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Free Indicator

BPT MA Deluxe for Ninja

Posted by junkie on 1st of Oct 2013 at 11:24 am

So has that update  been changed on the free indicator page and should l re-download whats in there now, or is it the same as last time which is on my desktop and waiting to be re imported to my Ninja, (cant do it immediately as l am trading)


it says the files are corrupt and cannot import. Are there any
suggestion what might cause it? Thanks in advance!

When you make a link, make sure it is inside the href section, such as href="". If you wanted to manually write html, here's how

<a+href="">your name for the link goes here</a>. Please replace + with the space (' ') in the string above (I had to cheat to the browser).


He's a bright guy. He

Martin Armstrong 7th April

Posted by junkie on 11th of Apr 2010 at 10:12 am

He's a bright guy. He sees the fundamentals and reasons from them. Everyone else reasons on the basis of similarity, thus selling one's beliefs to those who accept the sale.

Thanks, that's a necessary piece


Posted by junkie on 10th of Apr 2010 at 03:02 pm

Thanks, that's a necessary piece of education. He understands what so many don't and explains it without using any Elliottese.

Title: inflow of money to


Posted by junkie on 8th of Apr 2010 at 12:19 pm
Title: inflow of money to the market is a fundamental

Title: to Palladin What makes you


Posted by junkie on 8th of Apr 2010 at 12:10 pm
Title: to Palladin

Title: No shorts on the


Posted by junkie on 8th of Apr 2010 at 11:31 am
Title: No shorts on the blog

Matt, does you SSO system

Matt - SSO intraday

Posted by junkie on 7th of Apr 2010 at 05:23 pm

Matt, does you SSO system base its trades on playing the intermediate trend or it uses other criteria? I don't remember seeing it go short.

I thought an answer for


Posted by junkie on 30th of Mar 2010 at 03:58 pm

I thought an answer for this would be easy to figure out. Because it's positive news lined up in the direction of the intermediate-term trend. The market trades at the short-term futures, not long-term results which will not come into effect for several years.

Steve, on the chart commercials

COT Data

Posted by junkie on 27th of Mar 2010 at 08:28 pm

Steve, on the chart commercials are banks  and large speculators are professional traders and hedge funds, aren't they? I just cannot explain to myself what I see there.

What platform on?

SSO 30 min system that I'm working on

Posted by junkie on 23rd of Mar 2010 at 02:15 pm

Matt, What platform is a must for that trading system?

rp, I concur with you

Posted by junkie on 16th of Mar 2010 at 11:08 pm

rp, I concur with you on the place -- a bit higher than the previous high. Does the time now feel or look right to you for the top?

1225 is the next big

Bears Flattened by Runaway Train

Posted by junkie on 16th of Mar 2010 at 07:57 pm

1225 is the next big number, a Fib. retracement after 1115 (61.8%, I think). 1150 was the MA(20) on the monthly chart, a border line between the bull and bear markets. 'Think big' is the motto of this market, in my twisted humor. If it's not obvious to everyone, it's not going to work (for the bears).

Why the overall top? Two factors: the "thin" zone ends approximately there (1200, if I recall from Matt & Steve's reports last fall), and "sell in May and go away" has not been repelled yet, when there is something to sell. There was little or none last year.

Lastly, the professionals will need time to distribute their longs near the top, that's why I would expect a long rectangle or something of this sort. Something like in Dec.-January 2009. This market is a chess game, and those who practise analysis -- dividing the whole into parts to make sense of it, ala science -- will never get it.

I wish to state two

Bears Flattened by Runaway Train

Posted by junkie on 16th of Mar 2010 at 06:32 pm

I wish to state two points here, that might or might not of help to any bear here.

1. This market hits the targets it is supposed to hit. The AB=CD target is 1165, and it will be hit, in my best judgment.

2. After 1150 has taken, the next target is 1225 for the overall top.

If you can, try to stay aside and let the train arrive where it's supposed to arrive. The first 1/8 and the last 1/8 are the most expensive eighth in trading.

I hope this helps someone.

How could you compare a

Record streak on SPX

Posted by junkie on 16th of Mar 2010 at 03:30 pm

How could you compare a high-volume rally in 1995 with a thin-volume one now? If you decide to reduce multiple variables to only a few (price and duration), you'll make yourself very confused! That's a prevalent mistake made by a number of posters here. A hint: a bull market implies large volume buying...

Edit: one should suspend one's belief in technical analysis in thinly traded markets.

trade entries

SPX 15 min

Posted by junkie on 12th of Mar 2010 at 05:03 pm

Steve, I think you need to formalize your trade entry requirements to make them more specific. Brief comments like big volume, breaking through support, sustainable, etc. are not tradable. It needs to be all numerical.

I think you and Matt might need to address the fact that some subscribes cannot make any money without specific numeric data. What that means is that they are using opinions instead of facts, and projections that are not supported by factual indicators. This market is very difficult to trade for obvious reasons, and in these circumstances more guidance from your side is required to support those are willing to commit their hard-earned money and risk it on either side.

Personally, I am staying on the side lines for now till May. I am also reconsidering whether or not I should continue with my subscription here, which I cannot justify based on my personal trading success.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

After does not mean because


Posted by junkie on 12th of Mar 2010 at 09:02 am

Whatever it is -- news is always after the fact -- we will never know. 'Later' or 'after' does not mean 'because of'. As far as technical measurements, it looks like an ABCD move on the dailies with a projected target at 1165. A was at 1030 and C at 1045. Aagain, another confirmation of the same known target zone of 1165-1170 that we saw in January.

May to July 2010 is

Jack Chan's latest...

Posted by junkie on 6th of Mar 2010 at 07:40 am

May to July 2010 is a likely time frame when the backdrop happens. If you are a bear, you need to stay alive till then. Between now and then are more rallies on new IRA injections, I would guess. I cannot explain the upsloping accumulation/distribution line by anything else. Bears are slaughtered first and now, then bulls' turn will come.

Jack Chan is doing the right thing: preserving the capital. FWIW.

It's like a trend: it

OK now let's gap up again on Monday

Posted by junkie on 5th of Mar 2010 at 06:34 pm

It's like a trend: it works while it works till it breaks down and reverses. And all one can tell certainty that it has worked in the past. LOL!


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