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Matt,  The note on the FLMN

Some other insider plays

Posted by RichieD on 29th of Aug 2018 at 02:47 pm


The note on the FLMN chart says insider bought 750,000 shares at $10/share on 8/23/18.  A quick look at the chart shows the last time price was anywhere close to $10.00 was back in May.  I'm confused.  After the close of trading today, could you address this?

Bought the breakout at $10.57;

VKTX nice pop

Posted by RichieD on 23rd of Aug 2018 at 04:15 pm

Bought the breakout at $10.57;  watched it gently rise to $11.40 , gave it some room with a stop at $11.15.  At work all day; never saw the parabolic move to $11.80.  Caught in the late morning downdraft and was taken out at my stop.  Made money but felt like I left too much on the table.  Without watching every tick, was there a better way to maneuver my stops?  Often when I use a trailing stop I find I'm taken out too soon.  That would've worked better in today's scenario. 

PRED late day move. Chart

Posted by RichieD on 23rd of Aug 2018 at 04:04 pm

PRED late day move. Chart link

Does the same fate await


Posted by RichieD on 7th of Aug 2018 at 08:58 pm

Does the same fate await the Appleonians, Amazonians and Googlites one day in the future?  After all, they suffer from a similar dogmatic loyalty, only on steroids...believing these companies can never do wrong...ever?  That day of reckoning, if it ever comes, will make the gold bugs decline pale by comparison.

GDEN  Anyone have any information

Posted by RichieD on 1st of Aug 2018 at 07:20 pm

GDEN  Anyone have any information as to why Golden Entertainment has dipped 13.5% since announcing the purchase of two casino properties in Laughlin two weeks ago?

Well stated by both you


Posted by RichieD on 1st of Aug 2018 at 04:39 pm

Well stated by both you and Matt.  I too have a quick trigger finger on the sell button  these days and keep my position size modest.  Got in on/out of IQ today with a $0.75 per share gain.  Was hoping this would be one of those $2.00-$3.00 up days when it broke resistance this morning, but it was obvious early on it was not meant to be. Will take what they give.

Gave it all back and


Posted by RichieD on 1st of Aug 2018 at 12:38 pm

Gave it all back and then some intraday like so many others of late. 


Posted by RichieD on 27th of Jul 2018 at 11:55 am

FOSL, AQ, ERF, OSIS and SOGO .  All trade ideas purchased in the last week and a half with stop limits.  Each moved slightly higher when limit was hit, than dropped like stones.  Put what I thought was a sensible stop (allowing some room) on each position shortly after purchase.  Not a day trader, so I took a small loss on each  since I can't watch every tick in the market.  

Latest was VREX (another from the trade ideas watchlist), which I was filled on this morning.  As soon as I purchased it, it too dropped precipitously.  On the verge of hitting my stop which would make that 6 out of 7 losing trades.  Only winner so far is EQH (modestly up).  

What am I doing wrong, or am I just in a bad patch?  Nearly all the other trade ideas I pass over that Matt/Steve put out seem to work.  Just frustrated.  It will pass.  Perhaps I should post my shortlist of trade ideas so others can avoid them.          

I don't think so.  Does everyone grow their own food?  Some do, most don't.  The fact that some individuals choose to have vegetable gardens hasn't dampened demand.  Most people don't have a green thumb, aren't set up to grow cannabis, don't want to invest in equipment, supplies, etc., and prefer to spend their time doing other things.

I'm not in favor.  I

Monday's Newsletter

Posted by RichieD on 17th of Jul 2018 at 07:04 am

I'm not in favor.  I like to linger on certain pages for a minute or two; would have to pause the video to do so.  Also, when in a hurry, I prefer to quickly scroll to the sections I'm most interested in; might be harder to do with video.  Lastly, it could be more work for Matt or Steve to set up/record, which in my opinion, is unnecessary.

