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Actually don't worry. Correlation beween VIX & VVIX is strong enough for me to take the VIX investment route but using VVIX as the trigger

Does anyone know a way

Posted by vimal on 1st of Jun 2024 at 01:23 pm

Does anyone know a way I can directly trade VVIX? I do need the VVIX directly rather than VIX. 

Great work this week btw Steve on calling the intraday movements as well as the daily directions. Good job!

Yep Cost of Living here in the UK is biting. We are likely to have a General Election btw on 4th July. TIme for a change of guard

Very good video. Thanks Matt

That could easily morph into


Posted by vimal on 14th of May 2024 at 10:36 am

That could easily morph into a bearish rising wedge. I feel like it's due a pullback. Need a trigger though. I certainly wouldn't buy here

I was looking to go long again in URA. However, the daily candle formation doesn't make me too enthusiastic. Having said that, it is retracing here to its diagonal breakout. So really unsure on it here. I feel LT it will be strong so its all about timing a "reasonable" re-entry

Sometimes I feel the market is destined to fall. Tax y/end tomorrow amd Middle East turbulence. Which probably means we rally tomorrow in a contrarian move!!

see Matts post 21st Feb for a scan suggestion

I look at this like Steveo. Bottom line, PF 1.85 doesn't make me keen to allocate any capital. I have had a similar experience of a few back to backs with URA. Not sure on the PF there.

The bulls have the ball.

Posted by vimal on 2nd of Feb 2024 at 05:34 am

The bulls have the ball. BALL should definitely have the ball   

Bullish Volume breakout and MACD curling up.

Not the best drawn illustration.

Posted by vimal on 8th of Jan 2024 at 02:08 pm

Not the best drawn illustration. VZLA looks like its forming a "W-Shape pattern". May have legs if it breaks up decisively from here. Perhaps to $1.70 - $1.80 as a measured move

.....and if that doesn't play out....a Rounded Bottom (rather like mine!    )

Yep spot on. I find that these articles/videos etc are great headline grabbers. Usually bearish ones grab more views I would guess. Also these "Gurus" have no accountability. Ask them for their track record if you truly believe in one technician or blogger. They will soon run to the hills. Develop your own system with firm risk and money management disciplines in place. If 30 years of trading has taught me one key lesson, then this is it.

This is a v. Good point

Great newsletter Matt! Thankyou. I wanted to just check......For Oil, does a 5th wave not normally need some form of divergence in MACD? I guess I am asking if the 5th wave low is in or whether there is one more possible push down

Sorry ignore above. Just seen Chart 42 on the newsletter

Hi Matt. Great newsletter! I

Posted by vimal on 20th of Oct 2023 at 04:26 am
  1. Hi Matt. Great newsletter! I wanted to get your views on URA. I can't quite see the C completing down. Candlestick patterns look bullish. Do you think the structure still favours an ABC or has it potentially turned here? I am nibbling away at buying it and will average down if a clear ABC transpires. Would welcome thoughts

I like the inclusion of

Posted by vimal on 10th of Oct 2023 at 03:43 pm

I like the inclusion of targets for the trade ideas in the Newsletter   

Try TradingView with the code there being Pine. Failing that, Ninjatrader. 


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