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I have added a lot

SPX 30 Updated View

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 03:44 pm

I have added a lot of SPY puts in the past couple of hours since we hit about 4378. I intend to hold overnight because I expect about a 100 point drop. PLEASE tell me if you think that inadvisable or if it is a reasonable idea. I know nobody has a crystal ball, so I don’t expect perfection. My thinking is that the market makers want me to sell my Puts. 

Thanks, Steve!  Looks like a

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 02:05 pm

Thanks, Steve!  Looks like a great template for now. 

Looks like that would be a Nay. Rejected the peek over the line. 

Steve’s scenario starting to play

Posted by mdgfain on 25th of Feb 2022 at 10:04 am

Steve’s scenario starting to play out?  We have dipped below the dotted line. Call moments , yea or nay?

I agree!  Thanks, MATT

Good time for some Puts, or will it go all the way to the 200 MA?

Tagged the 20 and underside

Posted by mdgfain on 15th of Feb 2022 at 10:01 am

Tagged the 20 and underside of the former triangle.  Just a way station or continue to climb? 

Thanks, Matt. 

follow up comments

Posted by mdgfain on 4th of Feb 2022 at 12:50 pm

Thanks, Matt. 

Looks like symmetry is broken to me. Could MATT  or STEVE confirm or deny, please?  Thanks. 

This baby is one fickle

SPX comments

Posted by mdgfain on 28th of Jan 2022 at 02:46 pm

This baby is one fickle lover!  Love me and leave me!

STEVE, given current bearish movement, do you still think that support at 4320-30 will hold?  If not, do you have any more targets to consider?  Thanks. 

Matt, am I calculating correctly?

LABU interesting

Posted by mdgfain on 26th of Jan 2022 at 01:10 pm

Matt, am I calculating correctly?  I have a projected target of about 22.05 for LABU, based on the other two upswings. Thanks!

Or is it 19.37-15.06 = 4.31 + 19.1 breakout = 23.41 target.

Sorry for the elementary question, but aubthinl the latter is more accurate, and I know that none are precise, we have FOMC, etc.  THANKS. 

Thanks, Matt.  Just checking my thought process! 

3378+384= 3762  Am I applying the principle correctly?  Anybody? Thanks. 

Looks like ETH reached it’s

Posted by mdgfain on 1st of Sep 2021 at 01:15 pm

Looks like ETH reached it’s measured move.  Matt/Steve, could you confirm, please? Thanks!

Goldnice, GOLD retested 22.53, approximate breakout last time. Do you consider that it has met it’s backtest or more to go to form handle?

Matt, are you looking at Longs or Shorts?

Roger, Thanks.  Couldn’t find it on Google or Stockcharts search.  Does it come with another package or service?

Thanks, roger. Great charts. I’ve noticed them for a while. What charting  program  do you use?  Really nice visual appeal and easier to interpret than some. 


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