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The price action says higher til it changes. Bulls have the ball. All the rest is noise.

There are a few posts I've written on the blog here that would be great testimonials for the page. 

SPX Keeping that 4,006 gap

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 9th of Sep 2022 at 11:15 am

SPX Keeping that 4,006 gap in mind. It will be revisited at some point after the rally is completed. 9 day showing at 3,979 on my one chart now.

Thanks for sharing. As far as the vaccine reducing symptoms, I can say it is the case from my personal experience and friends/family. 

One of my good friends didn't have the vaccine and he was very close to hospitalized. Called it "hell" for 10 days. Very high fever, short breath, along with the rest of it. Said he was very close to 911 more than one night. 

His wife had the vaccine and said it was more like a bad flu for her. The kids never got it. 

I feel terrible but haven't experienced anything like my friend talked about. Highest my fever went was 101s. Seems to have passed now 3 days in and I've continued over the counter meds. My friend I mentioned was taking the meds too though it didn't seem to help. Worth what it's worth i guess info wise.

Thanks man. Ya no formula to it, very individual. My wife hasn't gotten it and we have had plenty of close contact. 

I take my supplements as well and very fit. I eat a quality diet as well of nutrient dense foods.

This covid is no joke.

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 9th of Sep 2022 at 09:21 am

This covid is no joke. I can't imagine having it without having the vaccine. 

I don't recall ever being this sick in so many ways. 

SPX exited my entire SPXL

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 8th of Sep 2022 at 04:06 pm

SPX exited my entire SPXL position at $76.05. I prior bought at $70. Markets look like they can push higher though I wanted to lock it in as I'm just getting back from vacation. Good start for me a few days in. 

Also really happy with my strategy of not watching every tick during the day. I make my decisions on market close. 

There is plenty of information available to make a decision on trying the service for 6 months. As you noted, there is a free trial as well. 

Before I became a member years ago, I watched the free videos that you put out on occasion and finally took the trial membership. I would also agree that there is a high percentage chance that you wouldn't hear back from someone like this because they are likely evaluating multiple services, bouncing between strategies, and uncertain about most things in trading, and life. At some point one has to stick to a program or strategy to see results. That may happen at some point if someone has enough pain to try things differently, though it can be a very long time before rock bottom comes, subpar results, or the learning curve catches up. 

99% of people would do well to take advice from others who have a lot more experience and results to back it up. That is what you guys offer, mentorship, and systems to help someone who doesn't know how to trade and/or want to figure it out. All one needs to do is follow the alerts. So even for the person that wants to be told what to do, that happens through the systems here. 

And the fact that you and Steve trade along in the community most days with us, there is everything needed here to succeed. 

I use the close price for SPX for reference. Close enough for me. 

SPX the 3,830.85 gap is

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 7th of Sep 2022 at 05:34 am

SPX the 3,830.85 gap is now coinciding with the S1 pivot. 

XLP long some at $72.15.

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Sep 2022 at 02:14 pm

XLP long some at $72.15. I have a bit more than half of what I'm willing to own now. Dividend will be coming up later this month as well. Cash return and inflation protection focused. 

SPX objective entry long off

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Sep 2022 at 09:59 am

SPX objective entry long off 3,908 area retest of prior support zone. Using SPXL as my trading instrument 

SPX Gaps Below

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 6th of Sep 2022 at 09:10 am

SPX now has 4 gaps left below:





There are 6 gaps above starting with 4,228.48. 

We had a fantastic vacation. I gained some great insight and perspective as well during the rest. It looks like my fund sales in the 4,300s against that 200 day were right on time when things were overbought. 

Very good newsletter Steve, I appreciate your hard work! You and Matt continue to provide timely guidance and opportunities. Really helps me a lot as I consider my trading and longer term planning investment strategies. 

SPX 4,091 and 4,072 two more gaps filled. Be aware there are 4 more below down to 3,674 where the rally began. 

My prior on close sells in the 4,300s looking real good now. 

XLP filled gap at  $74.49 as prior suggested as well. I filled at $74.45 ( prior preset order) about 1/3 of what I'm willing to own. 

Keeping an eye on all those gaps below. Machines don't forget. Leaving here on Sunday for the cruise portion of our trip. I'll be back trading Sept 6th. 

I've been praying daily for you and your family. 

SPX next gaps lower are:




and 4 more under that just from this rally alone down to 3,674.84. 

First upside gap at yesterday's close 4,228.48 then 4,283.74 and 4 more above that longer term. 

I'm not trading, just took a moment to browse the comments. Thanks so much, looking forward to being away and unplugged. 

$74.49 has a gap on XLP

Thanks man. I tend to be more conservative by nature, likely the product of growing up with my grandparents from the age of 8. I'm used to working hard, another thing I learned early on. 

I've gotten more comfortable over the years in raising my posture to moderate/aggressive in times of extremes (major oversold levels-negative sentiment). And then reducing my posture into major overbought levels, aka sell the parties.

From my morning reflections: It is difficult for me to step away and take breaks, so I'm taking proactive action on a plan to do so a week earlier than planned. Practicing patience and enjoying life will recharge me for the next chapter. My pursuit of improvement in investments and otherwise will benefit. If I were to only increase wealth and not improve the relationships with those I care about most, what would I have really accomplished? 

SPX Gaps: The first gap below

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 19th of Aug 2022 at 07:51 am

SPX Gaps:

The first gap below is at 4,207.27 if/when they let it go. There are 8 gaps total below now just from this rally all the way down to 3,674. Here are the gaps:

Below: 4,207.27, 4,122.49, 4,091.19, 4,072.43, 3,921.05, 3,830.85, 3,790.38, and 3,674.84

Above: 4,283.74, 4,393.66, 4,525.12, 4,631.60, and 4,662.85 

What I've often noticed with the gaps is that they will coincide with moving averages, supports, fibs, etc. They have given me major signals for portfolio management over the years. I prior posted the adjustments to our investment plan (IRAs strategy) and the market closed at 4,305 that day. Seasonality is upon us for Sept-Oct. 

I just made another high of the year in my trading account (separate strategy from long term) so I have closed everything out and I'm in cash there until we return from vacation. I'll be back to trading September 6th. See you all soon, enjoy the days!

Would someone be willing to track the gaps while I'm away for the SPX cash? 


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