My wife just filled her SUV and it cost $95. My Tesla Y costs
about $16 electricity for comparable distance of travel. People are
waking up to the opposite of your comment DigiNomad.
low cost of electricity, plenty incentives from utility
companies to install charger at home for free,no oil changes/wear
and tear/no need to change brakes for 150K miles atleast/save time
without going to gas station (charge at home during night
time)...probably more reasons left
Posted by DigiNomad on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:50 pm
Haha - "homes" ....that's what the rich men seem to be missing.
Much of the world, even America, is mostly in
condos/apartments. No garage to install a charger in...
Posted by icecoldjones on 18th of Aug 2023 at 04:09 pm
I have noticed that many of the higher-end condo/apartment
complexes in Chicago have a handful of charging parking spots for
EVs. Obviously, you get what you pay for by living in a nicer
building and I'm sure the HOA on those places is $500-1,000/mo with
door security, parking garages, amenities, etc.
Absolutely correct about charging stations. I have an electric
vehicle drives beautifully and I have a charger installed at home
but do not take the risk of a long distance trip because the
charging stations so few and when you find one someone’s
using it and not leaving for a long time.
Posted by DigiNomad on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:21 pm
And the production components aren't sustainable or scalable.
It's going to go the way of the dodo bird.
Listen to any earnings call this quarter from an automaker
other than TSLA and let me know your impression of the health of
the market, short and medium term.
Did you see the EV market in China had 500 companies and now
only 100 left. There was a photo of all the vehicles parked and
there were thousands of them.
My wife just filled her
TSLA still acts heavy
Posted by tgo5043 on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:14 pm
My wife just filled her SUV and it cost $95. My Tesla Y costs about $16 electricity for comparable distance of travel. People are waking up to the opposite of your comment DigiNomad.
agree with tgo5043 comment low cost
Posted by arun on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:33 pm
agree with tgo5043 comment
low cost of electricity, plenty incentives from utility companies to install charger at home for free,no oil changes/wear and tear/no need to change brakes for 150K miles atleast/save time without going to gas station (charge at home during night time)...probably more reasons left
Haha - "homes" ....that's what
Posted by DigiNomad on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:50 pm
Haha - "homes" ....that's what the rich men seem to be missing. Much of the world, even America, is mostly in condos/apartments. No garage to install a charger in...
I have noticed that many
Posted by icecoldjones on 18th of Aug 2023 at 04:09 pm
I have noticed that many of the higher-end condo/apartment complexes in Chicago have a handful of charging parking spots for EVs. Obviously, you get what you pay for by living in a nicer building and I'm sure the HOA on those places is $500-1,000/mo with door security, parking garages, amenities, etc.
Absolutely correct about charging stations.
Posted by Glad on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:54 pm
Absolutely correct about charging stations. I have an electric vehicle drives beautifully and I have a charger installed at home but do not take the risk of a long distance trip because the charging stations so few and when you find one someone’s using it and not leaving for a long time.
But one huge problem in
Posted by rbreese on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:47 pm
But one huge problem in colder climates batteries do not perform well in subzero temps.
how about electric tanks for
Posted by matt on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:47 pm
how about electric tanks for the military, get about 2hr run time LOL
that's unfortunately tank life expectancy
Posted by retirefire on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:48 pm
that's unfortunately tank life expectancy in Ukraine
One but is how many
Posted by rbreese on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:18 pm
One but is how many people can afford TSLA EVs?
Rich men North of Richmond
Posted by retirefire on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:47 pm
Rich men North of Richmond
Lol - great song! Whatever
Posted by DigiNomad on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:48 pm
Lol - great song! Whatever tribe you happen to be in....
And the production components aren't
Posted by DigiNomad on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:21 pm
And the production components aren't sustainable or scalable. It's going to go the way of the dodo bird.
Listen to any earnings call this quarter from an automaker other than TSLA and let me know your impression of the health of the market, short and medium term.
Did you see the EV
Posted by rbreese on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:27 pm
Did you see the EV market in China had 500 companies and now only 100 left. There was a photo of all the vehicles parked and there were thousands of them.
yeah I saw that, just
Posted by matt on 18th of Aug 2023 at 03:39 pm
yeah I saw that, just crazy those photos