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How to spot an orderly pullback?

Posted by junkmaylbox on 25th of Nov 2008 at 03:11 am

Steve, You mentioned orderly pullback several times during your market recap tonight. Could you please give defining criteria for it that would permit to distinguish it from not an orderly pullback? I inferred from your comments that anything larger than 38% retracement is not an orderly pullback, and a 38% retracement of the previous moving _is_ orderly. Does volume also factor into this definition, and if so how? Thanks in advance!


Posted by junkmaylbox on 21st of Nov 2008 at 07:36 pm

Matt, Thank you for taking your time to explain this trade. I mistook the bullish wedge for a forming Head and Shoulders pattern.  I noticed that volume was higher on up-moves, but the price action was trending down. I did not pay attention to the divergences. That's been a good lesson from you! Have a good weekend. -Roy


Posted by junkmaylbox on 21st of Nov 2008 at 04:41 pm

rp, What convinced you to hold on to URE? I sold it before it went negative, and I did not expect it would recover. Merely curious... Thanks!

Yeah, I totally concur with

Thanks - Matt/Steve

Posted by junkmaylbox on 21st of Nov 2008 at 11:36 am

Yeah, I totally concur with you. Your analysis is spot on, and so are the majority of your guesses. Thanks!

I read that one could

Electric Hybrids/clean coal

Posted by junkmaylbox on 21st of Nov 2008 at 08:00 am

I read that one could get about 25 cents per "gallon" of electricity with a eight-hour recharge of batteries each night on an electric plug-in car. You can generate electricity off solar panels, wind, etc. so that you don't have to pay anyone else for driving your car that way. In theory, so far.

A question on intraday cash settlements

Posted by junkmaylbox on 21st of Nov 2008 at 06:08 am

I have recently switched to IB and noticed that if I do a day trade, my buying power is not restored till the end of the day, even though I close a position intraday. I noticed a similar pattern in TD Ameritrade. The only broker that fully restores the buying power after a day trade -- that I know of -- is Scottrade.

My question to day traders who use IB is, how do you get around this issue in IB to do multiple day trades during one day? I hold under $10,000 in IB, I don't know if that matters or not. Thanks for any comments on this puzzle.

interesting, thanks!

use it lose it

Posted by junkmaylbox on 21st of Nov 2008 at 05:50 am

interesting, thanks!

Bearish in 9 out of

Posted by junkmaylbox on 20th of Nov 2008 at 02:45 pm

Bearish in 9 out of 10 cases.

It looks like funds are buying at the support 838

Posted by junkmaylbox on 18th of Nov 2008 at 03:23 pm

I reckon that there is accumulation happening at 838, which causes the market to bounce off that support each time. Or short covering, which has the same effect. It's a very clever strategy, I must admit.

yeah, she's pretty good for a public commentator.

Dodger, assuming that 838 is


Posted by junkmaylbox on 18th of Nov 2008 at 02:20 pm

Dodger, assuming that 838 is broken to the downside, where is the next support then? I am wondering how risky would be to open a new short position when SPX at 838 is lost. Thanks in advance!

On SSO 55 Period stochastic

Posted by junkmaylbox on 18th of Nov 2008 at 10:23 am

On SSO 55 Period stochastic has given a buy signal on the 15-minute time interval. Waiting to see if it holds.

Money management

Money Management

Posted by junkmaylbox on 18th of Nov 2008 at 08:31 am
Title: This repost might help you

COT report (Nov 5 to Nov 11), a repost

Posted by junkmaylbox on 17th of Nov 2008 at 02:51 am
Title: COT report for November 5 to November 11

She gets 6 months worth of free rent that way.

I've just got a sell

Posted by junkmaylbox on 14th of Nov 2008 at 03:49 pm

I've just got a sell signal on SSO on 5-minute 7/21 EMA.

Points 2) and 3) are

Posted by junkmaylbox on 14th of Nov 2008 at 06:39 am

Points 2) and 3) are rarely mentioned, IMO. What's puzzling is that the nature of the subsequent drop should be vicious, yet so far all breakdowns have been bought to result in intraday reversals for the past five weeks.

Excellent update last night: Many many thanks!

Posted by junkmaylbox on 14th of Nov 2008 at 05:41 am
Title: Excellent update last night: many many thanks!

You trade on your own. Trying to imitate somebody else is a recipe for quick losses regardless of whether or not that person is right. If you are accumulating losses, you are either: going against the market or aren't letting your trades work for you. Day trading is more difficult than position trading. You could enter a position and stay in it till the trend changes, that's much easier. My advice to you is to paper trade first or trade 10% of your amount at most till you get it. This is the most difficult market to trade in decades. Good luck!

Matt, what was an indication that the bearish count was primary in yesterday's newsletter? I got the opposite impression, perhaps from the fact that you were discussing long trade ideas. I wonder what I misunderstood or misinterpretted. Through PM if necessary, please. Thanks, Roy


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