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Mla , Trapdoor or Bounce?

W (Wayfair) 

Posted by mdgfain on 1st of Sep 2022 at 12:04 pm

Mla , Trapdoor or Bounce? Wayfair is just what I need! This has been an amazing day. I’m tiptoeing in some hedges but still holding most of my puts. 

SPX tagged Lower Channel Line

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Aug 2022 at 10:25 am

SPX tagged Lower Channel Line

Thanks, Bandit. 

Colgate Palmolive?

Welcome, matsch13!  I absolutely love Bavaria!  Especially Fussen!  One of my favorite spots in the world!  So sorry for all of the energy struggles in Europe now.

Switch back to BOIL now, or stick with Kold a little longer? All thoughts appreciated. It’s been a nice correction today, and I’m tempted to switch. 

STEVE, logical to target SPY

Posted by mdgfain on 19th of Aug 2022 at 01:08 pm

STEVE, logical to target SPY 425 close for MAX PAIN?

Nope, I guess not. LABU bouncing back. Target about 11.58 to sell LABU?

Fundamentalvalues, you switching horses to LABD now?

I use Chrome. That would be awesome, James_Roe. Thanks. 

Thanks, Steve. Maybe trim a little. 

Sometimes just lucky. Up $6k

90% of traders loose money!

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Jun 2022 at 11:43 am

Sometimes just lucky. Up $6k today SO FAR! Still time to be losing by the end of the day!

SPX Inverted H&S on 5

Posted by mdgfain on 30th of Jun 2022 at 10:49 am

SPX Inverted H&S on 5 minute?

I guess it’s a Love the One You’re With market! :-)  Steve would like that. Project, Monitor, and Adjust!

Thanks for your insights, Steve. 

SPX 1 Adjusted

Posted by mdgfain on 23rd of Jun 2022 at 11:34 am

Thanks for your insights, Steve. 

Thanks, Steve

SPX dropped below 4150 but

Posted by mdgfain on 8th of Jun 2022 at 01:06 pm

SPX dropped below 4150 but stopped at trend line. Bounce then wave e of V?  Forgive me if I used the wrong labels, but I wonder if it bounces to new highs from here. Thoughts?  

On board, Cap’n. 

Ok. I bought it. Thanks!  It’s still a roller coaster ride!  I’ll be prescribing a muscle relaxer for my whiplash!

Think again! At least broke through red line resistance.  ( I have trades both ways). The question is , now do I lighten up on the bear trades also. 


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