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Title: the same holds for russell2000 as for gold contracts

yes, it is the same principle but applied at the sell side. It would be a shop run on the short holders, a bull trap.

Title: notice that today's low is at same levels as lows from April and just above February lows
Title: a stop run
Title: yes, but after a stop run

Canadian stock index $TSX is going vertically up

Posted by junkie on 3rd of May 2014 at 04:35 am

Why didn't your system buy

my ES system closed out today

Posted by junkie on 21st of Apr 2014 at 07:26 pm

Why didn't your system buy a February low?

large speculators are short almost as if anticipating a top (confer with the March top) :

Title: fascinating finding


Title: correct, only in stage

Posted by junkie on 24th of Mar 2014 at 10:18 pm
Title: correct, only in stage 2
Title: Simple Emerging Markets Strategy


CSIQ Update

Posted by junkie on 26th of Feb 2014 at 12:15 pm

$44.20 or something very close is its price target, according to some analyst. It is almost fully priced at this p.m.

regarding TRIN & RSI-2


Posted by junkie on 25th of Jan 2014 at 02:45 am

With MA(9) on the daily at 16270 on the Dow, what would be your exit strategy for the original RSI-2 system? Or the system expects a close above 16270 to exit a long trade?

Check out lithium stocks used

Long Term 2014 Picks

Posted by junkie on 31st of Dec 2013 at 08:47 pm

Check out lithium stocks used in electric car batteries, rare-earth mineral producers used in military applications (the war cycle is turning upon us), quality food producers, real estate companies in  hot areas of the USA, China, Singapore and other tax havens,  healthcare insurance providers poised to benefit from Obamacare.

You might find some picks here from the 2013 top list:   It's a good overview of what is likely to be next

silver, nickel, copper metals are good plays. Or buy a volatility index.

Stocks are either near their

Long Term 2014 Picks

Posted by junkie on 31st of Dec 2013 at 05:36 pm

Stocks are either near their highs or their lows (in the mining sector) with a chance of continuing their trends before they reverse. There is no answer to your question without knowing how long you wish to hold your stocks beyond next year. Year 2013 is probably an equivalent of 1925 or 1932 for various market sectors.

re:  Regarding the BPT MA


Posted by junkie on 13th of Dec 2013 at 03:48 am

re:  Regarding the BPT MA Deluxe 

Matt, is your update available for a download yet?

BPT MA deluxe

BPT MA Deluxe for Ninja

Posted by junkie on 2nd of Oct 2013 at 01:33 pm

I have it on now and its uploaded but l could have done with the MACD BPT as well


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