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rp, Well said. I would

Posted by junkmaylbox on 16th of Dec 2008 at 04:09 pm

rp, Well said. I would let it do what it wants to do. I was hoping to triply my money on it, it looks like it could quadruple from here. SKF has had a similar drop today. Someone was running off the stops for a big move or something.

MA(50) is usually support. Today


Posted by junkmaylbox on 16th of Dec 2008 at 04:05 pm

MA(50) is usually support. Today we overshot it a bit, but I would expect this to be corrected. Nearly 25% drop is not bad, too bad that I was on the wrong side of it :($DJR&p=D&yr=0&mn=8&dy=0&id=p39002259743

SRS made its 52-week low today

$DJR has resistance at MA(50)=148,


Posted by junkmaylbox on 16th of Dec 2008 at 03:36 pm

$DJR has resistance at MA(50)=148, currently at 143. SRS may drop by another 10% from here, but buying it at the support would be a good trade. I am stuck in SRS from 79.56, although my position is relatively small.


RUT 5 min

Posted by junkmaylbox on 16th of Dec 2008 at 10:37 am

Thanks, Matt, for an idea. I went short on $RUT via TWM at 101.32, stop at 99, will sell at 108.

I disagree. China has the best system now, because they have no lawyers (25 per 10,000, or something). This translates into efficient government, which is 3 times as productive. The moment that lawyers are put out of work this country will begin to recover. From European countries, Switzerland has the least corrupt government.

The country is intentionally mismanaged. Government does always the wrong thing each time it intervenes. You could count on that to position accordingly on the stock market and make money that way. The Congress is 99% lawyers, who are terrible businessmen. They can ruin, never build. This country will take the longest possible road to recovery, and that is intended to make the most money. Amen :(

I would add the state of banking industry to this list, as far as providing credit. As long as credit is available and banks are afloat, the stock market is too. A wave of defaults will bring an end to this relief rally. IMO.

rp, you might also short

Posted by junkmaylbox on 14th of Dec 2008 at 11:56 pm

rp, you might also short their government bonds or their currency instead. Just an idea so far.

joined you two by buying

Posted by junkmaylbox on 12th of Dec 2008 at 09:43 am

joined you two by buying UYM at 12.78 right after opening. I view it as the least risky entry amongst big mover ultra ETFs.

rp, I see what you

Posted by junkmaylbox on 10th of Dec 2008 at 10:09 am

rp, I see what you are saying. When people talk about inflation or deflation, they are talking about the money supply, which is the core issue. Money supply is shrinking, and the Fed is trying to reverse that process. Investing in treasuries was a great investment when interest rates were above 10% in the 1980s. As you said, now doing that same thing is preposterous.

rp, there is both at

Posted by junkmaylbox on 10th of Dec 2008 at 01:48 am

rp, there is both at the moment. There is inflation of food items and services, and deflation of asset prices, such as houses, commodities.



Posted by junkmaylbox on 8th of Dec 2008 at 11:28 am

about average.

Dec 04 update

dec 4 news letter

Posted by junkmaylbox on 5th of Dec 2008 at 08:33 am

He meant C# for Microsoft

Ninja vs Tradestation

Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 02:31 pm

He meant C# for Microsoft .net. It's a language similar to C and Java, it's relatively easy to pick up. I am a programmer myself. How well did the implementation work? I noticed that Matt's EMA cross was programmed in C# for .net too.

rp, thanks and sorry for

Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 12:37 pm

rp, thanks and sorry for being a bit dumb. You listed 29.89 which was almost the current price, and that made me confused. Thanks again for your time!

rp, SPX or URE? I

Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 12:28 pm

rp, SPX or URE? I take that you are expecting a drop and then one more thrust up on SPX before a larger correction to the downside. correct?

rp, What's your target for

Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 12:20 pm

rp, What's your target for the move up?

Support is a range, not


Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 12:16 pm

Support is a range, not a single point.  So, your observation is consistent with mine.

There is strong support at


Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 11:22 am

There is strong support at 117 for SRS and 133 for SKF. I am long both now. It's a gamble but I am taking it.

SRS 5-miniute?

SRS 1 min

Posted by junkmaylbox on 3rd of Dec 2008 at 02:14 am

Matt, if it's not too much time for you, could you run backtesting for 5-minute intervals as well? And for SMN and SKF on 15-minute intervals too? Please :-) Many thanks in advance!


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