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it looks too straight forward.  I don't see it happening 

Hi Matt. What is the

Exhaustion Short follow up on SPY

Posted by vimal on 13th of Mar 2014 at 08:49 am

Hi Matt. What is the % R indicator in stockcharts? When I look at %WMR in stockcharts for SPY, I get some values coming through but not c90% which is what you mention above. I just want to ensure i am looking at the right indicator!!


I thought the stop loss

SPY Pro System

Posted by vimal on 31st of Jan 2014 at 08:37 am

I thought the stop loss was around 10% or so but I could be wrong. So the S&P would have to fall to around 1630-1650 range before the position gets stopped out

Before it gets there though, there are certain market conditions which could make the system stop out but 10% is the inbuilt stop I guess that you should put on when placing any trades

Will let Matt confirm the exacts though as i could be completely off the mark!


Posted by vimal on 28th of Jan 2014 at 12:50 pm


hi. what are your views on natgas here? higher to go still or is this a lower high forming? looks bull flaggish to me on the daily continuous contract but i could be wrong

Out of Hours broker

Posted by vimal on 5th of Dec 2013 at 09:04 am

Which broker allows you to trade SPY out of hours? 


Posted by vimal on 3rd of Dec 2013 at 09:59 am


What are your views on FTNT as a buy here?

Its not a text book buy with divergence etc yet but its way away from the 9EMA, oversold and also volume in the half day on Friday looks almost exhaustive compared to yesterdays full day trading

Any thoughts or too risky at this stage?


Posted by vimal on 27th of Nov 2013 at 09:09 am
Title: Quick short....


Posted by vimal on 22nd of Nov 2013 at 02:27 am

Is it fair to say the measured move on JAKK could be to around 8.50 from 6.30 at the moment?


Posted by vimal on 21st of Nov 2013 at 01:41 pm

Steve, is Palladium a buy here on a break up? Appreciate not too much upside to the 9EMA

bullish wedge likely to play

SPX 5 min chart views

Posted by vimal on 25th of Oct 2013 at 12:21 pm

bullish wedge likely to play out or is it a break of a rising trend and backtest kiss before falling?


Posted by vimal on 7th of Aug 2013 at 06:42 am

I shorted in Silver on Monday and its doing quite well. 

Separately, I have shorted Sugar this morning. I think its looking like its rolling over technically and in addition, is about to enter its most weakest seasonal period. I wouldn't short just based on seasonals but given that technicals are also rolling over, there is an objective short here that I have taken this morning.

as far as the metal

GDX Daily

Posted by vimal on 4th of Aug 2013 at 12:40 pm

as far as the metal itself is concerned i think it has another leg down. i am also short silver as of thursday and looking for a downward move in the coming week.

Thanks. I have just taken

Nat Gas

Posted by vimal on 1st of Aug 2013 at 01:59 pm

Thanks. I have just taken out a long on ZSL which is the silver inverse. Lets see what this does. My view is that Silver has more downside in the short term. 

i posted on friday i

Nat Gas

Posted by vimal on 1st of Aug 2013 at 01:15 pm

i posted on friday i was going short nat gas by taking a long in the ultrashort etf dgaz. 

its done quite well up 20% since friday. we are hitting the upper end of the rising trend line so i am taking half off and tight trailing the rest.


nat gas wise it will claw back some losses of recent days but i still dont like it here for the next 1-2months timeframe

I am eyeing up a long position in DGAZ so the ultra short Nat Gas play. Its up alot today but i think technically nat gas looks weak given its broken its 200day and macd is pointing down. Also if you look back historically, July through to Autumn time frame is weak for Nat Gas. 

So i am inclined to be short

to be honest, this is the way the market works. Its a forward pricing mechanism hence the time to buy is when things are reallly bad. Typically the time to buy I stress (such as March 09)

to slighly complicate matters, the Fed has its POMO activity ongoing and this is pumping money into the market and driving/facilitating a recovery.

Have a look at the Investment Clock in the link below which is half way down the page. Arguably, we are at point 8 on the clock

Sugar 9EMA

Posted by vimal on 23rd of Jul 2013 at 05:32 am

Hi Matt

Just a quick question. I like the approach of a confirming candle in terms of what you have referred to before with the 9EMA. Do you have any thoughts on how to utilise the confirming candle in a downtrend? Take sugar for example. The approach I take is to only short confirmation candles below the 9EMA as the Moving average structure is clearly downwards

At present, Sugar is giving a 9EMA confirmation buy signal. Albeit with just this one indicator$SUGAR&p=D&yr=0&mn=9&dy=0&id=p54869772431&a=301894461

Would be interested however to hear your views in the case that there may be instances you take a trade from a confirming candle on the long side of a downtrending instrument




9EMA Whipsaw

Posted by vimal on 5th of Mar 2013 at 11:26 am


Title: 9EMA Whipsaw Hi Matt/Steve Just a

Posted by vimal on 5th of Mar 2013 at 10:00 am
Title: 9EMA Whipsaw

I thought you only accepted positive comments Michael.

You have a habitual knack of being hypocritical

Separately to the rest of the community, I am focusing on objective systems I have coded in Tradestation and there are many more I would like to write. So I am taking a "sabatical" from this type of site to focus on where i believe my strengths lie which is objective trading and not subjective. So good luck to all!!!! (Even Michael!)


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