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Turn around?

Posted by mdgfain on 1st of Jun 2022 at 12:31 pm

Turn around?

Thanks! A little too obvious! I thought they were mostly known for their charting platform. Do you use it/ recommend it?

Could someone please remind me

Posted by mdgfain on 11th of May 2022 at 08:46 pm

Could someone please remind me which online brokerage offers Tradestation for free if you use their service?  Thanks. 

Toothless FANGS from too much

Big Tech Snapshot Daily

Posted by mdgfain on 26th of Apr 2022 at 03:50 pm

Toothless FANGS from too much meth. Gives you a big  rush, but the let down sucks. 

Yes, he said it closed

Systems Updates on SPY and ES

Posted by mdgfain on 13th of Apr 2022 at 09:53 am

Yes, he said it closed out at 5 pm. 

Thanks, Matt. Got in at

LABU follow up

Posted by mdgfain on 4th of Apr 2022 at 10:19 am

Thanks, Matt. Got in at a good price!

4637-4530=107 point decline. I think

Posted by mdgfain on 31st of Mar 2022 at 04:24 pm

4637-4530=107 point decline. I think that breaks symmetry?  I guess that answers a lot of questions, and I guess we aren’t going up for a minor 5th wave. I am reading the tea leaves correctly? Thoughts, anybody?

Retirefire, you are MUCH more


Posted by mdgfain on 29th of Mar 2022 at 02:03 pm

Retirefire, you are MUCH more experienced than I, isn’t an inverted yield curve an early warning sign that usually takes a few months to manifest as a recession? Thanks. 

Thx, Steve

SPY supply just above 455 

Posted by mdgfain on 28th of Mar 2022 at 03:10 pm

Thx, Steve

Sorry, but I still get

SPY supply just above 455 

Posted by mdgfain on 28th of Mar 2022 at 03:05 pm

Sorry, but I still get them confused. Is it that there is more supply, so the price will go down or do I have it backwards. Trying to logically figure omit out and can’t find clear explanation on Google. 

Stones can be hard to get moving, but get out of the way when they start to roll!

Looked like an impulsive move

SPX intra day now working

Posted by mdgfain on 14th of Mar 2022 at 10:39 am

Looked like an impulsive move up and ABC pullback to me. Bought more. 

Ok. Thanks 

VXX 15

Posted by mdgfain on 7th of Mar 2022 at 03:52 pm

Ok. Thanks 

VIX still climbing. Fake out

VXX 15

Posted by mdgfain on 7th of Mar 2022 at 03:43 pm

VIX still climbing. Fake out Pinocchio or for real?  SPX not going to turn yet? Exit Longs?

STEVE, starting to look impulsive??

Posted by mdgfain on 3rd of Mar 2022 at 12:37 pm

STEVE, starting to look impulsive??

Thanks so much timebandit!

SPX 30 Updated View

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 04:57 pm

Thanks so much timebandit!

Hi, Matt. I looked up

SPX 30 Updated View

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 04:29 pm

Hi, Matt. I looked up the Fibs and I am more confused. Not being an a$$, just confused!  It looks like on this chart we have already surpassed the 0.618 Fib?? Please clarify where you think we might be headed?  And if I have the wrong Fib, please straighten me out!  I REALLY do appreciate all you and Steve do to help us out!

Thanks, Steve. I can hold

SPX 60

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 04:16 pm

Thanks, Steve. I can hold out for another 0.6% move,, I suppose, and add more Puts around 4411. Appreciate your help. These are tough markets. Not always easy to buy low and sell high!  

Thanks, Steve. I can hold

SPX 60

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 04:16 pm

Thanks, Steve. I can hold out for another 0.6% move,, I suppose, and add more Puts around 4411. Appreciate your help. These are tough markets. Not always easy to buy low and sell high!  

Thanks, Matt!  So, about 4425

SPX 30 Updated View

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 03:58 pm

Thanks, Matt!  So, about 4425 next target?  I can’t find the fib that fast. 


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