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KL seems to want to

Posted by junkie on 11th of Dec 2019 at 05:32 pm

KL seems to want to fill the gap from the news. That would be a point to sell for me, unless $gold starts a rally. So far KL is following $gold. A divergent low should be an excellent buy point.

I bought a small position on the first white candle after a gap down. KL could be a momentum play at this point following the entire mining sector to a divergent high on a third push up on RSI(5).

and it follows the indexes, more or less. PALL is the ETF for it.

I stand corrected. Platinum is a thinly traded mental, so no expectations are on my side. It is traded more technically than gold, which is why I prefer it to gold. It could easily retest this year's highs. FWIW.

Nobody here trades platinum, it

Posted by junkie on 11th of Dec 2019 at 03:34 pm

Nobody here trades platinum, it seems. It has been up 5% since Friday's close. It should be bought or added to on a pullback to fill the gaps from early this week, likely early next week. PPLT or PLTM are ETNs.

Regarding EWs: another interpretation of wave 4

That is why I do not even pretend to under the EWs. HFTs and big funds trade purely off numbers, not EWs, based on my insider info.

+1. Thanks for the video, Matt! I am a daily chart trader, so your 60 period stoch explanation works for me. Your bpt_ds stoch works very well too, but it requires a TS to display it. 

The only problem with this is that divergences are not displayed on daily charts on these pullbacks. This pullback only had a positive divergence on 60-min charts. So it is a mix of both time frames.

That March pullback in 2018 completely lost me. I have stayed out of the indexes since except for tiny amounts that does not matter. Anyway, could you please quantify what a strong trend is? And what is not?

Some many have entered a short position on this pullback, that I do not even care to mention.

Thank you! I understand it in principle but not enough to make it actionable. Sorry, I have had no luck with applying EW's. Could you or Matt explain it in terms of indicators, please? I believe in indicators a lot more than I believe in Elliot Waves :-)

Thank you for clarifying it, Matt! I did not believe there _was_ a symmetry break, the whole thing looked to me like a stop run up to daily time frames. The stop on the daily ES was 3073,  and the low was 3069. However, the close at the end of the day is what matters, so if one were to hold a hard stop on ES, one would have been faked out of a long position.

I did not expect a drop all the way either, as 4th waves are triangles contracting to the apex.

I did put my account flat after a symmetry break, so I am not benefiting from this run up. But I have not lost anything in the process either.

This looks like a repeat of 2017 Sept to January of 2018. HFTs merely buy the heck of this market before everybody else could.

Your old ES system went long near 3015 and has stayed long since on various subsystems, by the way. Kudos to you and it for it!!

Should a lower high still be expected because of a broken symmetry to the downside? Or a trade deal / employment euphoria trump measured moves on the charts?

Good chart, but the debt to equity is a whopping 52. It carries a sell recommendation:

I would check for divergence on one-hour charts on RSI and PPO. It may consolidate here for a few days and reverse. NG is bottoming seasonally between now and early January, IMO.

Yes, TS version 10 frequently

SPY System Trade List

Posted by junkie on 29th of Nov 2019 at 12:58 pm

Yes, TS version 10 frequently decides to refresh its data at random, and the entire application freezes for a half an hour at a time. Good luck doing a trade at that time.

Could you comment on KL please? Is there any impact of a gap from Monday other than it is a pronounced downtrend and rallies should be sold?

It is playing an up move in $gold, and if $gold is about to form a lower high, it could partially close the gap. The rise is on a dwindling volume. Thanks, Matt!

I would not trade anything

SPY System Trade List

Posted by junkie on 29th of Nov 2019 at 12:48 pm

I would not trade anything in TS: it is the worst piece of software I have seen. Why would anyone put any money into something that could crash on a dime?

Correct, GC trades month to month, but some months are traded heavier than others. The next heavily traded GC contract is February.

Here are contract closure deadlines from my broker: would enter GC (gold futures)

So today at 4pm is a long cutoff.

I went across some good TA about KL: it should have been sold at $47.75-48.00. There is an article on it from seekingalpha

link. Or google for 'KL kirkland lake company valuation' and it comes first in the list. I am sorry about your loss.

Gold and Silver market? They have been manipulated for over 50 years. Sprott_money posted on Zerohedge the exact mechanics of the silver market manipulation, one could google for it. The smoking gun is that the amount of physical gold and silver in COMEX vaults has not changed since the beginning of this year, while the number of futures contracts as doubled at least. I foresee that at some point the price of COMEX will diverge from the price of physical metals, and only the funds backed up by real physical metal holdings will follow the price of the physically delivered metals. IMO, of cause.

Here is one view on this issue that some find convincing: if you does not know how to pick quality stocks that lead an index, one should go for diversification. If one can identify future leaders, one would opt for concentration.

Price of KL follows the path of $GOLD and $SILVER metals so far. I would have been very alerted if it had happened otherwise.

A cup and handle formation does not occur when RSI(14) is above 70. It is a bull trap.


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