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Like your Charts


Posted by gabebristow on 31st of Mar 2010 at 11:22 pm

sorry if I was misunderstood last night,but I agree....

from the looks of it, even though First day of quarters are hugely positive, I would expect some downage, at least by Tuesday.  Especially since most bears have been stung and still numb.

Many indicators that most don't use are pointing south


swimming with sharks....

Posted by gabebristow on 31st of Mar 2010 at 02:28 am

no one gives a shit about entry, its all about exit strategy.

if you have an exit strategy that  you are comfortable with, then do it....

live with the consequence

lean short with stops until the top gets blown out again and again until the next time and  so forth.... next

link is malware

Junior Analyst at Goldman tells all

Posted by gabebristow on 31st of Mar 2010 at 02:14 am


Toyota Motors

Posted by gabebristow on 24th of Feb 2010 at 02:06 am

lets get a group on board with this....

g brissy

Ravun where are you?

Posted by gabebristow on 24th of Feb 2010 at 12:58 am

Pit .... I spose...

Anyone Making any money here?

Posted by gabebristow on 17th of Feb 2010 at 11:10 pm

Just checking to see if anyone else is a dollar short and a donut to hair with?  Good luck

Mechanical Systems

SRS 15min EOD working well today

Posted by gabebristow on 7th of Jan 2010 at 02:29 pm

Can you work on some with Higher trading prices?  So we don't get killed on commissions...  Just a thought Thanks

That doesn't make any sense!


Posted by gabebristow on 7th of Dec 2009 at 09:09 pm

Why would you have your "mechanical system" not take a trade?  If its mechanical and you trust it, wouldn't you just let the #$%^ run?  I am confused...  I don't remember reading that in the premium content section.  Please correct me if I am wrong..


Watched it earlie

matt taibbi video

Posted by gabebristow on 3rd of Dec 2009 at 02:13 pm

good vid...

yeah that site works pretty good

Trending indicator

Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 11:46 pm

at 3:55 eastern, just kidding

but the day I used it, it was just a bit off or slow or something that didnt make me money


Matt, I attest your watchlist is awesome

trade ideas

Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 11:06 pm

Thanks for the trade ideas  in this choppy market.  Your watch list has made it bearable.  I just wish I would have played the WL since March 9.. thanks for everything. GLT   G

And the funny but not so funny thing is: is


Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 09:01 pm

that we will all be on the sidelines once the market douches decide to bring the market where it is suppose to be...

only bought a couple thousand, just trying to keep good status for my comps at IAB

Trending indicator

Trending indicator

Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 02:16 pm

 I would use the ADX it has a trend indicator as the black line I believe.

Most people see the trend as when it is above 25...

I would like that premium add on too

Your statement

Posted by gabebristow on 29th of Nov 2009 at 10:15 am

If there was a 15 min, hourly, daily section with their thoughts on direction of the spx per say.  With green or red arrows possibly.  Or I guess I could just draw some trend lines on my charts and do it myself.  Oh yeah, learn to fish instead of going to Safeway and buying it..  Food for thought, good trading next week all

You are using dates on your bottom axis?


Posted by gabebristow on 25th of Nov 2009 at 10:52 am

shouldn't you use number of trades instead of dates.  I don't think Ninja allows per trades equity curves

more the better

swks breaking out

Posted by gabebristow on 24th of Nov 2009 at 03:45 pm

My minimum is 125% but really like 150% or better

Renko Charts

SPX 5 Renko

Posted by gabebristow on 20th of Nov 2009 at 12:42 pm


Do you trade off Renko charts at all?  if so what time frame would you recommend for a very active scalp trader....


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