Bear markets

    regarding the market

    Posted by honzer on 16th of Mar 2010 at 11:55 am

    What changed , for 6 months now you have said we are in a BEAR MARKET what changed today??

    I am still bearish!

    Posted by saturn6 on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:59 pm

    so that means we have higher to

    +1 Saturn 6!

    Posted by hurricanemalta on 16th of Mar 2010 at 01:43 pm

    ha, yeah maybe Listen guys,

    Posted by matt on 16th of Mar 2010 at 01:07 pm

    ha, yeah maybe Tongue out

    Listen guys, we can always do better, am I totally happy with our analysis from last year? heck no, and could we have done better, hell yes!

    I wish I had come out and said OK everyone go balls to the walls long in April 2009 because the market is going to go up for many many months.   While I thought the market would have at least a 6 month rally after the march low (which I said back in March), I didn't come out and say go balls to the walls long and just hold everything.  Of course I did primarily have longs on the watchlist.  Personally I think EW hurt my longer term analysis last year too.

    Listen, all we can do is look back at the past and learn and adapt!  That's why I'm always constantly striving to improve etc, i.e. just like the long term 401K system that I made, that's way way better than buy at hold, about 10X in fact.

    Also, trading is so emotional, there is so much emotion involved!  It's easy to be the 'Arm Chair' quarterback after the fact.  That's why all we can do is look at our past mistakes and constantly improve ourselves. 

    Otherwise, for BPT, will point out the major and long term trends, however our main focus and where we make the most money is on short term trade ideas lasting anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks or more.  You will make a lot more money making 5% - 20% week after week trading stocks than buying and hold the market in your trading account.  Now for you 401k plans, you can do something different of course and try to play the major trends. 

    thanks for the honest comments, Matt..

    Posted by pcordeiro on 16th of Mar 2010 at 02:15 pm

    haven't seen many (any) out there do that regarding this unprecedented rally since March. This last push up seems to have broken every Bear's back (well, except saturn6's) - and it's painful. And emotional - - oh, yes. Trust crushing -- oh, yes. And for me, that's the worst - trusting indicators that fail, or whipsaw, or theories (EW) that you trusted were leading you down the right path. My goal is to work with the fewest amount of indicators, along with trendlines, to gain trust back in this whole trading process. Hopefully that, along with BPT's fortitude in guidance, financial woes will be overcome and goals met. Again, thanks for words and re-grouping.

    Nice comment

    Posted by racerick on 16th of Mar 2010 at 04:37 pm

    Title: Thanks for that Matt I

    Posted by kalinm on 16th of Mar 2010 at 01:30 pm
    Title: Thanks for that Matt

    One thing that last year

    Posted by matt on 16th of Mar 2010 at 02:51 pm

    One thing that last year has caused me to focus on is developing longer term mechanical systems for the market.  I have my long term 401K system, which I also call the 'watching paint dry system ' because it only gives about 1 trade a year and is boring as hell to traders, however still it's returned about 10 fold higher than just buying and holding the market (140 times your money from 1961 instead of 17 times your money for buy and hold) , the stats go back to 1961 on this system, it has caught every major bull market and bear market and kept you in the bull markets or out of the bear markets. But again, it's like watching paint dry lol.

    Also as you have seen, we are developing intermediate mechanical systems that do about 10 - 15 trades a year, these will catch market trends and are true end of days systems i.e the signals come near the market close and therefore trades are entered at the market close only and held for days to weeks.

    and of course we will continue to focus more on the watchlist and short term trade ideas and cover less market analysis.

    Will you be offering this

    Posted by oreo on 17th of Mar 2010 at 08:36 am

    Will you be offering this system along with the intermediate systems when you introduce those? I don't mind watching paint dry while CNBC dickers away with excuses for why the market went up or down each day; as long as I know I'm usually on the right side of that.

    That's OK Matt, some of

    Posted by brophy on 16th of Mar 2010 at 02:59 pm

    That's OK Matt, some of us actually ARE long term investor/traders!

    guys damn just trade the

    Posted by matt on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:42 pm

    guys damn just trade the trend, when it reverses down, play it, when it reverses up, trade that.

