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long w/ a stop at

SPX follow up

Posted by frtaylor on 17th of Feb 2021 at 10:10 am

long w/ a stop at the higher low.  edit - stopped out. Looks like it's going to be choppy.

30 minute SPX chart. I

Posted by frtaylor on 17th of Feb 2021 at 09:48 am

30 minute SPX chart. I drew that lower line yesterday.  Wish I'd been looking at this at the open, but had my eye off the ball. The upper line has my attention.

February turn dates - anyone

Posted by frtaylor on 16th of Feb 2021 at 11:33 am

February turn dates - anyone have their own or from someone they watch? Thanks.

upside channel break - I'm

SPX - channel, 15 min chart.

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2021 at 03:08 pm

upside channel break - I'm out part of my SPXU position. 

SPX - channel, 15 min

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2021 at 02:50 pm

SPX - channel, 15 min chart.

that's not one we can

195 min 1/2 day chart

Posted by frtaylor on 11th of Feb 2021 at 01:32 pm

that's not one we can see live, is that correct? I only see ES 195 in the zoom room.

And $VVX VOMMA Zone 110 level has been exceeded as of now. I believe you wait for EOD for this one.

damn, I had to go

AYRO Updated View

Posted by frtaylor on 10th of Feb 2021 at 01:06 pm

damn, I had to go out so I had a 50 cent trailing stop, got stopped out at 8 and change. You'd have thought .50 would have been wide enough....

support line broken

SPX, 15 min, support line:

Posted by frtaylor on 5th of Feb 2021 at 02:52 pm

support line broken

SPX, 15 min, support line:

Posted by frtaylor on 5th of Feb 2021 at 02:46 pm

SPX, 15 min, support line:

ATVI powering up today.

VRM looks interesting here, 60

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Feb 2021 at 12:55 pm

VRM looks interesting here, 60 min chart.

Nice - could have even

VRTX - Weekly - Potential H&S

Posted by frtaylor on 2nd of Feb 2021 at 04:09 pm

Nice - could have even shorted some on the break of that bear flag that forms the rt shoulder.

had a small position. Glad

VERU follow up

Posted by frtaylor on 2nd of Feb 2021 at 09:56 am

had a small position. Glad I sold some on the morning move. Stopped out of the rest as it went below the low of the day.

AKAM having a nice day. 

Here's a 1 hr chart. In a channel, but positive divergence on the MACD and RSI 5, and good volume on the up move from this morning.

Red to green move on

Posted by frtaylor on 27th of Jan 2021 at 11:06 am

Red to green move on APA, sorry I am mentioning this a little late but was away from screen.

GLYC - forming a rounded

Posted by frtaylor on 22nd of Jan 2021 at 01:48 pm

GLYC - forming a rounded bottom.  Matt, are you still watching this one?  Trigger over 3.95 I should think, or buy a little now and stop below the bowl line.

APPS -  new all-time high

APPS Updated View

Posted by frtaylor on 22nd of Jan 2021 at 01:40 pm

APPS -  new all-time high again today.

AMD having a good start

Posted by frtaylor on 22nd of Jan 2021 at 09:38 am

AMD having a good start to the day, after INTC beat last night.


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