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long over the weekend?

Posted by junkmaylbox on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 03:33 pm

rp, Are you going to take your longs into the next week? I concur with your notes on sentiment. I don't like the gold action today, it portends trouble. TBT is giving a hammer so far. thanks for your input!

Market breakdown


Posted by junkmaylbox on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 12:08 pm

We may see a market breakdown as early as Monday next week then.

Insightful comments from both of

Posted by junkmaylbox on 22nd of Jan 2009 at 12:36 pm

Insightful comments from both of you.  I existed my shorts at 812, it looks like you were right! Thanks!!

Title: The mark to market

I remember the S&L crisis

Posted by junkmaylbox on 16th of Jan 2009 at 02:32 pm
Title: The mark to market rule

SMN is a good buy here too

buying starter position in srs

Posted by junkmaylbox on 15th of Jan 2009 at 02:59 pm

If you have money for it. It's under $40 per share.

Perfect predictions, Matt and DocOrlando, on SRS and SPX!

Matt, is the market likely to go up or down tomorrow? I am deciding whether or not I should initiate a short position here -- since support at 850 is broken -- or close the remaining one expecting an oversold bounce from here (6 consecutive down days). Thanks!

Trading in IRA accounts

Posted by junkmaylbox on 14th of Jan 2009 at 07:12 am

rp, you might want to pull money out of your IRA by paying the tax penalty and then treating it as normal cash without all artificial limitations. An increase on tax rates on IRA accounts is a definite possibility, when the government begins to use all its reserves to increase its revenue.

Lesson learned?

O Man - Lesson Learned

Posted by junkmaylbox on 29th of Dec 2008 at 04:34 pm

cspirit, The same has happened to me on UYM today. I don't see any lesson in it other than not using the same metrics on a thinly traded day such as today. I cannot make any money on the long side of this market, it's just pathetic. Your DXO trade was a rocket, I used it to offset my losses on UYM today. Good luck with URE!


SP inverse HS

Posted by junkmaylbox on 29th of Dec 2008 at 04:25 pm

Thanks for the information. I could not find $tick on StrategyDesk, so I had to ask. I do find it on stockcharts. I'll have to look up those indexes specifically, they are useful to know.

Market internals

SP inverse HS

Posted by junkmaylbox on 29th of Dec 2008 at 01:52 pm

What is $tick?

Title: Ultra short ETFs can be an awesome tool (a repost)

Chris, Is 1.99 your stop


Posted by junkmaylbox on 26th of Dec 2008 at 03:29 pm

Chris, Is 1.99 your stop on a swing trade or your day trade? Will you carry your DXO position into the next week? I am tempted to keep mine, although today's run has been spectacular. Thanks for your trading comments :-))

Chris, this is a long-term


Posted by junkmaylbox on 26th of Dec 2008 at 12:46 pm

Chris, this is a long-term play, I assume (i.e., beyond one day).

Swing trade picks on the short side

Posted by junkmaylbox on 24th of Dec 2008 at 04:25 am

Matt, Could you please make a list of good swing trades to ride a move down from here (assuming that the next big move is down, not up) while trading is worthless this week? I am considering SRS and SMN. Thanks in advance!

Matt, are you referring to the upside or downside in saying 'impulsing'? It is likely to be stuck in this indecision for the remainder of the week or year, IMO.

COT report Dec 10 to Dec 16 (a repost)

Posted by junkmaylbox on 23rd of Dec 2008 at 03:48 am
Title: COT report for Dec 10 to Dec 16 (a repost)

I don't know if the

Elliott Wave

Posted by junkmaylbox on 22nd of Dec 2008 at 08:41 pm

I don't know if the arguments like that actually matter assuming that they could be resolved now. They will be resolved later, which unfortunately is of no assistance for trading _now_.

My hunch tells me that ravun's interpretation of double top at 918 is probably correct, if the market does not break it this month (which I am fairly certain of). I reckon positioning shorts close to that would be a low-risk trade.

cspirit, Thank you for posting major support and resistance levels in other posting. Good luck!

The bail-out of automakers contributed to that change of direction, IMO.


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