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Ouch! Day's not over yet though. They could recover I suppose.

On this 15 min chart,

SPX 3 min symmetry

Posted by frtaylor on 12th of Apr 2018 at 03:11 pm

On this 15 min chart, the intraday low of your symmetry break pullback coincides with an uptrend line (pink box). Breaking those could be a good short term short trigger. (Not me, I have an IRA.)

Good trade setup. I have

SQ Updated View

Posted by frtaylor on 12th of Apr 2018 at 02:32 pm

Good trade setup. I have just a tiny SEP IRA, though, and have to buy options sometimes. I closed my call for lunch money this morning on weakness. I figured it was just noise, but did not want to take a bigger loss, which on a $2.50 option could have been more than I was willing to take.

The volume on the breakout is really low, though.

And here's the GOOGL hourly

Posted by frtaylor on 12th of Apr 2018 at 02:22 pm

And here's the GOOGL hourly chart, showing that it has (so far) successfully back-tested the triangle. Needs to get above prior highs of 1048 to get going, though.

Google trying to break a

Posted by frtaylor on 12th of Apr 2018 at 02:15 pm

Google trying to break a triangle to the upside. Daily chart. Volume is anemic, though, and I wonder if it might not just hit its head on the 20ma and go down from there.

Don't forget oil....

Situational Awareness (Ben Carlson) Excellent article

Posted by frtaylor on 8th of Apr 2018 at 03:45 pm

Situational Awareness (Ben Carlson)

Excellent article . Although Carlson is talking about the reason investing is hard in a volatile market, his point about losses applies to trading just as much. In a two-word phrase he captures one of the big reasons why trading is so difficult: "loss aversion." In trading, we're always checking on our trades , and that leads to worry over losses (drawdown), which makes staying in a good trade setup harder.  

Agreed! Does NOT look good right now! And thanks for your pm earlier.

SPX 2-hr BPT SPX 2-hr chart:

Posted by frtaylor on 6th of Apr 2018 at 02:48 pm

SPX 2-hr

BPT SPX 2-hr chart: testing the wedge upper trend line.

GOOGL, daily. Descending triangle, starting

Posted by frtaylor on 4th of Apr 2018 at 10:50 am

GOOGL, daily. Descending triangle, starting to look like it will bounce off that bottom line.

Yeah, figured it was news driven!

Aaaand, broke right back to the upside. Need to go see if this was news driven.

QQQ losing a support line.

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 02:33 pm

QQQ losing a support line. 30 minute chart.

On the SPX weekly chart,

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 01:23 pm

On the SPX weekly chart, there's also a long term trend line that we've been testing. 

One of many things I learned here, btw (extend your lines).

Here's a simple SPX 1-hr

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 01:07 pm

Here's a simple SPX 1-hr price chart with a support line that we broke and so far have failed at. Need to clear that for any rally to start. And we're testing the 200dma right now (2590).

Sure. I get all that.

QQQ symmetry amazing

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 12:31 pm

Sure. I get all that.

Right, and Idid not say

QQQ symmetry amazing

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 12:20 pm

Right, and Idid not say that you said the lows were in. Not a knock on your analysis! Just pointing out in more detail what the situation is. I listened to the newsletter, including analysis of past ABC corrections, and it all makes sense. In fact, at the lows today I bought a couple far OTM calls for end of April in case we have a face-ripping rally. My post was only stating that price (the bulls) have yet to "prove it." Anything's possible, and certainly an upside rip from here is.

The question remains, Will the

QQQ symmetry amazing

Posted by frtaylor on 3rd of Apr 2018 at 10:39 am

The question remains, Will the Q's reverse here? We don't have a hammer, doji or evening star yet on the daily or the 2 hr. Came close to making a new low just now (at about 10:20), and may yet make a new now. If it keeps going down from here, of course the symmetry will be lost. I think we're still very much in a wait-and-see mode. Internals yesterday and so far today have been pretty negative.


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