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$17 looks like the tag line.  

AHPI@18.16   Cashed out.   

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 01:53 pm

AHPI@18.16   Cashed out.   

Just a matter of time before the paper market catches up to the physical market.  physical market cannot keep up with demand, especially the silver eagle coins.  

Only thing working is the

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 11:16 am

Only thing working is the $USD, nearing 3 year highs.   TLT - down, Metals - Down, Index's - Down.  Commoditites - Down.  The baby out with the bath water.


Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 11:06 am


Still looks pretty bearish on the Daily.  Wonder if they will still pay that out.  Dividends can be pulled anytime now. 

That's interesting chart.  I have never seen that one before.  Thanks for posting.

AHPI in at $15. Running

Posted by ssaffer on 18th of Mar 2020 at 10:43 am

AHPI in at $15. Running today. 

Europe is in bigger trouble than US.  I think there issues will eventually bleed into ours in months to come.  

Good thing Reruns of Sanford

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 11:00 pm

Good thing Reruns of Sanford and Son are on, keep my mind off the Virus. 

Time to go to Mars

What a time to be alive!

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:59 pm

Time to go to Mars with Elon Musk.

What is till a little

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:51 pm

What is till a little troubling is the TRIN,  It appears based on the chart people are still buying the dips.  Now it is not an exact science but this tells me there maybe a good more selling before we get to the numbers that were back at the bottom of 2019 and the sell off in August of 2019.  Just my two cents. 

I do like the gold/Silver sector going forward.  Just all the margin calls and manipulation is creating huge price swings, especially in GDX and other gold miners.   I started to build small position today, but I think there is going to be a roller coaster ride for some time until we get some clear market action. 

The after market futures is

ES down 46 

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 08:16 pm

The after market futures is nuts right now on both sides.  I could not stay in a position for more than 20 minutes.  Too stressful for me.  hung up my hat until all this panic abates.  

Add one more; QDEL (Quidel) they make flu tests for private office.  Maybe they will have a Covid-19 test soon.   Massive move today, So news to follow. 

I would say right now.

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 05:23 pm

I would say right now.  This is my long term portfolio:  APT (masks), RGR (guns),  NEM (Gold), CLX (clorox), GILD (drugs) and CPB ( Soup).   I am mentally exhausting on day trading the 5 min swings so I am retiring to a more long term approach here ( at least 3-4 weeks position).  Going with break out strong stocks, with good balance sheets and high demand in this climate.

Add Clorox to that lost.  CLX breaking out to new highs.  WDFC and CLX in your bug out bag. 

Critical we close above the

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 04:11 pm

Critical we close above the noon highs today.

I like SLV here at

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 03:16 pm

I like SLV here at these levels.  In at $11.81 and looking for a tgt of $13.31 first R1 on the Daily.  


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