's only a "cheap shot" when it isn't true. Thus, I'll stand by my statement that Yellen's voice, accent, blandness, and consistent patterns of breathlessness when she talks in public doesn't often inspire me to have tremendous confidence in her stature as the most powerful Central banker "voice" in the world. 

    I'll also stand by my previous statement (also stated by former Fed vice chair Alan Blinder) that the Fed is simply "making it up as they go along", and that they have historically failed miserably, multiple times over the decades, to deliver on their prescribed original mandate. In the last 35+ years we have seen Fed funds rates near 20% and now recently near zero. So much for positively influencing the "boom and bust" cycles.

    For some odd reason, I seem to possess a negative bias toward Fed Chairpersons who tell us things like "everything is fine with housing" and then shortly thereafter we find that the world's economic system is on the verge of collapse due to billions of worthless mortgages.......and then that same person is somehow rewarded with $250,000 speaking engagements to remind us how smart they "really" are. 

    By the way - If you rearrange the letters in "ECONOMICS", you get "COMIC NOSE". 


    With you hamvester. I'm here

    Posted by frtaylor on 27th of May 2016 at 05:48 pm

    With you hamvester. I'm here to figure out how to manage some retirement money, not to listen to others knock on public figures (regardless of stripe).

    ha ha yeah agree

    Posted by matt on 27th of May 2016 at 12:22 pm

    ha ha yeah agree


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