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Is SPY Pro still long?

SPX Options

Posted by junkie on 15th of Aug 2014 at 12:43 pm

Is SPY Pro still long? Is it close to give a sell signal on your indicator, Matt?

long postions on mechanical systems

Posted by junkie on 7th of Aug 2014 at 04:37 pm

The mechanical systems are not going to close out of their trades at any time soon, are they? So pullbacks are still to be bought near 1901? Thanks for a comment on them.

Matt, If you could set

ES system closed out today

Posted by junkie on 24th of Jul 2014 at 01:51 pm

Matt, If you could set up a bridge with a UK or Canadian broker to execute trades automatically, that would work for most.

Title: there are restrictions on

ES system closed out today

Posted by junkie on 24th of Jul 2014 at 01:02 pm
Title: there are restrictions on accepting accounts from traders outside the USA

Title: Could you please post

SPX 60 min chart

Posted by junkie on 8th of Jul 2014 at 12:27 pm
Title: Could you please post a 60-min. chart from the TradeStation?

Title: RSI(5) and regular stoch


Posted by junkie on 3rd of Jul 2014 at 12:15 pm
Title: RSI(5) and regular stoch accounted for the difference from the previous setup?

Are you not using your

S&P 500 60 min with BPT MA Deluxe

Posted by junkie on 10th of Jun 2014 at 06:27 pm

Are you not using your DS stochastic on 60-minute charts? As I recall, it provides a good entry and exit signals within ongoing trend.

thanks for your input. I

A similarity to December of 2013?

Posted by junkie on 9th of Jun 2014 at 07:50 am

thanks for your input. I needed an objective look, as I don't want to make trading implications off a wave count. A choppy and overlapping advance has suddenly become an impulsive move to new sky highs.

What's a profit/loss ratio for the system based upon which trades are to be run? Are trades going to be based on the BTP MA Deluxe or another indicator?

Title: A similarity to December

Posted by junkie on 8th of Jun 2014 at 08:37 am
Title: A similarity to December of 2013?
Title: they needed to eliminate a large short position with a parabolic up move
Title: no end of the uptrend is yet in sight

Title: big picture on major

Posted by junkie on 25th of May 2014 at 01:07 pm
Title: big picture on major indexes: a lot of decision points right now with a setup for long swing trades, potentially
Title: edit: a diamond could provide for a short-term reversal pattern
Title: A number of touches matter

It has a look of

SPX 15 View

Posted by junkie on 19th of May 2014 at 04:35 pm

It has a look of a small head and shoulders formation. One more pop up would complete the symmetry into 11am tomorrow when European markets close.

What condition would give you an ADRE short trade (here's your chart ADRE daily)? It is quite overbought but not broken yet, above the lower trend line used as support.

Title: update: a drop may be delayed till Wednesday, as Tuesdays are usually bullish

Title: I will expect a

Posted by junkie on 16th of May 2014 at 12:54 pm
Title: I will expect a gap down on Monday, keep your shorts in despite an oversold condition


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