Matt, Why don't the volume

OMNT new insider play

Posted by RichieD on 6th of Jul 2018 at 02:30 pm

Matt, Why don't the volume bars reflect the insider purchase of 1,305,000 shares as indicated in the footnote on the chart?

Thanks, Matt.  In no way

Possible SPY 2nd entry today?

Posted by RichieD on 25th of Jun 2018 at 02:23 pm

Thanks, Matt.  In no way did I mean to infringe upon your time during the trading day.  Appreciate you need to focus on charts and indicators while the market is open.

Every time there's a big

Possible SPY 2nd entry today?

Posted by RichieD on 25th of Jun 2018 at 01:18 pm

Every time there's a big one day selloff in the market, it seems like the SPY signals a re-entry end of day or next day at the open.  Or, at minimum,  everyone expects it.  What is it that signals an immediate re-entry vs the  possibility of a multi-day selloff?  I ask because I'm starting to feel like the system itself is getting complacent; the possibility of a continued selloff seems to be out of the question; that worries me.  

What would it take for the "SPY system" to conclude that a longer downturn is upon us?  And why is it that when an individual stock sells off strong like the SPY has today, the re-entry point from a technical perspective is usually dependent upon a positive signal on the charts that takes time to develop?  What's different?

Probably asking out of lack of technical understanding, but it would be helpful to me to understand the underlying premise.

Why is PVG listed as

Posted by RichieD on 22nd of Jun 2018 at 07:29 am

Why is PVG listed as a possible short in the Trade Ideas section?  Was listed as well by Steve in last night's newsletter (without mentioning long or short).  Looks more like a potential long to my eyes.  Am I missing something or is that just an error?

Had the same experience.  Stock

CDAY follow up

Posted by RichieD on 14th of Jun 2018 at 10:03 pm

Had the same experience.  Stock rocketed to nearly $41.00.  I went to get a cup of coffee, came back to my desk and the stock had dropped more than $1.00 in value...and continued falling like a stone off a cliff.  Got out in a panic at $39.60 with a decent profit, nevertheless.  What makes a stock rise and drop that quickly?  Talk about fickle!

Excellent point, Matt.  It doesn't

Update on Pot Stocks

Posted by RichieD on 6th of Jun 2018 at 06:48 pm

Excellent point, Matt.  It doesn't matter who had it first.

Separately, any idea why SLTK has not moved higher given the strength in the marijuana stocks?  Would seem a natural.

I, too would find this helpful.

Been steadily inching higher this

GDEN reports tonight

Posted by RichieD on 9th of May 2018 at 10:17 am

Been steadily inching higher this past week.  Any updated thoughts on the fundamental story?

Nice score.  Isn't it canny


Posted by RichieD on 9th of May 2018 at 10:15 am

Nice score.  Isn't it canny how any number of stocks seem to "know" 1-2 days in advance whether earnings will surprise or disappoint.  In this case, the stock broke out just prior to what turned out to be a favorable earnings report, I assume.  I purchased CLSD at $12.00 last week, put a stop in at $12.00 and was taken out at $12.00 two days ago (breakeven trade) while the stock drifted lower for 2 days as if it "knew" in advance what would be released this morning as an earnings report (stock proceeded to drop another $0.75).

Anyone besides me finding it

FTSI follow up

Posted by RichieD on 1st of May 2018 at 10:31 am

Anyone besides me finding it hard in this trading environment to get orders filled using reasonable limit orders?     

For example, this morning I placed an order prior to the open to buy FTSI if crossing $20.35 with a buy limit of $20.40.  It never filled on its way up to $21.62, so I cancelled the order (not wanting to buy if it retraced that gain).  Would I have been clever enough to sell somewhere during today's spike?  Actually I believe so having learned that lesson on numerous occasions.

Similarly I put a buy order in on CANN with a limit of $4.43 and was only partially filled (90%).

Is it the nature of the stocks I'm selecting, the trading environment or a reflection of manipulative market makers?  Or just coincidence? 


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