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Cyprus banking update

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Mar 2013 at 12:52 pm

with Cyprus banks closed on Cyprus, i'm reading someone apparently forgot to tell their London branches to close last week.... wonder if there is a money trail on all those outgoing wires???

brilliant minds think alike


Posted by hazbin1 on 27th of Mar 2013 at 02:23 pm

this week i have been selectively selling longer dated (2 - 6 month) OTM puts on various names in this space

since this is a 'family website' please note the formerly  'fat lady' would prefer to be called 'horizontally challenged' woman of leisure. Foot in mouth and mayber her 'howling' will be a day early?

like Gale

Gale , trade idea

Posted by hazbin1 on 26th of Mar 2013 at 01:15 pm

long from $1.84


Posted by hazbin1 on 26th of Mar 2013 at 08:39 am

lots of put activity yesterday. company has problems, less than $1 buck p/s in cash - or 9 mos of cash to fund operations and no product. best they take the O out of their symbol. Undecided

short puts that is, on many individual stocks, quite a few are BPT ideas!!!  Money mouth

Cyprus - a 'defining' moment?

Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Mar 2013 at 04:01 pm
Title: thoughts for consideration

good reason why miners are getting beat up


Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Mar 2013 at 03:51 pm

thanks for the insight, if you ever come across a matrix of miners and a breakdown of  their costs i would love to see that posted.

ECB to provide Cyprus liquidity

5 min SPX

Posted by hazbin1 on 19th of Mar 2013 at 03:25 pm

within the context of established guidelines, whatever that means.

what's in your mattress?

Cypress Fallout

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Mar 2013 at 08:11 pm

cash is fine, however, might i suggest Yuan? Cool

$ deposit/protection

Cypress Fallout

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Mar 2013 at 03:24 pm

for CU's unlikely any difference, they have their own version of FDIC. Fyi- as long as the US $ remains the world's reserve currency we have little to fear. Once that is no longer true (or the market's fear that is no longer true).... you know what will hit the fan... Cry and these market's will come apart at the seams, real quick.

Good summary on Gold etc.

Thoughts on Gold stocks

Posted by hazbin1 on 8th of Mar 2013 at 09:29 am

thanks Matt, you had me rethink my taking 4 positions on various gold/silver stocks (via short puts) until we have more definitive idea we have a bottom in place (and I am not catching a falling knife). I shall be more patient.

only 5 -10 times?

GDX comments

Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Mar 2013 at 11:23 am

darn, after all these years and attempts, i thought it was 11, my bad... Foot in mouth

Nibbling on AAPL?

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2013 at 09:16 am

the question is what at price today? my kids want some in their accounts.  we are not talking a lot of shares here, although the dollar value is considerable, especially to teenagers. I'm thinking closer to 400, but i could be dreaming. feedback would be appreciated.  (I have some FIB lines down there) HAZ

nice chart SKUL

$SKUL and bones

Posted by hazbin1 on 28th of Jan 2013 at 09:11 am

like the trade, went short march 5 puts last week. Money mouth

in too with Deck


Posted by hazbin1 on 25th of Jan 2013 at 02:06 pm

liked the chart too, took the trade early by selling march 32.5 puts. Money mouth 

AAPL in for the money

AAPL earnings this week

Posted by hazbin1 on 22nd of Jan 2013 at 02:45 pm

couldn't resist, plus needed to put my $ where my mouth is, partially chicken though, short 1 feb 1 460 p @ 5.80 Money mouth

the odds are in the 'house's favor'

AAPL earnings this week

Posted by hazbin1 on 21st of Jan 2013 at 06:21 pm

I like those 440 put odds, however, let's see how it opens (down preferred of course), i'm looking at the 450's or 460's to short. nothing fancy here.

counting 11 days

01/22/2011 is an ELEVEN DAY... BE PREPARED!

Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Jan 2013 at 08:06 am

yes, i do believe he meant 1/22/2013, to get 11 simply add the numerics. and yes, volatility has picked up on the most recent '11' days, could be coincidence, but whose to argue..with vix @ ~13 and change any excuse for volatility works for me. Wink

where does day 71 'fall'?

@Gann360 (twitter) cycle chart ...

Posted by hazbin1 on 17th of Jan 2013 at 02:32 pm

if it's the end of February early March, it can't be a 'cliff', gotta be a budget ceiling, now that would be ironic. Undecided in any event, great chart.


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