Thanks for all the input guys and plenty of food for thought! Obviously, I'm here for some great reversion to mean trades but the knowledge everyone shares and the discussion is well worth the value you get!

    P.S. The Community tab is accessible without logging in and I don't think non-subscribers should get to read all the great stuff you guys provide! Just my 2 cents!

    I find it so surprising

    Posted by arun on 14th of Feb 2023 at 08:55 pm

    I find it so surprising how people talk about being bullish at the highs. How about when everyone was calling for end of the world at SPX 3500. or when Tesla was 100.
    and now when we have long term indicators also turning the corner , we are still talking about “loading the bus”.
    Basically it tells me they will be perma bears. They don’t have trust in any business or economy. And every time we have a 50-100 point , we celebrate because one day they will be right. 

    Well said... as for that

    Posted by fredsaid on 14th of Feb 2023 at 09:31 pm

    Well said... as for that TSLA wave 4, that was um...short like me lol but I know one day I will be right :)  hope it doesn't have to get back to 300 before I am.

    Look at all these suckers

    Posted by arun on 14th of Feb 2023 at 11:40 pm

    Look at all these suckers buying put options ahead of CPI expecting a “CRASH” doom and gloom 

    They deserve it. 

    I sold a ton of

    Posted by DigiNomad on 15th of Feb 2023 at 01:49 am

    I sold a ton of SPX calls ahead of CPI print and had my best day of the year so far, thank you very much. 


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