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Thanks for sharing your expertise, DigiNomad! We really have an eclectic group here, many with years of experience in the field and/or areas of special interest and specialization. I am just a medical doctor still making amateur mistakes in trading, but learning from all of you!

Been there. Done that. My

Open System trades

Posted by mdgfain on 21st of Sep 2022 at 09:58 pm

Been there. Done that. My thoughts are with you. 

That’s what I was seeing Thanks!

mla127, so what I see is a lower high coming before a lower low. Am I reading like you are?  Thanks 

MATT, might a reasonable target

Posted by mdgfain on 16th of Sep 2022 at 03:08 pm

MATT, might a reasonable target be 3888 (about the bounce of the mouth of the original triangle AND closes the gap). Thanks for your critique!

Thank you, DigiNomad, for the benefit of your experience. 

A lot of you guys and gals trade LABU and/or XLE. My bias is that SPX will be down significantly in a month. I thought energy stocks would be headed up for multiple reasons. LABU has dropped an awful lot and may be just following SPX down. I may just have to close my eyes and sell ( those two are considerably in the red). Any thoughts/ speculations/ sober analysis appreciated l, either way!

LABU and XLE near support.

Posted by mdgfain on 16th of Sep 2022 at 01:25 pm

LABU and XLE near support. Bounce or break?

Inverted H&S on SPX 15

Posted by mdgfain on 15th of Sep 2022 at 02:22 pm

Inverted H&S on SPX 15 minute?

Down to last low now.

There she blows ...

Posted by mdgfain on 15th of Sep 2022 at 11:19 am

Down to last low now. It has to put up or shut up!  Giving it benefit if doubt since Matt clearly favored an upward resolution, but if it breaks, it breaks. Want to make sure not a fake out. 

BOIL.  October PUTS down 40%.

Posted by mdgfain on 15th of Sep 2022 at 10:54 am

BOIL.  October PUTS down 40%. I resisted the urge to panic sell because I have a month to expiration. Would appreciate general advice for this kind of situation where we are almost down to a support level in a strong market for oil and gas generally. Sell, double down, or watch and wait for better entry. I’m already in pretty heavy but have plenty of dry powder. Thanks for your thoughts!

YES!  Sorry. CPRX.  


Posted by mdgfain on 14th of Sep 2022 at 03:23 pm

CPRT: NEG DIVERGENCE and looks like REVERSAL candle to me. I’m buying PUTS. 

Thanks, Digi. I had a

OXY.  small coil on 5 & 15 min

Posted by mdgfain on 14th of Sep 2022 at 02:36 pm

Thanks, Digi. I had a LOT of energy stocks and options. Trimmed and trailed. 

On September 1, Satya Nadella,

Posted by mdgfain on 14th of Sep 2022 at 12:35 pm

On September 1, Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)sold a whopping $14 million worth of his company's stock.

Looks like Wave B is

Posted by mdgfain on 13th of Sep 2022 at 09:59 am

Looks like Wave B is playing out. Nearing start of Wave C?

But is it Kathie  Wood

new curved Samsung Ark monitor

Posted by mdgfain on 12th of Sep 2022 at 09:00 pm

But is it Kathie  Wood certified?

Yes, but hedged. 

Chris Kimble: The stock market

XLK Daily View Updated

Posted by mdgfain on 1st of Sep 2022 at 01:21 pm

Chris Kimble: The stock market is falling once again, with the S&P 500 Index trading nearly 10 percent lower than its high just weeks ago.

In fact, that reaction high occurred this month so the “monthly” candle is creating a very big bearish reversal. You can see this on today’s “monthly” chart of the S&P 500 

Got it. Thanks for sharing.

W (Wayfair) 

Posted by mdgfain on 1st of Sep 2022 at 12:23 pm

Got it. Thanks for sharing.  


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