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OR is testing its break-out.

Posted by junkie on 12th of Feb 2020 at 11:03 am

OR is testing its break-out. I bought a starter position.

SVM is a good buy

Posted by junkie on 10th of Feb 2020 at 12:03 pm

SVM is a good buy on its retest of the 200day MA at 3.85ish :

The real issue is a European crisis. Euro cannot stage a bounce. The Feds pump money to prevent a panic sell-off which is justified. Corona virus is a fly in the ointment at this point, IMO. If wave 2 or 3 follows, then it could be game changer. Not at this point, as it is too early to tell. Your opinion is as good as mine, LOL.

I hold core positions for the duration of the bull market. I hold both longs and shorts on $gold (flat on aggregate) as we are going to retest the trend line breached this week, IMO. I am long $silver.

My working hypothesis is a low on metals (gold and silver) at the end of this month or in early March. FWIW. 2018 might be replayed this year.

Matt, does it mean that

SPY vs ES Trend/Pullback

Posted by junkie on 6th of Feb 2020 at 05:28 pm

Matt, does it mean that the overnight highs will be tested tomorrow into the close? 

My broker charges more margin for a long position on MES now than for a short position. Russell2000 might have already peaked for this bounce, there is a clear divergence on RSI on it. ES also has RSI divergence, by the way. No sell signal though.

Rick, this was a nice (counter-trend) trade! As is the case with counter-trend trades, expected gains are about 1/4 of the those aligning with the trend. 15 points left on the table is nothing when trading against machines that do not get margin calls.

Here is a screenshot of a spike up on silver futures yesterday promptly after the futures closed at 2:40pm. Algos bought it after a bullish hammer close on the daily.

Matt, thanks for heads up.

SPY system comments

Posted by junkie on 30th of Jan 2020 at 03:31 pm

Matt, thanks for heads up. Is there an objective entry on the short side today as well for a swing lower? Today's dead cat bounce is not going far, IMO. Thanks!

I would wait for a wash-out NEXT month for a swing trade. February seems to be a target for several commodities to form a higher low.

Ditto for \NG

Matt, I will look forward to your changes. You could add a potential trade alert signal to your workspace in TS, Trading View, etc. as an explicit suggestion to stay alerted. based on various conditions. I love this feature in your templates from a while ago. Yes, this is a bit of coding for James, however it would add a lot of value to the product. One would need to run a program on one's own computer and be able to remotely connect to it intraday for this to be useful. I do it myself on a regular basis. I consult Stockcharts for a current price only. I would not pay a penny for a subscription to Stockcharts because it is so basic.

You could also add an EW indicator to your template to indicate a possible end of trend. provides it for $100 a month along with 3 other indicators NOT correlated with a price (no sale suggestion here, only a reference to what I found useful).

An thank you very much for what you and Steve do, Matt!!  

Lean hogs and live cattle

Posted by junkie on 30th of Jan 2020 at 12:12 pm

Lean hogs and live cattle are selling hard today. They will put a major bottom in February, and will be another swing trade like coffee. I hope someone is watching. HOGS and COW are ITNs. FWIW.

Matt, I hear you. Stockcharts is your livelihood. They shot themselves into a foot. But it still hurts.

I would get an account with another charting platform where one could run custom indicators and strategies, share workspaces and trading systems. Relying for trading on only price and volume is the 20th century solution. Hedge funds and robotraders have an infinite advantage over someone who trades just charts. Heck, you cannot even run a trailing stop on stockcharts. Yeah, it is free but we are here to make serious money.

There are good solutions out there. Multicharts is one of them. Vicked TradeStation is another. A monthly membership of $150 could be covered by a single trade where there are 2-3% moves daily on almost everything nowadays. I think your subscribes will appreciate the update. IMHO (humble opinion).

My job pays me well but I still live in a rented apartment. Houses sell for upward of 190K in Florida nowadays nearby, and that is not near any big metropolitan area. A day job is an insurance against poverty, but not a ticket to prosperity any more. It is sad.

Platinum is setting up a

Posted by junkie on 30th of Jan 2020 at 11:52 am

Platinum is setting up a bullish hammer today, one day after $silver. \PL is oversold short-term.

A 49 cents move on $silver. The manipulation is over, the real move begins. Could somebody report this blatant manipulation to the CFC and London fix please?

On a separate subject, buying dips is the next step.


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