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ES testing the breakout. Is

Posted by vsunil on 15th of Jul 2024 at 11:54 am

ES testing the breakout. Is it overshoot?

It’s the calm before the storm of everyone eagerly waiting for the high performance systems 😀

I did some scripting to read the excel and extract the election years to plot the difference between sell in May versus buy and hold. Surprisingly buy and hold seem better during most of the election years. 

Performance stats for the STS

Posted by vsunil on 24th of Feb 2024 at 01:36 pm

Performance stats for the STS tables...Matt, is there a link to the each of the entries in the table? It would be very helpful to know various stats like TradeStation would give for any strategy or some major stats at least. 

SPX losing the uptrend channel?

Posted by vsunil on 21st of Feb 2024 at 03:25 pm

SPX losing the uptrend channel?

Wrote a simple script to plot the weekly away from 20 EMA and plotted. It does not look like its uncommon to be above 5%. The plot shows all the way to 1977. 

13 out of 14 straight

Posted by vsunil on 2nd of Feb 2024 at 02:23 pm

13 out of 14 straight SPX weekly closing highs. 

Stats are always interesting and gives no clear direction. One stat since 2006 indicates whenever December finished with >2% return, the following Jan is well contained around 1% return. If >5% return, the following Jan is actually negative. 

Crazy move. The other times it comes close is week of 3/18/2022 and 11/11/2022. 

I like the idea of

Weekend Newsletter

Posted by vsunil on 15th of Oct 2023 at 11:45 pm

I like the idea of BPT meetup in Vegas...would be great to meet folks in person. 

Any reason why VIX is

Posted by vsunil on 13th of Oct 2023 at 01:06 pm

Any reason why VIX is up almost 20%  when SPX has only dropped less than 0.5% ?

SPX is testing from underside

Posted by vsunil on 14th of Dec 2022 at 11:45 am

SPX is testing from underside of the October lows on daily and testing down trend line on weekly. It either blows past or turns right around after FOMC???

and falling even more...

Sell in May stats...or more

Posted by vsunil on 23rd of Mar 2022 at 07:46 pm

Sell in May stats...or more like sell in August. Both from Stocks & Commodities mag.

As April comes around...some interesting

Posted by vsunil on 23rd of Mar 2022 at 07:43 pm

As April comes around...some interesting stats on SPY

We could have some support

Posted by vsunil on 21st of Jan 2022 at 03:31 pm

We could have some support at SPX 4365 with symmetry match from 2020 lows on weekly chart.

Market down along with VIX

Posted by vsunil on 12th of Oct 2021 at 03:54 pm

Market down along with VIX down... may be turnaround tomorrow?

I see you are only

some preliminary daily SPX DVT stats

Posted by vsunil on 13th of Aug 2020 at 01:53 pm

I see you are only accounting for long only. Can something similar be done to include short also when in down trend?


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