
    Posted by doctormike on 14th of Oct 2009 at 06:01 pm

    We all laugh at Jim Cramer and think he is nuts. But hey...if we actually follow his "always" bullish advice, we would've all made money.

    Wow....I was just having CNBC

    Posted by doctormike on 14th of Oct 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Wow....I was just having CNBC on and Cramer was on talking how wonderful Dow 10k was. Since it's after market, I decided to vent a bit and be sarcastic about how right he's been. Come on guys...I think he is a tool, but he was right during this entire bear market rally. For the record, he did make a sell call last fall, not this March. Anyway, I am just amused by how bullish he still is about the market without caring the fundamental problems in our economy. Enough venting for kicks. Let's see what tomorrow will bring with Goldman, Citi, weekly claim, CPI, empire state manufacturing, philly fed survey, and crude inventory. It will be a busy and exciting day regardless for a bull or a bear.

    Cramer screamed to "sell eveything

    Posted by billrosen on 14th of Oct 2009 at 09:12 pm

    Cramer screamed to "sell eveything if you need your money in the next 5 years" in earlier March AFTER being long during the whole crash since the very top, with such great picks as Lehman, Merill, Bear Stearns, among others. You would have had nothing left to invest to have profited from his bullish stance since April. I said it before on this blog, that guy is pure evil, he knows that millions of clueless people and lot's of older Americans ignorantly rely on his advice and he continues to parade around like a bad cartoon character playing some bizarre game with people's live savings, with zero accountability from his network and of course he personally is making millions all the while.

    to be fair buddy he

    Posted by marketguy on 14th of Oct 2009 at 09:59 pm

    to be fair buddy he made that "sell everything if you need the money in the next 5 yrs" on NBC's morning show early Oct of 2008 when the Dow first broke under 10, it's now round tripped back to 10k again...apparently he's a lot smarter than me as he's been bullish at least the last 2+months as I've been getting my rear end handed to me on the short side +/-.  I agree with you that when ("if" for crying out loud) the top does finally come he won't call it as he didn't in 2000 and he'll be telling people to buy all the way down..however, that's still somewhere down the road...

    I remember seeing it and saying WTF on the today show

    Posted by gabebristow on 14th of Oct 2009 at 09:55 pm

    If you don't need twenty percent of your money in the next five years then leave it in the stock market"................  Today show producers and Ann Curry wait for the punch line.......   wait for it......   Nope this idiot Cramer just told our Country to sell off....   Nice.   So I gave him strike one and two on that one, then Jon Stewart goes off on the DB (Jersey Slang), and he basically has no rebuttall.  Looks like a guy that works for Cnbc and is more interested in his own returns (not stocks but ratings) than the people that go Booo yaah...   Now here's my point... not to mock Cramer but rather turn the boob tube off, spend thirty to forty minutes a night and make your own choices for the rest of your life.  It's just that easy, no but once you can commit to it and believe in it, that is truly freedom...  And freedom can happen anywhere except for some places that don't allow it.  CNBC is the enemy not Cramer.  Brissi Out

     thought about this all weekend,” Cramer told Curry. “I do not want to say these things on TV...Whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the stock market right now, this week. I do not believe that you should risk those assets in the stock market right now"...

    “I don’t care where stocks have been, I care where they’re going, and I don’t want people to get hurt in the market,” Cramer told Curry. “I’m worried about unemployment, I’m worried about purchases that you may need. I can’t have you at risk in the stock market.”

    Still, those with the assets — and the stomach — to ride out the stock market’s ups and down over a five-year period might be best served by holding their nose and holding onto their stocks.

    “I think what you have to do, if you can withstand it, is just ride it out,” Cramer said.

    Why does Cramer think you should get out now? Because the market could decline 20% from here.  That's possibly the worst justification for selling medium-term holdings we've ever heard. (The market could ALWAYS decline 20% from here. And it's already down 35% from the peak.)

    By following Cramer, the March-present

    Posted by user32 on 14th of Oct 2009 at 08:47 pm

    By following Cramer, the March-present bull run would have gained you back only part of what you would have lost following his earlier advice. Down half is still down half.

    Title: Cramer His picks make money?

    Posted by pthoreson on 14th of Oct 2009 at 06:43 pm
    Title: Cramer


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