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Way to go MAXN! I

Posted by frtaylor on 21st of Jan 2021 at 10:42 am

Way to go MAXN! I love these IPO plays. Now that we're at all time highs, everyone's a winner, which supports price.

Back up to August highs.

AZEK Updated View

Posted by frtaylor on 20th of Jan 2021 at 10:32 am

Back up to August highs.

AKAM working. I got this

Posted by frtaylor on 19th of Jan 2021 at 09:55 am

AKAM working. I got this idea from a list of undervalued stocks from USNews, "Invested" newsletter.  Sorry I didn't mention earlier; I bought last Thursday on the break over Wednesday's high.  Volume is good. Maybe a pullback is a buying opportunity?

AMD breaking out of a

Posted by frtaylor on 14th of Jan 2021 at 02:10 pm

AMD breaking out of a triangle. 15 min chart.

Regarding market patterns, I remember

Posted by frtaylor on 28th of Dec 2020 at 11:47 am

Regarding market patterns, I remember Stock Trader's Almanac pointing out that the market goes up more when Congress is out of session than when it's in session. I think it was the vast majority of the gains.  So I suppose you could craft a system using the Almanac's MACD modified version of sell in May, buy in October/November + Congressional recesses + the after hours gains to select both short term and longer term trades.

That's interesting and a bit surprising I guess. Speaks to the need for a system that selects the better setups. E.g., avoid going long when the market has been up more than x days in a row, going long when the market has been down more than x days in a row. Plus other filters like divergences and extreme readings. I suppose you could also trade bullish setups on, say, a 60 min or 15 min chart, by buying prior to the breakout at the close.

Buy at 3:59 pm and

it's all about the after hrs baby

Posted by frtaylor on 28th of Dec 2020 at 09:26 am

Buy at 3:59 pm and sell at 9:30 the next morning, then! Seriously, there has to be a way to craft a system around this. The SPY system does take advantage of it since it buys at the end of the trading day and sometimes closes at the open.  But what about shorting? The SPY system takes shorts at the close as well, not an ideal time. 

A system where you're already long but you hedge your long position by shorting at the open and close the position at the close of the same day seems like a good possibility. Or just a system where you go long at the close  and sell the next morning.

BLDP breaking out.

Thank you. Yeah, it's a trade, I'll probably sell all or nearly all of it and then watch the chart if I want a longer term position. Already took some profits, actually.

Nice chart, thanks

Does anyone have a good

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Dec 2020 at 12:00 pm

Does anyone have a good feel for the fundamentals of GRWG? I bought on the breakout as a trade.  Looks like an interesting company. Maybe keep a little as long term hold if fundamentals warrant? Again, idk anything about them other than what they sell (hydroponic growing supplies).

Broke to the down side.

AMD getting setup for a

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Dec 2020 at 10:14 am

AMD getting setup for a move higher?  Hourly chart

Very nice look!

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Dec 2020 at 08:17 pm

Very nice look!

Some RSI divergence on the chart too.

MSFT looks interesting here with

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Dec 2020 at 03:24 pm

MSFT looks interesting here with a bullish wedge on the 30 minute chart. Maybe a good way to start a small position while it's within Matt's bigger pattern. Tight stop below the low of the wedge.

I do like the AMD

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Dec 2020 at 03:16 pm

I do like the AMD daily chart, with that completed W pattern.

Pattern took too long to

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Dec 2020 at 03:09 pm

Pattern took too long to play out, and turning down. Closed for lunch money.

I corrected the heading. Mistakenly

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Dec 2020 at 01:37 pm

I corrected the heading. Mistakenly wrote SPX!

Cup and handle pattern developing

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Dec 2020 at 01:28 pm

Cup and handle pattern developing on AMD 15 min chart. Good volume pattern.


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