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Amazing chart. If you invested

Posted by vsunil on 13th of May 2020 at 01:19 am

Amazing chart. If you invested in FB+AMZN+AAPL+MSFT+GOOG from S&P500 you would be up 48% since 1/2018 and at the same time in 495 of the remaining stock you are down 46% at the same time. Its new era of investing.

CPC (Put/Call ratio) outside Bollinger

Posted by vsunil on 2nd of May 2020 at 09:01 pm

CPC (Put/Call ratio) outside Bollinger bands...may get one more push up?

TradeStation with Easylanguage is another option. It is more portable not tying you to one platform as Easylanguage works with other platforms too. 

The easiest and best way

SPX 5 min

Posted by vsunil on 25th of Apr 2020 at 02:14 pm

The easiest and best way to calculate is take the call and put option value in weeklies closest to current price (delta of 50) in earning week and add them will give you expected move. It looks like AAPL has it around $14. 

Looks like limit down in

Posted by vsunil on 22nd of Mar 2020 at 06:04 pm

Looks like limit down in first 5min of ES futures trading...

One thing you can do is to remove the security patch installed for Tradestation to work again. Go to "settings -> update&security -> update history -> uninstall updates. Click on Security update under Microsft windows section.  It will reboot and then after that Tradestation will work again. Remember it will work windows install the patch again overnight. I have been doing this everyday to make it work. If you want to  permanently remove the automatic updates, you can google and figure that step by step actions to do so.

Is there some sort of

Weekly ETF systems

Posted by vsunil on 5th of Apr 2015 at 01:23 pm

Is there some sort of scale in that shows this numbers or only one entry per trade? I seem to see multiple scale in trades in the chart attached.

Title: BPT MA Deluxe Is it

Posted by vsunil on 21st of Oct 2014 at 12:27 pm
Title: BPT MA Deluxe

Just use "snipping tool" under "accessories" in windows7. Its free and supports png format along with others.

when SPY system goes short...

Posted by vsunil on 24th of May 2011 at 03:35 pm

In some IRA accouts I will not be able to short SPY when system goes short. I am wondering what was decided to get long on to get the same benefit? Is it SH or something better? 

I am also interested.

SPY system and short webinar

Posted by vsunil on 6th of Apr 2011 at 12:45 pm

I am also interested.

there seem to be bug

Posted by vsunil on 25th of Jan 2011 at 03:47 am

Even I could not expand the charts when I click on the expand button, but when I clicked recent and after the page refreshed, then I could see the charts expand. I use IE8.

I had the same issue.

Multicharts with IB

Posted by vsunil on 23rd of Aug 2010 at 07:42 pm

I had the same issue. I called multicharts and they told me that IB restristcs the data and IB tells me that there is no restriction. I finally gave up not knowing what to do.

I am seeing the same. So, what I have tried to do is spread across multiple mechanical systems so that if one behaves bad, others might do good.  Also, mixed up the swing trades with EOD systems. This still has losses but its not as much as running one or two systems.

option expiration

Posted by vsunil on 16th of Jul 2010 at 03:08 pm

Do you guys feel that 107 on SPY is going to stick due to option expiration?

positive divergence in spx 5min chart?

Posted by vsunil on 29th of Jun 2010 at 01:43 pm


selling naked options

Posted by vsunil on 18th of Jun 2010 at 04:31 pm

I am just curious if there is anybody who sells naked options on days like  these?

Matt, I am seeing few differences

New FAS mechanical system

Posted by vsunil on 27th of May 2010 at 12:25 am

Matt, I am seeing few differences with multicharts than with your trade station results. For example on 5/24/10. Do you see any differences at all in multicharts?

renko charts in multicharts

Posted by vsunil on 20th of Apr 2010 at 02:37 pm


Can we draw these renko charts in multicharts? I am not able to recreate the same chart of yours in multicharts. Thanks.

Instead, is it possible to

SSO 34 System Trade

Posted by vsunil on 13th of Apr 2010 at 02:22 pm

Instead, is it possible to sell the code...


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