Hey man, no offense, if

    Industrial production

    Posted by mphailey on 15th of Jun 2016 at 01:55 pm

    Hey man, no offense, if we want to read Zerohedge, maybe we can just go to the site ourselves? 

    I completely understand that there

    Posted by sbaxman111 on 15th of Jun 2016 at 03:10 pm

    I completely understand that there are people who use BPT who know all about and read the posts on Zerohedge every day like I do. But I also think that there are probably members who really don't know anything about ZH, or some of the other informative sites that I post about here - or simply don't have the time to spend looking for new information during the day or at night like I do most days. I'm just trying to help my fellow members be aware of what's going on so that we all can make money together. I'll look forward to reading anything you might post that can help our little "community" here make money.

    always appreciate your excellent posts. 

    Posted by wowten on 15th of Jun 2016 at 03:31 pm

    always appreciate your excellent posts.  Suggestion - please include source - would also be helpful

    Sbaxman, I  meant no disrespect --

    Posted by mphailey on 15th of Jun 2016 at 03:20 pm

    Sbaxman, I  meant no disrespect -- I want that to be perfectly clear.

    I love our community and I agree that we should all strive to help each other make money. I also believe Zero Hedge might be the smartest financial blog around. Why?Because anyone who writes in finance knows that bearish articles are the most popular. By far. People like to read about The End of Days. No one wants to hear that things are right in the world, even if that's more likely.

    Which makes Zero Hedge a brilliant business concept. Write only bearish articles that collect the highest number of hits. Sell advertising. Collect revenues.

    Owning ZH (w/ 80m page views) is one thing. Spreading ZH charts or linking to the site, and the joke is on you.

    I don’t think reading zerohedge helps people make money – in fact I think it keeps people out of the market and prevents them from taking risk.

    That being said, I was merely making a suggestion and you are, of course, free to post whatever you want. And you final point is well taken – I will strive to post helpful charts and links in the future. 

    Title: click to show comments Tonight,

    Posted by sbaxman111 on 15th of Jun 2016 at 10:44 pm
    Title: click to show comments

    I for one appreciate the charts you posted...

    Posted by RichieD on 16th of Jun 2016 at 06:10 am

    as well as your sentiments.  Much like Matt or Steve's big picture analysis of the S&P, DOW and NASDAQ, they provide a macro perspective that either supports or conflicts with our individual trades.  That can only be helpful. 


    Posted by mphailey on 15th of Jun 2016 at 11:01 pm

    No change from BOJ on rates or monetary base Yen crashes through 105 to the dollar for first time since September 2014

    S&P Futures selling off slightly in tandem with the USD/JPY

    You want negative...

    Posted by stevieb294 on 15th of Jun 2016 at 06:13 pm

    ..let me post something from Drudge!

    mphailey, thank you

    Posted by hamvestor on 15th of Jun 2016 at 03:36 pm

    You summed up the ZH phenomenon very artfully. The seemingly relentless negativity by some members (and on other sites I follow, especially PM sites) gets really wearisome sometimes. It's important to have both sides on the issues that affect us, but I'm always intrigued at the need of many to feed at the trough of negativity and pessimism. I guess it fills a human need, but it's nice to have some balance on occasion.

    I don't agree!

    Posted by jroger on 15th of Jun 2016 at 02:13 pm

    I don't agree!

    Thanks Sbaxman for all of

    Posted by pebs on 15th of Jun 2016 at 03:14 pm

    Thanks Sbaxman for all of your input.  I am one of those who does not have time to do the research and your posts are always informative and welcome.  Yes, our goal here at BPT is to make money, plain and simple.  Keep up the great work!


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