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Make sure it is made out to me and not my wife.   

APRN@$6.27.   Anyone?

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 02:52 pm

APRN@$6.27.   Anyone?

SPY 5 min chart.  Posted

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 02:41 pm

SPY 5 min chart.  Posted from last night.    Where not at "666" yet.   My gut tells me that we have a high probability of hitting the 280 range with OEX this friday.  Then I think one more downswing come Monday to really put in a true intermediate bottom (Which is a good thing from a technical perspective).  That is just my two cents, not trading advice. 

SPY 5 min Chart.  If

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 02:06 am

SPY 5 min Chart.  If we gap up, first zone of resistance is 2590-2600 zone. 

Gap and go tomorrow.

Posted by ssaffer on 17th of Mar 2020 at 01:05 am

Gap and go tomorrow.

If this is true, these drugs have been out on the market for some time and even have generic versions.  A potentially good play would be: MYL (Mylan Labs) largest manf of generics here in US and TEVA ( manf of generics out of Isreal but dist throughout the US).   Both stocks have been taken to the woodshed, so they may pop tomorrow with this news. 

TDOC - I like the

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 06:25 pm

TDOC - I like the daily chart set up coming off of the highs.   Pulled back to the 61.8%.  

I hope so.   I made a lot of money near that #.   The # of the beast.

I like that call


Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 03:45 pm


When the stock market was

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 03:22 pm

When the stock market was anywhere near this choppy in the past, the S&P 500 always rallied over the next 6 months:

-Correlation among S&P 500 sectors

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 03:21 pm
  • -Correlation among S&P 500 sectors is nearing the highest since 1950
  • -Put/call ratios are soaring
  • -Money market funds have seen a 10-year high flow over the past 2 weeks
  • -The McClellan Summation Index is getting very negative
  • -A BlackRock risk gauge is showing that stocks are heavily undervalued
  • -Asset managers are aggressively selling
  • -Looking at the past week's crash across overseas indexes and commodities and bonds
  • -Record oversold readings within sectors and overseas indexes
  • -Smart Money vs Dumb Money Spread is nearly at a record

Thats nuts.  The paper gold market is so distorted right now, I wouldn't touch it.   The hard silver coins are being gobbled up right now, But that hasn't transferred over to the paper market yet.  Too much manipulation with the gold and silver ETF's right now for me. 

GNC@$1.0 this morning.   I

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 03:12 pm

GNC@$1.0 this morning.   I like to bottom feed during these times. 

Thanks for sharing you story.  Most times we just see the wins people celebrate but no one gets there without some sort of failures (they only way you learn).   My biggest hurdle was money management and trade size in different markets.   

DHR.  They own a company

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 01:34 pm

DHR.  They own a company called "Cepheid".  Cepheid makes in office molecular testing analyzers.  Right now there analyzer does FLU A and B, Strep and RSV.  This is a confirmatory test (that means that the MD does not need to send out to a reference lab for confirmation.   I read recently that they are working on approval to have the test for Covid-19 approved for this analyzer.  This will be huge because then MD's in private practice or Urgent cares can do the testing and confirm right there with the patient and treat.  Not wait 3 days for CDC to get back to them.  DHR has sold off some with the market but could be a nice longer term buy. 

SPY 60min pot tgt.

Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 01:23 pm

SPY 60min pot tgt.

I had about 3 friends


Posted by ssaffer on 16th of Mar 2020 at 01:12 pm

I had about 3 friends and two family members call me yesterday and ask my advice on the market and they wanted to all sell tomorrow am when they saw all the news last night about limit down, etcc.. they said they cannot take the pain anymore.  That was a small sign to me, because i rarely have conversations about the markets with these individuals, they are the typical buy and hold for years type (and there is nothing wrong with that if that is what you like to do).  Anyway, I told them my personal opinion is that if you sell now you will probably be selling closer to a bottom than a top and might be worth waiting a bit longer for a counter rally if you really need to get out, but at the end of the day you have to do what is best for you and be able to sleep at night not stressed about it everyday.    


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