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Have it a separate paying service.   

Matt - You guys should

SPX 5 min

Posted by ssaffer on 20th of Mar 2020 at 03:12 pm

Matt - You guys should do a separate Podcast/youtube live channel for those that want to day trade on 5 min signals.   

SPY Daily.   Until it

Posted by ssaffer on 20th of Mar 2020 at 03:02 pm

SPY Daily.   Until it breaks out of this descending wedge and closes above the 5 Day MA (you can see that is most often it gets rejected, has been a good area to go short on every rally).  We will not get a sustained bounce for more than one day.   Cash is king right now for me.   80% Cash waiting for all the dust to clear.  

CDZI - Looks like it

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 08:12 pm

CDZI - Looks like it has broken out of a downtrend and pulling back here.  They grow vegetables, etc in CA.   The only con is that does not have alot of daily volume. 

MYL - up in ah.

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 08:11 pm

MYL - up in ah.  Going to make generic version of the malaria drug that studies showing effective with Covid-19.  

it is important that it holds the 2300 area.   

This market is going to

5 min SPX

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 03:16 pm

This market is going to wipe out all the bad actors in a fairly short period of time.   Bear markets are a time of cleansing.   Just like a Hurricane that cleans up the bottom of the ocean to re-new again.  

NUGT@$6/share this am.    If

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 03:08 pm

NUGT@$6/share this am.    If it goes to zero I buy more.

Matt- Thank you for your detailed explanation.   I will do more research online, i hate going in to a place and having the sales pitch.    For now I will just stick with what I know, I just like to cover all my angles when we might look in the near future of a lot more companies going bust,  bond market blowing up and other things.    I like to create a war room scenario in my head and see if I missing  anything.

What do they normally pay % year?  Some financial adviser told me that they sell puts/calls and gain on the spreads?   She (the adviser) said they are very safe and sold by insurance companies that are bonded by the Fed and not like financial institutes that can blow up overnight and you get nothing back.   She mentioned "Lincoln Financial" as one of the better ones.   She said it pays 10% a year for some of their annuities. Sounded all good but when i asked her what is my risk, she said there wasn't (that was a little bit of a red flag for me as they is always some risk when you are investing). 

They are all in bonds and annuities.  I here so many good and bad things about Annuities, can anyone shed some light on them?  Up front seems like a great long term play for the next couple of years, if we are in fact a bear market now.   

Good pop today.   Maybe Grubhub next?  

APRN hit $28 this morning

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 11:55 am

APRN hit $28 this morning and then got rejected down to $12.    Crazy action in that stock now.   If I held from my $2.50-2.60 shares, and rang the bell this am.  I could have taken the year off, but that is the market and in this atmosphere, I am taking profits and running.  

CHWY - breaking out.  

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 11:53 am

CHWY - breaking out.   People will order food and supplies for pets online than going into Petsmart at this time.  

FVRR.  Source online work.  

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 11:51 am

FVRR.  Source online work.  

JO - starting to perk

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 11:01 am

JO - starting to perk up. 

GILD breaking out today.   

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 10:47 am

GILD breaking out today.   

APEI.  Online education.  Nice momo

Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Mar 2020 at 10:46 am

APEI.  Online education.  Nice momo play. 

Picked up some TNA this am.   Russell at 50% hair cut.   


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