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Thanks DigiNomad. Will probably end up adding manually. 

Does anyone know how to

Posted by pep8261 on 7th of Jun 2024 at 09:13 am

Does anyone know how to get SPY data WITH DIVIDENDS in Tradestation? Or does it have to be done manually after the fact?  All my backtests show significantly less return than they should because dividends are excluded and can't find anything online.  Thanks!!

any SPY systems triggering??

Posted by pep8261 on 4th of Apr 2024 at 03:44 pm

any SPY systems triggering??

backups! i think that's definitely

What I've been doing

Posted by pep8261 on 9th of Feb 2024 at 12:03 pm

backups! i think that's definitely been an issue.

Check out the collective2 and

What I've been doing

Posted by pep8261 on 9th of Feb 2024 at 11:55 am

Check out the collective2 and striker.  BTW- how do you like auto-trading with TS? All good until the system freezes for 500th time. I even have TS running on a server and its still slow as hell. I don't autotrade yet but have considered it.

I find /ES futures options to be more liquid. Especially after hours. 1.00 b/a which immediately becomes .50 once you place your order. But you can actually get filled mid-market. I’ve always been a commodity and futures guys so maybe I’m biased but I really prefer /ES  mini to any of the SP products. Same 1256 60/40 tax treatment as the bigs and never a “Daytrading rule”. 

TLT -LOD. /ES near highs.

Posted by pep8261 on 3rd of Nov 2023 at 11:56 am

TLT -LOD. /ES near highs.

How about WULF? Are these

Posted by pep8261 on 2nd of Nov 2023 at 10:24 am

How about WULF? Are these BTC miners ever going to catch up?  MARA, RIOT, WULF all still in the gutter.

PF= Gross Profit/Gross Loss. A measurement of signal strength. 

BTC miners showing a hint

Posted by pep8261 on 14th of Sep 2023 at 11:29 am

BTC miners showing a hint of life here... MARA, RIOT

ES futures and options trade 23 hr/days and are more liquid. 

Got it - saw that after I posted- thank you! Exited on the close. Looks like you’re using a shorter ma for the shorts (MA3/4?). I really prefer systematic trading. Defined entry/exit and backtest-able results 

Is the Googl short through

Posted by pep8261 on 3rd of Aug 2023 at 01:10 pm

Is the Googl short through the volatility systems still short? Unofficially of course. 

Looks like the A’s were

TICK pivots levels on SPX cash

Posted by pep8261 on 18th of Jul 2023 at 09:44 pm

Looks like the A’s were right. 

what if.... they don't pause?

I'm obviously just a short who's venting.  

I primarily follow the mean-reversion systems.  Was a former on-floor options market maker so i'm used the getting positions rammed down my throat.  

But  in all seriousness, I've always found it difficult to trade when there is sub-system, multi-system conflict.  And believe it or not, it seems to happen a lot.  I thought we'd get a pullback to buy with the longer-term trend. Breakout system are  long but the volatility systems were getting short.  For me, that probably means buy straddles and gamma scalp rather than taking a directional bias.  Anyway ....

matt- can you post a

new STS stops for QQQ, NVDA, AMZN

Posted by pep8261 on 12th of Jun 2023 at 12:47 pm

matt- can you post a volatility system update?

It's like Groundhog Day -

Posted by pep8261 on 12th of Jun 2023 at 12:39 pm

It's like Groundhog Day - no volatility, no action; just a slow, methodical grind higher.  Where's arun? That guy is right- stocks go up. Period.


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