    If you are worried about ultra long term, then I'll post when your long long term 401K system changes, but realize that it's akin to watching paint dry, because it only gives a trade about once a year!  seriously, once a year.

    Long Term System - back to 1961, gives a trade about once a year

    For 6 months they have

    Posted by searay on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:13 pm

    For 6 months they have said bear market? Really? I have not been here that long. I thought they said this was wave 2 waiting for the wave 3 to go to new lows. So whats the deal?


    guys, I've never said it

    Posted by matt on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:42 pm

    guys, I've never said it was wave 2, I said it could have been it was a potential scenario, but the bullish scenarios were clearly laid out!

    we have had long after long after long after on the watchlist for 12 months.  I've said that the market is in a bull market, how long does it last?  I don't know, I dont' care, trade it.

    Play the trend, the trend is up, our long term systems have been long for a long time.  You make a lot more money by playing the trend instead of worrying about a definition of bull or bear market, it depends on how you define a bull market, but who care, trade the trend. 

    So what do you do if this is a bull market, does that mean you just go out and go long everything and throw discipline out the window?  If you believe that, then just turn off the computer and don't worry about anything,

    all the sentences here Matt

    Posted by vnathwani on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:47 pm

    all the sentences here Matt that don't have the word elliott or wave in it make complete sense

    Elliot Wave

    Posted by mvachon on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:37 pm

    Elliot wave analysis changes as fast as the market. Use it for some extra information if you wish, but don't use it as your main tool to pick your trades.

    Problem is EW isn't just

    Posted by vnathwani on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:44 pm

    Problem is EW isn't just extra information. Its extra darn confusing in most cases and here is a classic example. To put it in a nutshell, the prior "count" or whatever EW fans like to call it was screwed up and its now conveniently forgotten as a "new count" takes centre stage.

    Where is the accountability for the old count?

    again as I've stated before,

    Posted by matt on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:51 pm

    again as I've stated before, use EW as a tool only, personally I only find it useful for shorter term, such a intra day charts and sometimes daily charts, but honesty I find it more useful intra day (such as 1 min or 5 min, 15 min, 60 min charts) i.e. in conjunction with positive or negative divergence, but that's it.

    that's why I rarely post any EW in my newsletters on daily index charts, I prefer trendlines, MA's, and other things.

    When EW can get people into trouble is on the real long term, because if you are trying to say something is supercycle or grand supercycle, those things are so theoretical.

    agreed. Trendlines/ MA/ Divergences and

    Posted by vnathwani on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:55 pm

    agreed. Trendlines/ MA/ Divergences and using a specific MA crossover for example....13/34 to define the bigger trend.

    I will keep schtum about EW as I have made my points clear now

    What the Heck are they

    Posted by ditch on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:55 pm

    What the Heck are they talking about, for months you've said the trend was up until proved other wise! The trend is still up it has been since July with a slight stutter in early Nov. Ride the wave or drown!

    vnathwani - we get your

    Posted by steve on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:49 pm

    vnathwani - we get your point enough said on the subject.  Please feel free to share some analysis (charts, etc) versus simply critiquing things and offering opinions.  The market is DYNAMIC and things are subject to change under ALL TECHNICAL analysis. Focus on the prevailing trend and play the best setups in accordance with one's objectives. 

    EW isn't technical analysis. Its

    Posted by vnathwani on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:53 pm

    EW isn't technical analysis. Its a theory Steve

    Outside EW, technical analysis is subject to change and its accountable

    The reason why people keep coming on the blog talking about "you said it was wave 2 this and abc that" is because the audio always has lines and squiggles referring to it.

    Take the accountability and measure and state clearly when a scenario is right or wrong and the actual number of S&P Points that this super EW theory derives

    Very true but my point

    Posted by steve on 16th of Mar 2010 at 12:57 pm

    Very true but my point is simply that the market is DYNAMIC and subject to change under ALL TECHNICAL analysis.  I simply use EW for mapping purposes and not for triggers. 


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