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Thanks for drawing this Steve.

LINU 60 Minute View

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Oct 2017 at 04:54 pm

Which pennant do you feel is more valid to use for an upside break?

Is LINU setting up again?

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Oct 2017 at 01:07 pm

Chart link  Sorry, I don't have sophisticated charting software.  Consolidation pattern on light volume looks to be getting ready for another burst higher.


ADHD - need advice for future

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Oct 2017 at 10:01 am

chart link  Bought this about 10 days ago at $1.11.  Been showing strength last few days but also large wicks to the upside, then quickly coming back down. 

Broke out huge this morning on large volume.  Watched it gap up to low $1.60's.  Decided to take some risk (give it room) but also wanted to protect the huge gain, so I placed a trailing $0.10 stop when last trade was $1.75.  Within a minute I was taken out at $1.65, only to watch it rocket to $2.10 within 2 minutes.  Price has settled down to $1.85 right now.

Not complaining, but want to know how I might have managed this better.

Thanks. I agree.

LINU insanity

Posted by RichieD on 6th of Oct 2017 at 10:50 am

I can understand why Fidelity took stops off the table.  For about 15 minutes this morning the bid/ask was moving so fast in both directions it would have been near impossible to execute.   

LINU insanity

Posted by RichieD on 6th of Oct 2017 at 10:26 am

Chart link  Bought yesterday; sold today for just over 100%. Wanted to set a trailing stop but Fidelity would only allow a market order so I was forced to sell "early". Now up on the day 182%. Not complaining; know I got lucky.

Usually it's the opposite with a miss like this. 

I was "the storms" the report is entirely discounted.

Guess we'll know shortly.


Posted by RichieD on 29th of Sep 2017 at 09:41 am

Chart link 

Stock mentioned in Wednesday's newsletter.  Had it on my watch list.  Didn't trigger yesterday (in fact it sold off then recovered some).  Gapped up more than 100% on today's open.  Never could enter.  Bizarre action.

Not any more. What goes up....


Posted by RichieD on 27th of Sep 2017 at 02:00 pm

comes down.  Nearly $25.00 off today's high.

Sweet. Any idea what's behind the move?

GDEN Updated View

Posted by RichieD on 27th of Sep 2017 at 01:58 pm

GDEN breaking out today

Posted by RichieD on 26th of Sep 2017 at 01:49 pm

our corporate rep (major cellular carrier) told me the same yesterday - that demand for the IPhone 8's is weak.  

for those buying HCLP inside of a retirement account.  

Since HCLP is a limited partnership ("LP"), you will receive a K-1 and be responsible for paying taxes on any gains/distributions irrespective of the fact that it was purchased through a retirement account.  Happened to me with United States Oil Fund, LP ("USO") a few years back.  I questioned Fidelity at the time - they researched the issue - and confirmed that my receiving a K-1 and having to report the gain/pay taxes that year was correct, even though I purchased it through a tax deferred account.

Just thought I'd pass that along.

Appreciate your chart postings

JO (Coffee)

Posted by RichieD on 26th of Jul 2017 at 01:54 pm

They are simple to follow.

What do you make the breakpoint to be? $17.70?


Posted by RichieD on 27th of Jun 2017 at 07:01 am

That's right, Steve.

Crypto Trading

Posted by RichieD on 22nd of Jun 2017 at 09:39 am

Could you imagine Amazon accepting this as payment for goods shipped?  Then again, maybe they would given that profits don't matter to them.  Cool 

Thanks Mia. Interesting charts, as always.

Semis ...

Posted by RichieD on 17th of May 2017 at 06:42 am

Was there a newsletter posted last night?

Posted by RichieD on 16th of May 2017 at 07:39 am

Doesn't seem to be a link from the calendar.

Any thoughts as to why so many stocks that have broken out in the past month or so are having a difficult time holding their gain?  Today's example is IPI.


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