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Thanks Matt, I like the

something to ponder

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Sep 2022 at 10:43 am

Thanks Matt, I like the 9 year moving average chart you showed in the newsletter. Currently coming in at 3,166. I think the SPX testing that 9 year or overshooting would be a tremendous opportunity for swings. One day at a time though. 

AAII Sentiment, a bearish high

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Sep 2022 at 10:38 am

AAII Sentiment, a bearish high on the weekly votes: 

With the Demark 9 and other factors, maybe we get a rally, RSI is 32 on my longer term chart

The close price on this

something to ponder

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Sep 2022 at 10:16 am

The close price on this chart is 4,271 from April 22, 2022. Wonder how it looks now with current prices where they are. I clicked the "view live chart" hyperlink in the newsletter though it didn't work for me for some reason. 

09/22/2022-My Trading/Investing notes: There is

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Sep 2022 at 09:25 am

09/22/2022-My Trading/Investing notes: There is often a lot of discussion around the negative consequences of rising rates in terms of assets like stocks and bonds depreciating. I think it is worth recognizing the long term positives of getting a lot of world debt cancelled. Sometimes the only way to train new behavior is to cause enough pain for long enough for new habits to be established. Once this all works through (no idea on the timing, will simply follow prices), we will be upon a lower risk opportunity to build tremendous wealth and the wind will be at our back instead of in our face as it is currently. 

I'm looking forward to a capitulation in order that I can buy significant assets for a major move, similar to what we had with the recent 20%er June to August. It will likely be even better. I'm talking down the line here, though this has been my specialty over the years, buying and selling the major moves in the market. I've done this simply by obeying a few indicators and prices. No stressing out over the day to day news. It is an illusion of knowledge anyway. I think where that can be helpful is determining when sentiment has gotten stretched when used with the other indicators/prices. It is normally a big waste of time though and designed to create emotional turmoil which then in turn creates bad decisions. 

Everyone does it differently, though I've learned to stick with what I'm good at and never break my mandate. Specialize and execute. Resist the other temptations that will try and take me off my course, this includes assets I'm not confident in, overdoing it on news, charts, speculations, and trying to be someone else. 

Relaxing, really refreshes me. Still

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Sep 2022 at 09:51 pm

Relaxing, really refreshes me. Still in progress just like me. I know not directly market related though it is for me as it helps me emotionally. It makes it easier to operate personally and professionally. 

Exercise is another favorite of mine and journaling. A walk near the water. A coffee with my wife at the bookstore. Writing and mailing a note to a friend. Telling someone I care about how I feel about them. Gratitude..Perspective..

SPY I took the 1st

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Sep 2022 at 06:49 pm

SPY I took the 1st entry long via SPXL (3x etf) as my instrument. $62.79 afterhours price, even better than the close. Thanks for the trade notification Matt. 

Thinking of you Matt, your

Open System trades

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 21st of Sep 2022 at 06:46 pm

Thinking of you Matt, your Dad, and family. 

Boom, just one left now at 3,674.84 from the beginning of the June rally. 

Glad I can help on the gaps. Thanks for the great coverage as always 

Thanks, I am much better now. I've been taking it slow still in coming back with my exercise intensity. Just so nice to feel good again. No health, no life.. A good reminder to appreciate each day and tell everyone I care about how much they mean to me. I appreciate you!

3,830.85 finally filled at the pivot, just two left below now from the start of the June rally 


Remaining downside gaps: 




XLP long for my IRA

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 14th of Sep 2022 at 10:40 am

XLP long for my IRA at $71.75. Historically the ex dividend date has been around September 20th. The yield is around 2.5%.

Procter and Gamble is the top holding and they again raised their dividend recently. Other top companies include Coca Cola, Pepsi, Walmart, Costco, etc. Here are the top holdings:

Always a strong go to for me when accumulating assets on weakness. Consumer staples are here to stay. 

SPX 3,830.85 gap right at

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 14th of Sep 2022 at 10:31 am

SPX 3,830.85 gap right at S1 pivot as previously posted some days back. 

SPX 4,067 and 4,006 gaps

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Sep 2022 at 10:07 am

SPX 4,067 and 4,006 gaps both filled. 

Remaining downside gaps: 




There are currently 7 gaps on the upside starting with 4,110.41

Just took profits on my short as we probed 3,999 on SPX. SPXS was my instrument (3x etf). Good enough for now, still not feeling 100% and need to rest. 

I love the systems and

ES short systems

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Sep 2022 at 09:40 am

I love the systems and reversion to means. No analyzing what will happen next with the economy or earnings, etc. Just take the trade and go on with life. Once things adjust, trade it and keep it moving. I use gaps and reversion to means for my regular trading along with sector rotations. I like demark signals in sectors/indexes as well. If I want more confidence for a trade I leverage more. I haven't watched financial tv in ages, no need for it. The illusion of knowledge. 

Your mapping helped my confidence with the gaps also lower and 9 ma so much lower. 

Nice charting Steve!

I'm positioning mentally (open mind). Only position in play I have currently is the short with the system. 

If these lower gaps get filled,longer term gotta have an open mind for a more bullish scenario. The gaps go all the way down to 3,674.

Sweet, let's fill some gaps hopefully on the downside and get the reversion to mean 

SPX the longer this goes

Posted by fundamentalvalues on 13th of Sep 2022 at 08:27 am

SPX the longer this goes on the more likely we are to see an upside resolution longer term. The market is singing about the same concerns and it has now become a climb of the wall of worry. 

War, inflation, rates, supply chain, all known about. Seems like grabbing for bearish straws now. Too many late bears hoping for sentiment trauma or one more event for a meltdown (earnings revisions). 

Not a fan of the gaps below and would prefer to see them fill, though I would say this is in the final innings after that event. I'd be a big buyer if we got any test of that longer term moving average shown in the multi year charts. And I think a new bull would be around the corner.

CPI is already a given, we all know gas is lower and the rest is higher. 


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