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I like it.  higher low

APT 60 min

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 01:08 pm

I like it.  higher low and off of support. 

Yes.  The farmers (Indians) have for centuries (chewed) to keep up their work load in the fields.   Then someone took it to the next level and made it into white powder to go up the nose for fun. 

I see $17 as the


Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 01:04 pm

I see $17 as the next challenge zone.  

ugh.   They still have coca leaves?  

APT now $13.05.  Come to


Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 12:58 pm

APT now $13.05.  Come to daddy:)

That is pretty close the


Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 12:56 pm

That is pretty close the map that I keep next to my computer.  I like it!! Athough I have wave 4 hitting around May, but what is couple of weeks difference. 

I also want to say

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 12:54 pm

I also want to say that I first started trading in 1999.  I was a young buck living in NYC, had a good job running a lab at Columbia Presby Hospital.   The dot com boom was going on, every MD was bragging how much money their portfolio was up each day.  I was jealous and needed to get in.  So I poured all my extra cash into my 401K.   I was in and riding the wave like everyone else.  Going out big city, big lights.  Summer in the Hamptons, etc... Then 2000 hit and I had no clue what happened, my 401K went poof!   I was poor again:(    after blaming everyone but myself, I finally came to the realization that I let it happen.  I bought into the charade.  Herd mentality.  Then I went on a journey for the next 10 years and still today, to constantly be a student and humble.   It has paid off and I am so glad that that had happened to me in 2000 because I learned so much from that painful experience.   This too shall pass and if we are positioned well, which we are (being on this website), then we will be ready for the next ride up or down but in the black.  


Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 12:46 pm


I am a consultant now for major medical manf companies, and I told them all that they need to ramp up production here for PPE equipment,  That the factories in China are done and will not be online form months and that what they do manf will be used for their own people.  In a communist country you theoretically cannot own anything.  Your assets are not protected at the end of the day., The US is so used too paying pennies for products in China but now we are paying the ultimate price by not being able to provide masks, gowns, goggles, hand sanitizer to the hospitals and caregivers that so desperately need it.  Then we have an admin who totally fumbled on the testing and we are way behind the curve now.   So my recommendation to them is, look to start manf here in the US and people will have to get used to paying more but you have control over the supply chain.   

Yes you and i did post several articles about Coronavirus early on,   I have been in healthcare for over 20 years and been through the HIV/AIDS, SARS, etc..days working in NYC.   Back in Jan I posted that it would get real bad in the next couple of months, and I got some not so nice messages back from people on here.   That didn't bother what bothered me was the lack of insight and not  taking it serious and look where we are now.  I tried to prepare people in the health field back in the beg of January to prepare for this in US, but it fell on deaf ears.  As they say, you can only lead a horse to water.

We all need to be distracted at this time.   It seems like the wheels have come off but a month from now it will be better. 

Keep up the good work and daytrading:)   My father in law is chief at NYU in NYC and they have set up off site testing, online MD's (like Teledoc)  and triage centers for people that think they might have COVID-19.  This way the do not fill up all their beds.  They can better manage who is mild and can stay at home and who needs emergent care.  

anyone like APT today?  Looks

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 12:29 pm

anyone like APT today?  Looks like some nice consolidation after the big run up.  

This is going to kill the live adult Gentlemans clubs, Vegas, etc... probably be good for the online casinos and live entertainment.,  One door closes and one window opens.  

I can barter.  6 pack of beer for 2oz of hand sanitizer at the exchange,   We both wear masks and gloves. 

APRN@4.09 .  Took half off

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 12:12 pm

APRN@4.09 .  Took half off the table and let the rest ride.   In at @2.5-2.6 range. 

beer runs?  I have a drive through beer place near me.  

I will have to take out my 30-06 and go Deer hunting and 20 gauge for Ducks. 

Heard that rumor yesterday.  How will citizens get milk, medicine and basic necessities?   

APRN tgt. 

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 11:54 am

APRN tgt. 


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