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Would appreciate you reminding everyone that politics should be kept out of the Community Forum.  You set that rule some time ago and have stated it from time to time. That means everyone, no exceptions, right?  I have a very different perspective on life/the world/politics from many who posted comments this morning, but bit my tongue and didn't respond because I understand this forum to be about trading.

It really isn't okay to post comments about "the left", then a few sentences later say: "anyway don't want to get political on the blog".  Today, you and a few others did and some like me are bothered by it...whether people speak up or not.  Thanks.   

Might be an active trader

CNN greed/fear index now at 31

Posted by RichieD on 14th of May 2019 at 07:03 am

Might be an active trader reading, but it's certainly not a reflection of sentiment among long term investors.  I oversee my firm's retirement plan (60 participants).  When the average profit sharing plan/401K plan investor is nervous, I generally get 7 or 8 inquiries from staff asking why the market is lower or comments like "I thought I couldn't lose money; what's going on?"  My canary in the coal mine.  Haven't heard from a single individual yet.  

Thanks for providing audio despite

Thursday's Newsletter

Posted by RichieD on 3rd of May 2019 at 07:00 am

Thanks for providing audio despite losing your voice and being under the weather.  Appreciate it.  Get better soon.

Certainly an odd candle and bizarre trading day, but it's not a thinly traded stock ($1.2m shares on the day).  How exactly does this possible "manipulation" work?  Rumors just prior to the open that are quickly dispelled?  

Would like to understand how a stock gaps down huge like this at the open, then IMMEDIATELY reverses course to gain 11% on the day.  What series of events creates that reaction?  News after the open?  Just trying to understand and hopefully never get caught in this type of reversal using proper stops.

Seems like it's about $1.00

XERS insider

Posted by RichieD on 11th of Apr 2019 at 09:05 am

Seems like it's about $1.00 away from a clean breakout.  Any thoughts on taking the trade here with a tight stop or is it better to place a buy stop limit of something like $10.80-$10.82?  When the pattern is enticing but the last price is far from the breakout, I have trouble deciding which is the better approach.

ZSAN: Sometimes you get lucky.

Posted by RichieD on 9th of Apr 2019 at 10:05 am

ZSAN: Sometimes you get lucky.  Had a stop in place and was taken out for a small gain yesterday at $5.15.   Gapped down huge today:

Nice trade.  Congrats.  When they

ZYNE Updated View

Posted by RichieD on 4th of Apr 2019 at 06:53 am

Nice trade.  Congrats.  When they move that fast, you can almost never get out at the top.

VBIO: two questions.   1. How

VBIO insider

Posted by RichieD on 3rd of Apr 2019 at 07:10 am

VBIO: two questions.  

1. How do you consider buying a stock like this with daily volume of 20K-30K?

2. How does anyone buy $2M worth of stock when volume that day looks like it was less than 100,000 shares? Exercising options?  Direct purchase from the company?

Just sold out of PRED

Posted by RichieD on 22nd of Mar 2019 at 01:36 pm

Just sold out of PRED at $2.20 for a 98% gain.  Thank you Steve.  Has a parabolic look on the daily chart and approaching major resistance from last September.  Hard to manage this stock as a trade since Fidelity won't allow stop loss or trailing stops on pink sheet equities.  Might re-enter down the road after a reasonable pullback.  LOL: Probably will rocket higher later today.     

Is there ever a time

YEXT stock offering

Posted by RichieD on 19th of Mar 2019 at 09:20 am

Is there ever a time a company does an offering where it doesn't feel like they're throwing shareholders under the bus?   Adding insult to injury, more often than not the offering is at below market prices.

Trading action in PRED confuses

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Mar 2019 at 02:52 pm

Trading action in PRED confuses me.  Six times since late November it has presented a huge white candlestick, which is always followed by a near 100% retracement over the next 5-15 trading days.  Why can't stocks like these find any sort of sustained move up?

Today...or generally speaking?  Can you elaborate?

Why?  Honest question.   Asking because


Posted by RichieD on 26th of Feb 2019 at 07:13 am

Why?  Honest question.  

Asking because I often do the same and for me at least, it's part psychological and tied to my confidence leveland what else is happening on the day.  If I'm in a confident mood, I usually make the trade.  If not, I wait and wait, then find myself missing on opportunities.  Suspect it happens to many of us, and not due to a technical read of the chart, either.  Those who can remain objective, almost (but not entirely) mechanical in their trading probably fare better.  But we are human...

MTEM: Any way to prevent

Posted by RichieD on 5th of Feb 2019 at 06:21 am

MTEM: Any way to prevent this in future?

Bought at $4.20 late January.  Stock was trending up nicely the past few days.  Had my stop loss in place at $4.51.  Closed Friday at $4.85.  Opening print (1st minute) Monday was $4.83 on 500 shares traded.  Next print (2nd minute) was down $0.52 at $4.31 on 11,000 shares traded and I was taken out of my position (1,000 shares) at that price.  Then price immediately reversed.  Next trade (3rd minute) was up $0.37 to $4.68 on only 300 shares traded, followed by $4.85 on another 300 shares traded.  Stock closed the day at $4.99 on total volume of 54,500 shares.

Feel like I was robbed.  Was this manipulation by the market maker (to take out stops) or was I just unlucky due to one large seller?  More importantly, did I do anything wrong and what step(s) can I take to avoid a similar fate going forward?

Here's the daily chart:

Definitely moves to the beat of a different drum.

Three points, Nayan:

1. Matt and Steve run an outstanding website.  Both had been cautious of late...especially going into last week.  Not sure how you missed that.

2.  Although I don't play them, BPT's SPY Systems and sub-Sytems have excellent longterm track records.  However, no system (or individual) will be right 100% of the time.

3. It's extremely hard to predict those 1-2 day downdrafts; no one can to any degree of consistency.  If you've followed even a sampling of suggestions put forth by BPT over time and traded with discipline, you should be well ahead of the game.  If not, look inwards and improve your trading .

WEYL - Any update on

Posted by RichieD on 12th of Oct 2018 at 10:39 am

WEYL - Any update on the potential short squeeze expected today, or did I misunderstand the article posted earlier this week? 

Read this article twice.  Think


Posted by RichieD on 9th of Oct 2018 at 05:10 pm

Read this article twice.  Think I got the gist of it, but some details are beyond me.  This is potentially great news for those who own the stock, right?    Can something happen to prevent the projected short squeeze?

Now the tricky part -

TRTC follow up

Posted by RichieD on 21st of Sep 2018 at 07:10 am

Now the tricky part - where to place a stop.  Suggestions?  Halfway point of yesterday's candle?  Will watch the newsletter for any clues.  Bought yesterday @ $1.68.  Was going nowhere until late in the day.  Didn't see the move until 5 minutes before the close.  Sell half, let half run?  Sell at open if it jumps higher?  Many of the insider plays have turned out to be excellent swing trades; thank you Steve and Matt.


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