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This may be a dumb question but isnt most of trading done electronically today?

maybe it takes a group of traders to solve some big issues in our country and the world at large:) 

20 plus years ago I ran a private lab in NYC.   It was during the HIV/AIDS epidemic.   I worked in infection disease and was testing blood for this and managing patients therapy levels for all the new HIV drugs that were coming to market.  With that it showed how important getting tested right away and to begin treatment.   It saddens me that the healthcare community has not learned from a lot of the past until these type of outbreaks occur before people wake up.   Most people only change when forced too, same goes in medicine.  Plus we have such a litigious country that that really stymies progress (that's why we use most studies out of Europe and other countries).  

Good to hear that he is stable now.   The biggest key to success with Anti-viral drugs is to get tested within the first 24-36 hours.  That is the window before the viral load starts to really ramp up in your body.    Prayers.

UPRO 120m TGT.  On my

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 04:34 pm

UPRO 120m TGT.  On my system I have a 5/5 (c) low hit today on the 120m.   See how it shakes out tomorrow. 

2008 panic/sell chart.

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 04:19 pm

2008 panic/sell chart.

First wave is created by short covering.

Time to push them out of their dark black holes. 

100% agree.  Markets aren't linear ( except for this past month which is an outlier).  

Bought May Calls ATM on

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 03:33 pm

Bought May Calls ATM on MMM.   They carry the largest breath of face masks out there in the industry.  Should give them a boost on top line growth. 

MY TSCO is moving up

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 03:12 pm

MY TSCO is moving up from the graveyard.  Go tractor supply!!!  Need to farm to get those grocery stores re-stocked. 

lets go 'GILD'.   MACD

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 03:09 pm

lets go 'GILD'.   MACD crossing, see if we can break to new highs soon.   It's running against the wind - Bob Seager. 

Long UPRO.    Hit my

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 02:55 pm

Long UPRO.    Hit my 5 wave tgt.  If I am wrong stop just below todays low.   " Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

Blue Apron exploding today.  

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 02:17 pm

Blue Apron exploding today.   Man sold too early but in this madness, I am just scalping and close out at the end of the day. 

INO and APT might be

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 02:15 pm

INO and APT might be good re- entries soon.  

PIXY.  Temp services.  Job market

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 02:12 pm

PIXY.  Temp services.  Job market disruptions,  demand.  In this environment.  Have to really look at how the landscaping is changing with supply/demand.   Find tomorrows winners.

SPTN.  Food dist services.  

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 02:11 pm

SPTN.  Food dist services.  


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