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Matt, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. 

thanks Steve. ToS should be

Quick Note

Posted by craigm on 31st of Oct 2019 at 11:11 am

thanks Steve. ToS should be working now, they had a problem and had to restart the servers

Thanks for the insight Matt.

SPY trade numbers

Posted by craigm on 4th of Oct 2019 at 02:52 pm

Thanks for the insight Matt. I joined back in July and figured it would be "easy" emotionally to adhere to the SPY system. On the SPY trades back in early Aug you recall we had a draw down then as well and I could not get myself to take the CCI subsystem trade because the other trades were so underwater at the time. FEAR. This time, there was no hesitation in taking the second entries for both subsystems. It comes with a better understand of how the systems work and increased belief in there positive performance over the long term. It is a definitely a learning process.  I remember you mentioned before if you are going to trade the SPY systems don't pick and choose which entries to take. Thank you to you and Steve for all you guys do to help us. 

Agree with cozz101.

Hey Matt, the last SPY System entry (Oct 1) should say QE BTS, not Trend, under Subsystem Column. Thanks. 

Think or Swim Daily lows matched the Daily lows on Yahoo Finance for those dates on VGR

Matt, I somehow got the impression we used a hard stop-loss on the Breakout system and therefore got stopped out intraday. Can you clarify if there is any SPY system that we should set an intraday stop-loss for, or are ALL the SPY systems end of day exits? Trying to follow the rules correctly....thanks.

SPY Stopped Out - based on rules you should have had a stop-loss already set 

Yep - that was painful 

yes, but it's too unpredictable to be relied upon :-)

Thanks for the update and

Systems comments etc

Posted by craigm on 13th of Aug 2019 at 06:56 pm

Thanks for the update and additional info on the CCI System. Hope your restoration goes well 

Matt, what would be the

SPY system update

Posted by craigm on 8th of Aug 2019 at 10:39 am

Matt, what would be the target for closing out the Trend Trade System?

Hi Matt,  I entered this trade

WW follow up

Posted by craigm on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 02:50 pm

Hi Matt, 

I entered this trade on Wed when it broke above Tue's high. Put a stop a few pennies below Tue's low and was stopped out later on Wed. Any assistance for future reference as to what I may have done incorrectly would be appreciated. Thanks

Thank you Matt. Very much

Trading View

Posted by craigm on 30th of Jul 2019 at 12:49 pm

Thank you Matt. Very much appreciated!

Earnings 7/25 After Mkt


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